Grissom & Sara #26: It's So Obvious, Isn't It?

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I was too excited for a hug, since I spoiled myself and really really wanted a hug. I told my friend, who I watched the episode with, that there was supposed to be a hug. Then the end credits came up and she turned to me and was like 'wtf? where's the hug?' and I'm like 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO'. And I yelled that they cut the scene and now her mom thinks I'm crazy.

Which probably isn't that far off.

So, my favourite CSI episode of all time is Committed. Like, I'm obsessed with the episode. REALLY obsessed. So, I saw the first part of Empty Eyes on Innertube, so I knew that Sara would get swiped at. I got to watch my friend and her mom jump back and I laughed at them. I didn't expect the guy in the hospital to grab her, but I did know he would be the killer or something like that when she trusted him too easily and held his hand. So at that part I jumped. Then I yelled at the tv, 'WOAH COMMITTED !' and my friend looked at me, cause she's not as obsessed as me and I know the episode names off by heart.

So basically , I loved that Sara was so emotional. Cause I love emotional Sara. It was a really emotional episode, and I LOVEDDDDDD it. The only downside was that I was too much into expecting a hug, but the tear-wiping was cute. And the arm-arounding was a great ending.

Am I allowed to go SPOILER-FREE from now on? Cause I'm mad at the spoilers right now and I have a grudge against them.
Hi, everybody.. after a brief hiatus, and licking my wounds, I'm back..
Sabbatical? Like Grissom? Do we now get to shave you? :lol: Missed your pictures, they brighten up my day. :)

Wow! That's loads! I have to say that I voted. :D Hopefully TPTB will see it and give us a full make out scene. :devil:
MSN also has a video of William Petersen encouraging you to insulate your water heater — and stop being bad. He mentions the myriad of resources that go into provisioning crime scene investigators with all their gadgets, chalk, and plastic baggies. The end of the video is slightly amusing/creepy because his raised-eyebrow makes you feel like he’s coming on to you.
Totally hot I love how he says bad. :devil:
Yes! Yes there was! That damned creepy Janitor woman(?)!! *waves red flags* And he saw them together! *dies* And Grissom was HOLDING Sara!
I saw that too, and she looked at them, briefly, and rather suspiciously! :lol: When I saw it I knew Turtle would have noticed it too! :lol:
There was also another Warrick-witnessing-GSR again! (already mentioned this in spoiler boxes ;)) Grissom ran into the room and shouted Sara when he heard her shout, a bit more loud and passionately than he would have done for...anyone else, can't think who, but someone other than Sara. :lol: How could Warrick not have heard that?! :p
Also G ran, actually ran! When was the last time we saw that? Loved it. :)
And the eyebrow cock made me swoon.
All I saw was 'cock'. Thought I had watched the wrong clip! :eek: :lol:
But what is up with and the flash player?
I KNOW!!! It's my only CSI fix I can get (well one of them, but the main one ;)) and it's small! *sobs*

Another thing that made me laugh (also been in spoilers previously) was when Sara asked Grissom where he wanted her, anyone else take that....differently than was meant? :devil:

Nothing more to say.
I'm so mad at myself for being spoiled for that cuz I was like "oh...theres the hug. whoo..." *sigh*

but anyway, dito to everything everybody else said about EE in general. So sweet :) Did anybody else catch that it was her night off and then "My date canceled on me" LOL

oh and come on people, crank out the fanfic. That HAD to lead to somthing when they got home!
^Yeah! I forgot about that! What did they have planned? :devil:
God I have such a dirty mind.
Let's think of all things and rabbits and oh that reminds me! Never guess what cb?! I had a chocolate bunny last night! It was lindt(sp?) and yes, it was rather tasty. :)

ETA: Here here on the fanfic. I have read a grand total of one so far. (k/g rated ;))
Turtle, i have to say this. you are my lost twin.

my eveninig:

- at 7.15 i watched damn Survivor, b/c i was SO anxious.
- at 7.20 i drove to get a pizza. i waited till 7.45. i almost killed every single person working there.
- at 7.50 i ran to my apartment
- at 7.55 i got my apple smirnoff from the frigde, and it's like the first time in my life i had alcohol with pizza
- at 7.59 i turned off the lights and lied on my bed trying to eat my pizza in the darkness and soon enough my shirt turned orange
- at 8.00 i press record on my DVD recorder (gotta love those things)
- at 8.59 i squeed like a butchered chicken
- at 9.05 i capped the ending scene, went to see the promos, rewatched The Tear a dozen times, and snagged the icons, wallpapers and all that from bestkeptprivate
- at 9.30 i started making icons
- at 12.00 i rewatched half of the ep
- at 12.30 i collapsed
- at 6.10 i heard vibrating of my phone and realized i'm sleeping and my tennis practice started 10 minutes ago

and now let me come to the real stuff. Empty Eyes.

holy shizznit. this episode was freakin' awesome! YYAAY, for being spoiler-free. i didn't know there was supposed to be a hug or anything, so i wasn't dissapointed. i knew he'll put his hand near her face cuz i saw an icon with it for like 2 seconds once, but during the ep i assumed he wanted to look at her cut. i didn't expect him to wipe her tear! wow, wow, wow.

when they walked away, his arm wrapped around her in the lab, i only wished there was someone other than that cleaning lady there watching them. i loved that he didn't care where they were anymore. also, the way they understood each other without words was saying how much they've grown to know each other. earlier, they couldn't talk on a personal level. now, they almost don't have to.

my overall rating of the episode is 9/10 and as i said on EE thread, to me, it was this season's Blood Drops. it was completely awesome.

i'm doing icons from that ep now, so prepare y'all.
I dont think I can watch the end scene without going "Awwwwww" when they walk down the hall. That was just the cutest scene ever.

WP..... I dont think he could have made that scene any more adorable. And damn he looked sexy.

AHHHHHH! What a great day for GSR fans everywhere.

But now I have a feeling we are going to go in a GSR droaught for some time. I think I am ok with that just because we have been so blessed this season with all the GSR goodness. We just better get a damn kiss before we go into summer so we have something to hold us over the summer.
I loved the walking down the hallway scene. with his arm around her, like sailing off into the sunset, but it was the lab :(.. I'll bet he's so good in the amorous dept (at home).. he's so slow and deliberate.. takes his time..lucky Sara..gotta post this again.. back at their apt.

yup yup, squeed all day at work. everyone who never watched CSI before now knows the awesomeness that is EE. let's hope i converted a few of them :)

short post. early bedtime. OH!

for the survey, i chose 'EEE!' because yes, that was the sound i made from 7:53pm until 9:16pm when i finally drifted to la la land. i think if i was unspoiled i would've missed a lot of what was said. it was the first CSI in a month so i was excited, but to know what was going on made my ears perk at all the right times. I totally flinched when i saw the guy grab her. i was actually expecting her to hit him! anyway, i might be buying into the janitor MCSK ;P

ok, bed! nite all!

so i've seen the pics of the lab rats looking at the there going to be a new model and a new crime scene in this epi? or is it just going to play off as the techs' scenerios?
As far as I know from spoilers there isn't any new miniatures. The lab rats exam those that have already been made as per Hodge's instructions.. So Hodges though, eh? Tryin' to figure it all out and surprise Grissom (Unless he's the killer haha)
- at 8.00 i press record on my DVD recorder (gotta love those things)
- at 8.59 i squeed like a butchered chicken

8:00? I had to wait till 9. Who invented eastern time anyway?

Another thing that made me laugh (also been in spoilers previously) was when Sara asked Grissom where he wanted her, anyone else take that....differently than was meant? :devil:

Dirty minds think alike... :devil:

Okay, so I didn't mention this in my earlier post, but EE wasn't my favorite. And I really didn't think it was the best. It seemed like half of the episode was dedicated to photographing evidence. There was alot of evidence, but still, it was sort of drawn out... The GSR and Sara drama made up for it though, so I'm happy. :D

I'm also happy because I rented Remington Steele, and Pierce Brosnan rocked that show. I missed it tons since they cancelled reruns on basic cable. I plan on buying it for keeps off of amazon. tehe. :)
Another thing that made me laugh (also been in spoilers previously) was when Sara asked Grissom where he wanted her, anyone else take that....differently than was meant?

Ha. Me too! :devil:

8:00? I had to wait till 9. Who invented eastern time anyway?

Seriously! Why cant we all have It on at 8 o'clock? No! We stay up late to get our GSR fix!

I honestly feel kinda 'Mehh' about that epie, I liked the GSR, but the story was 'Meh'.....

that tis all
I have to think about that...
How does that work...? I think Central time sees it before eastern. That's why people living in a central time zone have to post spoiler boxes, because ppl in eastern have to wait.

Am I right? No, I'm probably wrong. Sorry, I'm all drugged up on these cold medicines and benadryl, so I might take a nap.

Better Lady Heather than Teri Miller! Sorry, I just had to say that because there was a Teri Miller episode playing on Spike the other day. And boy was that alot of Flirt!Grissom.
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