katjo said:
desertwind said:
Just got home from my Friday casino fix
Why a frowning face after that statement? Didn't you do any good? I went last Tuesday and won $1500.

I go to Indiana because the stiffs in Ohio don't think gambling would be wise.
Gee thank's I needed that!!$1,500, good job, no I lost only $40, but still (nickles) lasts longer!!.. I was up $25, but the damn machine milked me down!!! as the saying goes here "Vegas wasn't built on winners"
An on the poll, I voted "of course" as to his fumbling around for the address, he's such a geek, sometimes, remember when he was looking for the stamps, and Cath showed him, they were right under his nose, and his sheepish expression!! and maybe it's her new "digs" and he forgot it..
Shakespeare never sounded so good!! you romantic devil you