Grissom & Sara #26: It's So Obvious, Isn't It?

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Grissom and Sara are bringing sexy-back with their darned hot shaving scenes, duh.
Because I said so.
I wish I could bring sexyback shaving too, but it ain't working too well for me.
Apparently you need facial hair, two really sexy people, and 26 million screaming fangirls.
Yeah, that'd do it...

SaraSidleRules8 - Your drunk as a skunk too? Woah, how much we have in common! Yay.

Because I'm wwaayy too lazy to list my favorite things about each season, I'm not going too.
But I will say that I thought Committed and Nesting Dolls were the turning point of season 5.
Just because that's all the time I have.

Oh, and frickin yayness for being this weeks featured ship!
Except, I spent fifteen minutes today trying to find the darned thread, 'cause I totally forgot where it was.
It was horrible.

I'll be back next month to share my views that nobody cares about. Wooplooh!

- Andy
in the poll i voted the first one cuz i'm a GSR - ho. I WANT ACTIOOOOOOOON! i want to see them in bed waking up in the morning (Nakkid!Grissom, omg), i want a kiss, i want a Grissom freak out, and all that jazz. subtlety be damned. *is excited*

i know it will never happen but a ho can dream, right?

damn, 7 eps is still a lot. btw, do we know already that there are gonna be 24 episodes this season? i hope so.
I'll be back next month to share my views that nobody cares about. Wooplooh!
oh, that's not true, we love you Toasty *huggles*
(Nakkid!Grissom, omg)
Dear god, yes. *faints*
What happened??
Oh yeah, Naked would just, :eek: With Sara, I think I would like...die. Like, just, (I sound like a Chav, apologies. :lol: )

Noooo, only 7 episodes, that's nothing, this season has gone waaay to fast. What am I going to do with my life. Oh yeah, work, that would be a good idea.

Except, I spent fifteen minutes today trying to find the darned thread
If you add it to your favourites, you will never lose it again. Well, I do that, I have windows, ;)

I just posted in the Grissom thread, and I will say it again. I am feeling a lot better, because my birthday is a few days after EE airs, and in my head my birthday is quite near, and also the ep airs a day after I break up from college, which is also quite near, so therefore the episode is also near! :lol: I'm slightly crazy, ignore me. :rolleyes:

I listened to a song yesterday, it was by KT Tunstall, I have her album btw, and it was totally relevant to GSR, I was chuckling to myself, but I can't remember which it was. I will find out for next time. ;)

Ooo, I almost forgot to say, I picked option no. 1 in the poll, of course I did! I want it all! Noooo, you know what I really want? I want a late night extra episode of just GSR. Set in their home, with just them. Yeah, then I would be able to die happy. :) :devil:
Alright, usually, I would most definetly pick option 1, but now that we've had this greeeeaaaat season full of GSR goodness I would like something huge and very personal for our happy geeks. I am NOT disappointed with GSR, but I think that one kiss would mean so much more if it's just one in the whole season, especially when it's for an important purpose, like... you know what it isssss!!!! Yes, I still want the Sara-being-one-of-MCSK's-potential-victims scenario, as long as it has a happy ending. 'Cause you know I'm all about angst only if none of the Geeks are on Doc Robbins' table. :)
I am, as well, a GSR-ho. BUT, I totally think we have been spoiled this year with GSR-goodness. I picked Number 3 because darn it, we have had SO much...what's one more? One more BIG one? Pwease wif a cherry on top? I guess I am a little greedy...
Alyssa said:
So, I'm thinking we won't be getting any babies this season, and that's just fine with me. Really, I can take that either way.

Ah, so THAT’S where you stand on babies, you baby stand-er-on-er.

Sorry, I was possessed by the spirit of THE TOM for a moment then. Spookie :p

I’m back folks, from my week-long plot to take over the world. It was going well, and then I developed a tummy bug and, well… you don’t need the details ;)

I was scanning through your posts on your favourite parts of all the seasons. I’m too wiped out to list mine tonight, but I’ll try to remember to do it tomorrow.

I just finished watching Happenstance - solid episode. The GSR scene was adorable (and no where near as angsty now that I know how the sabbatical turns out). I know were heard a bunch about Sara’s new apartment when the spoilers for Fallen Idols were coming out, but I just got such a strong feeling from the scene in Happenstance that they’re at least as good as living together. How it plays out from here, however, is anyone’s guess. By the finale they might have their own places, a shared home in Henderson and a time-share in the Bahamas for all we know :p

AL, despite the fact that you like to stand on babies (hey, I’m not judging. Everyone needs a hobby) I really liked your scenario (the one you hid behind spoiler tags in fear). It was completely awesome.

Sarah, for your latest poll I voted for B, but I probably should have voted for “other” because while I’d really like to see some “Kissing, something definitely 100% personal, but only once, and only for a very important purpose.” I really haven’t been disappointed with the GSR this season. What we’ve gotten may be subtle and small, but there’s been a lot of it. And I’ve pretty much loved every minute.

And hey, BT, I love you too *blows kisses*
Are you kidding.. as much as possible :p take it to the limits..steam up the screen, :pand I realize, some don't care about what the mags. are saying, but I do, because it shows the other fan-base (not us) and what their saying, about GSR.. and look's like it's pretty "HOTT' beings they receive letters each week, showing CSI, is still #1.. and if the mag. is printing letters.. well~~you do the math~~ so on that note,

This week's's the buzz from the latest TV Guide!!! one pro one con :(


"About Grissom's beard..We women wanted him to keep it (Wathercooler 3/12) Sara should be kick to the curb. She's a plain Jane with no figure curves, nor breasts. ever hear of a padded bra? She is SO NOT in his league" OUCH.. name withheld.. Perkins Weare, N.H.

"I tuned in to CSI and caught the scene between Grissom and Sara, an it was hotter than any naked sex montage on "Grey's Anatomy" Boulder, Colo. YEAH!!!!

Just delurking to say something about the shaving scene.

I don't know if you have read Much Ado About Nothing, but in it, to show his love for Beatrice, Benedick - who finds it difficult to express his feelings to her, shaves his beard! I don't know if the writers did this intentionally to show the audience, as it's quite an obscure Shakespearean reference, but being a geek for literature, I thought I'd let you know. It would carry on with the Shakespeare sonnet refs if the writers are doing it deliberately.

Do with it what you will. Off to lurking again! ;) Chin chin Cheroo!
I choose to see a kiss, but i'm happy with the way things are going. I don't think we need to be all over each other like some shows.. But, a kiss would be nice?

And to the person who asked, there will be 24 episodes this season!
"About Grissom's beard..We women wanted him to keep it (Wathercooler 3/12) Sara should be kick to the curb. She's a plain Jane with no figure curves, nor breasts. ever hear of a padded bra? She is SO NOT in his league"
:eek: Woah! How could someone say that.
1. It's just plain nasty. Why did TVguide put it in?
2. It's not at all true. She's hot, really hot, and totally in his league. I suppose people are entitled to their opinion, but arghh! :mad:
The second one was so true! As hot as McDreamy is, he can't compete with WP.

Here is the KT Tunstall song, Universe and U:
"I see in your face
The places you've been
The things you have learned
They sit with you so beautifully yeah...
You know there's no need to hide away
You know I tell the truth
We are just the same
I can feel everything you do
Hear everything you say
Even when you're miles away
Coz I am me, the universe & u
and Just like stars burning bright
Making holes in the night
We are building bridges..."

and also, False Alarm:
"There isn't many memories
I'm comfortable to keep
This ball keeps rolling on
It's heading for the streets
Keep expecting you to send for me
The invitation never comes
Each time I turn around
There's nothing there at all
So tell me why I feel like
I'm up against a wall :lol:
...Now the curtain's coming up
The audience is still
... And distance doesn't care..."

Well, I chuckled to myself when I listened to the lyrics. :lol:

ETA: Sorry didn't see your post :rolleyes:
I don't know if you have read Much Ado About Nothing, but in it, to show his love for Beatrice, Benedick - who finds it difficult to express his feelings to her, shaves his beard!
I remember that! I saw that at the RSC a few years ago. It was before I became obsessed, :lol: I live in Stratford, but I really don't see enough at the theatre. I guess it's just what I'm used to. Kind of like if you lived in Paris, the Eiffel tower probably loses its appeal. Was it in Sex and the City in the finale the guy (whose name escapes me) called it a monstrosity? Slightly off topic, sorry. *scurries off*
eggbe4thechicken said:
"About Grissom's beard..We women wanted him to keep it (Wathercooler 3/12) Sara should be kick to the curb. She's a plain Jane with no figure curves, nor breasts. ever hear of a padded bra? She is SO NOT in his league"
:eek: Woah! How could someone say that.
1. It's just plain nasty. Why did TVguide put it in?
2. It's not at all true. She's hot, really hot, and totally in his league. I suppose people are entitled to their opinion, but arghh! :mad:
The second one was so true! As hot as McDreamy is, he can't compete with WP.

Here is the KT Tunstall song, Universe and U:
"I see in your face
The places you've been
The things you have learned
They sit with you so beautifully yeah...
You know there's no need to hide away
You know I tell the truth
We are just the same
I can feel everything you do
Hear everything you say
Even when you're miles away
Coz I am me, the universe & u
and Just like stars burning bright
Making holes in the night
We are building bridges..."

and also, False Alarm:
"There isn't many memories
I'm comfortable to keep
This ball keeps rolling on
It's heading for the streets
Keep expecting you to send for me
The invitation never comes
Each time I turn around
There's nothing there at all
So tell me why I feel like
I'm up against a wall :lol:
...Now the curtain's coming up
The audience is still
... And distance doesn't care..."

Well, I chuckled to myself when I listened to the lyrics. :lol:

Because TV Guide is a mag. good..bad.. and ugly :mad:they print this to cause controversy.. and Sara, Jorja Fox, is drop dead gorgeous , and her boobs match her slim/trim shape, wouldn't she look ridiculous with big old boobies.. YUCK :( and some people have NO taste and as far as her top.. apparently this 'FAN" didn't see this pic.
and that's a beautiful poem/song ;)
Dear god, yes. *faints*
What happened??
Oh yeah, Naked would just, With Sara, I think I would like...die. Like, just,
I don't know if you have read Much Ado About Nothing, but in it, to show his love for Beatrice, Benedick - who finds it difficult to express his feelings to her, shaves his beard! I don't know if the writers did this intentionally to show the audience, as it's quite an obscure Shakespearean reference, but being a geek for literature, I thought I'd let you know. It would carry on with the Shakespeare sonnet refs if the writers are doing it deliberately.
this is why it's good to have an english teacher among us! Billy studied Shakespeare and knows him really good, so with the Sonnet and Grissom's love for the poet, i think it was intentional.

it's just amazing, how i love this pairning and how MANY things we can dig out to find different correlations and interpret the hell out of it. we have so much to talk about, it's crazy.

hey britfan, thanks so much for that! i'm gonna check out the details. maybe there is something more to it.

ETA - oooooh, wait i misread your post, i thought that SHE shaved HIM. so it might've been intentional, or might've not. it's still cool though. End of ETA

oh and desertwind, thanks for those. TV Guide definitely confuses me.

hello back my dear fogi! you've been missed, good to have you back :)
Fogi, I was tempted to kill you for the baby standing comment, but after the scenario compliment, you get to live.

I voted that I'd like something big. I've been fine with how things have progressed this season. However, I'd like a kiss or something before we end the season, just in case Ms Fox isn't coming back, and just in case next seasong REALLY sucks. This has been a great season, and having it end with some awesome GSR would just make it sweeter.

*sigh* I miss TOM, Grisslybear, ziggy, reebs... and a million other gutterflies. *sniff*

As for the TVguide letters: I wouldn't let it get to anyone too much. If nothing else, we've seen that people acknowledge that GSR scenes are sexier than the most skin-filled TV sex scenes. I've always felt that way, but it's great to have others agree. :) Viva la GSR.
i chose option 3. although i to am a GSR ho, im content with how the season has played out so far. i definately would love at least one more big scene before the season ends, and hopefully we'll get a few. just enough to set in stone the love they share bleh bleh bleh, i'm getting all mushy again. UGH! ok nite eh!
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