Grissom & Sara #26: It's So Obvious, Isn't It?

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The Cutest Global Warming vid in the history of Humankind. It's a legal source, so i think i can post it.

lmao. "William Petersen wants you to stop being so naughty and insulate your water tank."

I got this quote from another site:

MSN also has a video of William Petersen encouraging you to insulate your water heater — and stop being bad. He mentions the myriad of resources that go into provisioning crime scene investigators with all their gadgets, chalk, and plastic baggies. The end of the video is slightly amusing/creepy because his raised-eyebrow makes you feel like he’s coming on to you.

Something tells me that for that reason alone, Adzix has it on a loop. lol.

Sorry. I promised myself I wasn't going to hop the train to Squeetown. Because it's very, very likely that all of the GSR scenes that we're going to get will be the things they showed in the promos today, so... Yeah, I'm still heading to Squeetown. *sigh*
*sigh* I work nights. I don't have tivo, and I can't set my VCR. So, I asked my dad to record CSI for me... he recorded Fox. *sigh* Thank the LORD I was able to listen/watch most of it at work tonight. I work in a newsroom, so access to televisions is easy, and since I work nights, I just took my dinner break two hours late. :)

That said, it was a good episode, but I'm really pissed I can't watch it over and over again on my television... I can watch certain clips over at (which now only streams... which sucks), but the picture quality is so dark, and since it's only streaming, I can't adjust the picture quality to see what I really want to see (Grissom's arm around his lady)... So, that sucks, too. The GSR was cute at the beginning, then soft at the end. I do like that they can talk without talking... I'm a little disappointed the hug didn't happen, but I'm even moreso that I can't watch it over and over again... *sigh*
Good Lord - y'all sitting around pissed off or something? Where's the postage?!
See, this is where it is good to be unspoiled. Not knowing what GSR was coming, I thought that Grissom wiping away Sara's tears and walking her out of the lab with his around protectively nestling at the small of her back was just... *sigh* So love this couple. So love them. Whereas, if I'd been spoiled, the knowledge that he was supposed to hold her in the break room really might have pissed me off. But I didn't know... and so I squeed. (Quietly, so as not to wake my landlords.)***I rarely jump while watching TV, but when Psycho went for Sara in the hospital, I not only jumped, I yelped. I never yelp at the TV! But I was so keyed up waiting for something to happen, and yet when it did it was like, WHOA! Nice job directing, there.***I know some disparage Gary Dourdan's acting, but I thought he did a wonderful job opposite Ruby Dee. The look on his face while she went on about her granddaughter Emily was just heartbreaking. As was Jorja's for the whole episode. And I loved Gung-Ho!Sara pedeconferencing around the Labitrail with Grissom. Along with her stony face while creeping the hell out of the reporter in the interrogation room... man you would not want to cross her.***I really liked that we got to have moments with Catherine, Nick, Greg, and Brass as well. This episode utilized the cast really well, I thought.***All in all, CSI is every bit deserving of that A- Ken Tucker gave it in the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly. In a year where Grey's is going down the tubes, it is so comforting to know that one of TV's oldest dramas is every bit as deserving of its accolades as it ever was. TPTB of this show should be proud to stand up next to this level of work, and if there were any justice this season would get this crew an Emmy.

ETA: Aerotyx, you should fix your spoiler tags - they aren't working, and there will disappointment among the unspoiled if they find out something they didn't want to know. Always good to check your post and make sure the tags have worked correctly when posting spoilers, I find. Just a friendly reminder. :)

ETA2: Aaaaand... now the post is gone. Are there gremlins on this board tonight?
Maybe yall have seen this before, but I was on and I came across this little piece of info about the May 10 episode-- This episode was originally going to be called: When Sara met Heather
I love that they walked out with his arm around her, that they spoke with their eyes. I just hate I can't see it in good quality. And, yes, I'm sad the hug is gone. It was really symbolic to me of everything that had happened, of Sara finally giving trust over to her man.... in other news, in that early scene between the two of them, the date scene, she originally told WARRICK that her date got canceled. I'm glad they switched it so we had a small moment, though I admit it's a bit disconcerting they were flirting over a dead body... I can't wait until I can get to this episode on Innertube or something because I'm just.. really sad. I'm not angry at Dad, but sad. I really was looking forward to that video after being at work since 2pm!
wow. that was amazing! i loved the personal level they took on sara with the girl, then again for the guy until she took his prints. (i totally yelled out.. 'LOOK AT THE PRINTS SARA!!! thats the guy!!' and she did :) i like to take all the credit in my own little mind hehe) the hall scene with gris, freekin SWEET! i love badass sara. was it just me or was she talkin' crazy fast for her usual banter? it was great though, and though the hug was a no show it was still cool to see the eye work they performed and he grasping her back to lead her...home? lol squeeee

ok im up waaaaay passed my bedtime.. my coworkers are going to start hating fridays again :D
SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Amazing episode. Billy and Jorja were awesome. The scenes were wonderful. I couldn't help but smile at the end. At first, I was like "Where is OUR HUG" *stabs tv* until I saw the way they walked out. How absoulutely friggin' adorable was that?
I'm going to have to go with Other. I liked the episode a lot and I thought Jorja did a great job, but I felt the beginning dragged on a bit.

The tear wiping, I pretty much melted. I seriously thought there was going to be a kiss coming.

I loved their conversation with no words. The look he gave her was just like, "Baby I am so sorry. Lets go home and I'll hold you until you sleep."

Arm around her waist.... Grissom has come a long way. Even though there was no one around I felt he didnt care who saw. He just seemed to be so protective of her. I loved it.

Unless we get a kiss, this is probably going to be one of my favorite GSR moments ever, just for the fact that it was all Grissom.
I thought this was a great ep. Jora was outstanding, she's a great actress, and the crap she had to deal with, 3 seperate incidents, were earth shattering.. the whole cast ruled, and the ending was not a particulary romantic incident, but one on compassion, and sympathy for th woman he loves, he felt her pain, and was soothing her, and he did put his arm around her waist as they walked away.. tender and kind and loving and sweet


And on the poll, I LOVED IT.. his arm around her.. :p keeps on getting better and better.. and showing how their so in tune and so in love!!
<---------- See that? See that dancing turtle? That's me. Yes. Sam I am and hot diggity damn. I'm so happy I actually jumped around.

*dances around stupidly s'more*

So it's just after 12:45am my time. I have to get up at 5am. I'm so hyped up I could just piss myself.


So I was sitting there watching the end of Survivor (which I hate. That just shows you how anxious I was for this episode to come on.) and my cell phone rings. It's my workplace. Ahhh! One of our employees dad had a heart attack and so long story short I didn't get home until just after 11.

But unlike Alyssa, I was able to tape it. On a tape that has been used and reused and then ran it through the process one more time tonight. So the quality sucks major monkey butt. Oh well. I still sqeee-ed (lol. Now I'm making up words for made up words. That's not a good sign for my ability to sleep.)

I get home, rewind the tape, and my sister calls. Seriously at this point I was so eager I could have hung up on her as she rambled on and on about my cousin (she just had a baby so I should have been totally excited. And I am NOW I just didn't really care as I had CSI opening scene on pause looming before my eyes.)

She finally got off the phone and I jumped up - grabbed a glass of kool-aid (which is my standard CSI drinking ritual) added a shot of Vodka (which is not), shut off all my lights, and put my phone on silent.

And I stayed completely glued to my television the entire time. When they revealed the killer (who I knew who it was since I'm a spoiled rotten little brat) I was like "Huh? We can't be that far into the episode. How long have I been watching this? An hour gone already? I don't WANT it to be over yet!!"

The whole episode rocked my socks. Seriously rocked them so hard I'm gonna need new socks.

So anyways, I was sitting there all bundled under a blankie drinking Kool-aid like a child with all the lights off and even though I knew it was coming and even though I had already watched the clip on innertube - when that girls hand shot out from under the bed I almost choked on my drink.

When she started taking that guys prints? I was like "Look! Just fricken LOOK!!" And then he grabbed her and I, like Miss Dee, nearly died. I was that tense with anticipation.

I've been saying all season that this one has been one of the best - but it's never held me completely glued like that. Enough to jump. Oh it was wonderful. Just fan-f*cking-tastic.

I seriously feel like I'm suffering from a CSI overdose right now. A whole month with no episodes and then one this good? I feel high.


Had to get that out of my system. Sorry. I've been holding it in forever. Ok, less then an hour. Bite me.

So, onto the GSR. I'll admit that I'm slightly disappointed that the hug got cut. Though I'll also admit that I loved the way they ended it. So I'm really not disappointed. Did that make sense? Do I ever make sense?

The eyes and the looks and the tears and the pain in her voice. God I love Jorja Fox. And WP, because you could almost see a reflection of her pain in his face. It was beautiful. And then to walk down the hallway in the lab with his arm around her like that? All protective like? Oh squee.

In terms of our geeks not caring who sees them - that's almost bigger then a hug in the break room. They didn't know who might have been strolling down the hall. You know? A hug could have been explained by the fact that they are friends and she was hurting. I know - everyone knows that [Grissom + hugs = Akwardness] but they still might have bought it.

But you don't walk out of a building holding someone like unless it's an intimate gesture.

So obviously I chose number one on the poll. I really need to go to bed.

I loved this episode. It just shot past quite a few to make it into my top 5. Yes, it was THAT good. Without the hug.

Now I have to quote something just for shits and giggles.

Arm around her waist.... Grissom has come a long way. Even though there was no one around I felt he didnt care who saw. He just seemed to be so protective of her. I loved it.

Bolding is mine.

Yes! Yes there was! That damned creepy Janitor woman(?)!! *waves red flags* And he saw them together! *dies* And Grissom was HOLDING Sara! Incase you don't remember I started the "The Janitor is the MCSK" camp. Without any reason except I notice him alot. lol. That's all the reason I need lately. I didn't put that in spoiler box becase it's all just my messed up minds totally wrong speculation.

I'm so happy I could just.... just... squeeeee!

Who knew a sound could also be a verb?

I'm so sure I have more to say. My brain is just flying around at a million miles an hour and I can't concentate on anything. I'll post more later.

Though, I do just have to say, GD really stepped up his play in this episode. Good job to you as well Gary!

Oh how I loved this episode. I just friggin' LOVED it.

Something tells me that for that reason alone, Adzix has it on a loop. lol.

No, that's why I had it on a loop. Adzix has it on loop for a different more dirty reason. btw, I'm insulating my water heater tomorrow. lol. Because Billy told me too. And he's hot. And the eyebrow cock made me swoon. Thanks Adz for giving me something to dream about.

and a special thank's to gsrLOVE Adzix and Turtlebaby for you kind words, and sweet consideration of my feelings, you girls ROCK

You're welcome Desert. Glad to have you back.

Have I mentioned how much I loved this episode?

That is all.
Turtlebaby, you hit the nail on the head... More than once in your post :D

I completely agree with everything. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Tonights episode absolutely rocked. I had my nacho chips, salsa, blanket, cat, and bottle of water, with my eyes glued to the T.V.

I loved the scene with Sara and the killer in the hospital. Just the eye contact. He grabbed her. The way she yelled to him to let her go, she fought (Commited anyone??) and just, ahh began talking so fast I almost couldn't understand her. When was the last time we saw such an anxious Sara?

Jorja kicked major ass tonight.
So much so that I skipped school today. (That and I have a killer cold and headache.) I squeeed forever. Actually, I'm still squeee-ing now. That whole end scene was just the sweetest thing ever.

I am totally convinced Jorja Fox is like the best actress ever. She can cry like a crazy person. She's the bomb. (Or she da bomb for my gangstas in da hizzouse)

And the walking out was perfect. It was Grissom's way of saying, "I might as well put my arm around you now because I plan on holding you all night." He didn't hesitate, he just went for it. And dear lord, when he wiped her tear, I thought I was going to pass out. Geez they have come a loooong way.

Honestly, that's all I have to say. I'm so pumped right now.

But what is up with and the flash player? I hate that thing and it doesn't pop up on my computer right. I mean, I have the episode taped, but it's still a bum. I'm gonna go see what's up with or something.

*still laughs at pregnant Nick*
I think I was a little too excited for the GSR, and expected something more. Also, I wasn't crazy about the episode. Maybe I need to go back and watch it. I loved the scenes with Grissom and Greg and Sara and Nick.

I did actually like the Warrick scene.

Obviously I liked the final scene, but I'm getting greedy. I want more. lol.

I did like that he had his arm around her waist at the end, though. I mean, should Ecklie or Catherine round the corner, it's going to be much harder to explain that one than a hug.
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