Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

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Or maybe it's a really tiny dancing singing purple dinosaur! "I loooove yoooou yoooou looooove meeeee" :lol: Oh wow. I need more sleep.

So it's a moth. Right. We know that. But maybe the problem is that Sara doesn't know that. It's possile she believes it's going to be some big beautiful RI species of butterfly. And then it's a moth. A pest. A beautiful oen yes - but a moth non the less. Or maybe she cares for it wrong and accidently kills it... but the HE would be upset... not her. Whatever.

Two more days! You know... not counting today. :rolleyes:

I want my Grissom back!!

Hey look! I'm at the top of the page!

*dances on all you below me* Mwah!

Really. More sleep.

That is all.
Hey! I've wanted to be on top of a page since I joined the forum... Well, someday, maybe... at least my nick is on the very top... Ok, I'll return to doing nothing now.
Are we sure it's a moth? Is this fresh from the desk of our spoiler girls? Speaking of which... marriage and a baby. I don't really know that it's something I want to see from this ship so soon.
sarahvma said:
Speaking of which... marriage and a baby.

What is this about marriage and babies? :eek: I really, really, really don't want that at all. Ick. Is this a real spoiler or just speculation? Seeing more GSR, sure, fine, that's great. The rest? Already? No freakin' way. My sister already can't keep up with the changes this year. I have to keep helping her out with the storylines. If they kick off the whole family affair with the GSR, she'll never catch up. I'm sure she's not the only one.
an actual spoiler, but the indication was that it was possible that Grissom sent the butterfly/moth, because they are often symbols of marriage or pregnancy in different cultures. The concept of the crysalis, or womb, giving beautiful life, etc. But I doubt it. Besides - whether Sara is staying or leaving, I think it's too soon for any of that.
I got my tvguide today, CM said, for the GSR Fan, they will love when the butterfly or moth hatch, something in the coccon that Sara will love it. I don't know what is it. I will wait and see.
Still kind of hesitant to believe that CM is riding the good ship GSR? You know, considering she was the driving force behind ending it in Season 3. Her glee at releasing GSR spoilers just seems odd to me. I'm glad to have them, and I'm grateful that she's obviously for it NOW, but I do wonder what caused the switch. Other than, you know, WP.
Thanks for those letter quotes, ilvelvegrissom. They are lovely and so true.
Awww you're welcome.....:) :) XxxxX

For Most Potentially Ship Damaging Moment I voted for Play With Fire, But also thought it gave us hope....Like that maybe he would finally do something, ANYTHING!! Little did I know we would be waiting another three years for it.......:(
But its here now.....! And its here to stay.....!

I'd hate to think what I or any of you amazing (and GSR obsessed) people would do if they EVER *lowers voice* took away that which is now canon.....
The pitchforks would all come out...:devil::devil::devil:

As for the 'Best Eye Sex' its 'way to go' all the way....
I could feel it though the TV, for heavens sake......
If he EVER look at me like that (and he does in my dreams)
I would not be liable for what I would do....

Ok, I'm being bold....Back on topic...I have sooo much to say...
Firstly I never thought the Butterflied scene was
damaging, I thought only good things could "hatch" (hahaha,get it?) from that, cause up till then it was mostly one sided from Sara....But after that she knew he felt the same, he just had no idea how to go about it......

Ok, So I guess I didn't have that much to say.....

“ Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. ”

My God, I'm a sucker for those two.....

He just misses her....Its that simple....

I miss you like a cloud with no sun in the sky,
It has nothing to look up to and so it cries,
Crying raindrops fall onto the ground,
To just fade to nothing, nowhere to be found...

I miss you like a tree with no leave,
Nothing to move and drift in the breeze,
Leave scattered and sodden,
Walked upon, a broke soul down trodden.....

Ok....All done for now..... XxxxxxxxxxxX
sarahvma said:
Still kind of hesitant to believe that CM is riding the good ship GSR? You know, considering she was the driving force behind ending it in Season 3. Her glee at releasing GSR spoilers just seems odd to me. I'm glad to have them, and I'm grateful that she's obviously for it NOW, but I do wonder what caused the switch. Other than, you know, WP.

There is (or at least was) an old video of Carol that was very much pro-GSR. I think it was on I remember finding it and being surprised that as far back as season 3, she was being positive about it. I don't know what happened, and I don't care as long as it works in GSR's favor :D Thanks for clearing up the non-spoiler confusion. I agree that it's way too soon for that. I don't think I'll ever be ready, though. They can imply it at the end of the series if they want.
I do agree that it's nice Carol supports it now, but I think my problem comes from the fact that if she is only really pretending to support it in the press, couldn't she be trying to suppress it in the writing room? My only point is that it was said earlier in the week that just about every GSR scene to date has been gutted from its earlier version. And she is the lead producer on the show, as well as an occasional writer. I'm just worried that she's being ra-ra in TV Guide to get a feel of what the fans want, and then running back at the slightest sign of resistance and telling them to tone it all down. Part of me wants GSR to remain subtle, the other part would really like a "real" domestic scene. They don't need to be half-dressed and panting. To be honest, I think even the shaving scene kind of blurs the line a bit. Which is why I'm surprised that it sounds like it's going ahead.
I personally think that CM is not a fan of GSR. It seems like she was kind of forced into this relationship and because she is the producer she doesnt want to look like she was pushed into it. I dunno, I get a weird vibe from her. As for the shaving scene, the first thing I thought of was how would WP feel about it. I know he voices a lot of opinions on all matters relating to GSR so I wonder if he is opting from a different kind of scene. I personally would love a snuggle on the couch scene or something like that. But hey, Im pretty sure I will love the shaving scene regardless. And I am super stoked about a scene in Grissoms apartment Thursday night...well I hope its Thursday and not MiaB.
ginascar said:
As for the shaving scene, the first thing I thought of was how would WP feel about it.

The impression I got from the TV Guide article was that he was firmly on team subtle. He's pro GSR, but doesn't want to get too "out there." Not sure what his definition of out there is, though. Ok, now I see what you guys are saying about Carol. You could be right. I don't know enough about her to tell. I just hope the writers are good at holding their ground when it makes sense for the story.

I wonder how things would be different now if they had not backed so far away from the GSR in season 3. We had a few moments in season 4 that were phenomenal, but there were so few... There was so much GSR prior to the last half of season 3. If they had not basically abandoned it in that way, it might not have been such a shock when GSR became canon. I'm sure some non-GSR shippers would have still been disgusted, but if GSR had remained steady like it was in the early days, it might have gone down a little easier.
I chose other. I think she personaly likes GSR, but is nervous about making the change because of some of the negativity surrounding it. I also think she is selling it more now because GSR has been so subtle and they are behind in the ratings vs. Grays. I think they are going to get a little more bold to see if that is the push they need. After all in all the surveys over the summer that questioned who liked the couple and who didn't, The fans for the couple always won out by a large percentage. One poll was 80% for and the last twenty percent were mixed. I think CM realizes this is the edge they may have to go for.
I agree. But that's always been his stance. In the early days, he said no romance, but we had Teri Miller and his date from one of the very first episodes. So he obviously didn't mean NO romance. I think that he meant that the show just wouldn't ever be ABOUT two people in a relationship. Team Subtle or not, I like that WP is on our side on the whole. lol.
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