Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

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Oh... my... God. That scene was amazing. I tried to read what he was writing, but all I got was "really", "our parting" and "miss you"...
Any suggestions why he didn't finish writing the adress? 'Cause I got nothin' :)
The letter was great!! The question is why was it not mailed? Was it because he decided to get back to Vegas and tell her or is it something else? THAT is what I am eager to see!!
I really liked the way the GSR is playing out. I love what she did with the gift, that shows she is perfect for him. I would have had no clue what to do with the cocoon.
I am also very excited about next week, BUT.........

I was on team bearded, now I am on team, get that the hell of his face!!!!!!!!!!! I don't get it. He has a wife, makeup people, and a mirror, can't someone guide him on trimming that thing. He did it before. What is up with the beard crisis!!!!!! I still love him.
I... I'm not sure if I liked it or not.

Obviously I liked the letter itself. I'm not surprised that at the end we don't know if he sent it or not.

is that since they re-wrote it to be about the letter (that scene, rather than the flashback) it is, perhaps, whether or not Sara got the letter that becomes the issue, rather than what she did with his twig. Since we, you know, saw the twig.
You are always thinking, aren't you sarahvma, silly girl, putting scenarios into my head.

my twin sister thought the same thing. We were hoping for something like Way To Go, where we were looking for the scene the whole time, and at the last two minutes they come out with a bedroom scene. I was thinking Sara might be at her apartment and we'd hear Grissom's voice echoing what she was reading. But of course - that's too obvious for CSI. So, with Grissom coming back next week I'm hoping at least if he didn't send it, he gives the letter to her. I'm thinking that when Grissom comes back, Sara turns around and asks 'wtf is up with the beard?' :lol:
Oh, my gosh -- "Meet Market" is my new favorite episode of this season for sure! What a classic -- in terms of both the cases and the GSR. Both story lines were quirky and unpredictable enough to keep me riveted to the end (although I admit to figuring out Margo was Jesse's mother a few minutes in advance). The tissue-donation case provided plenty of laughs and dark humor as well as poignancy, and the "meet market" story provided the deeply moving, insightful tragedy that highlights the show's finest moments. I just about cried at the end, when Jesse refused to believe Margo was his mother no matter what Sara told him. I totally agree with Reeble that the case caused Sara to remember her own painful childhood; we don't know all the details of Sara's story, but it's probably safe to say Laura Sidle abandoned her daughter emotionally if not physically, and it was obvious that Sara identified with Jesse on some level even while disagreeing with what he did. That scene provided a profoundly moving contrast between Sara and Jesse: both suffered from childhood abuse and abandonment, but Jesse allowed his misery and despair to overcome him, whereas Sara rose above hers to become a fairly well-adjusted, happy adult.

And then there's the GSR. I found myself wishing intently that the GoScaR nominations were still open -- the scenes from this episode would definitely have gotten my vote for "Best GSR moment with only Sara/Grissom present." I loved both of Sara's scenes -- her discussion with Jesse and her moment with the cocoon. And THE LETTER SCENE! I am NOT a huge romantic at heart, and I don't usually get emotional at all when watching movies and TV shows, but I screamed and squealed like a little girl when I watched that scene! What a touching, poignant, magnificent piece of TV work, and what amazing acting by William Petersen; he doesn't speak a word, and yet you can really see Grissom's heart here. He's going through a thousand different emotions -- fear, uncertainty, trepidation, and so forth -- but the predominant one is that heartfelt loneliness born of his poignantly passionate love for Sara. I'm starting to think he's not so hopeless in the love department after all...but then again, if that's the letter he decided NOT to send with the cocoon, I'll be really mad at him...GRRR.

Wow...Grissom's time away has really flown by. I'm so excited for The Return next week! I haven't been keeping up with the major spoilers, so I'm not really sure what's "supposed" to happen after Grissom comes back, but regardless, I remain an unrepentant optimist about our favorite couple. In their case, I think absence really has made the heart grow fonder on both sides. Grissom's pining for Sara was painfully apparent in the letter scene, and during Sara's discussion with Jesse you could really see how badly she misses him. As complicated and frustrating as her relationship with Grissom gets, it's real -- a complete contrast to the farces going on inside the club -- and the fact that she seems ready, even eager, to deal with their problems shows what a long way she's come as a character throughout the course of the series. In the beginning, she was like the women who came to the club: she fantasized about an unrealistic, one-sided, "hero-worship" relationship with Grissom. Six years later, she's much wiser; she finally sees the value and depth of a real, healthy, give-and-take relationship between two extremely imperfect people who nonetheless are committed to loving each other wholeheartedly. In reference to Alyssa's question a few pages ago about what draws us to GSR, that's my answer; Sara and Grissom aren't romantic, sappy cardboard cutouts, but real, flawed-as-heck human beings who are ready and willing to work out their problems and stick by each other (even when all one sends the other is a stick with a bug on it). Sigh. Romance.

-- geekprincess
Just got home from my Friday casino fix, :( and last night's was good, the best yet, of the Keppler eps. and the letter, beyond romantic, I always knew he had a deep flame beneath all that seriousness :p & Sara brought it to the surface!! so touching, and he's got an elegant delivery when he gets to the core of his heart!! lucky Sara, and as also loved how protective she was of him, to Keppler, like "hey, watch it" and aren't we lucky to know that this takes them to even a higher level in their relationship.. YIPEE.. CANON rolls :p

I. LOVED. The. LETTER. Best thing Grissom's ever done, although I wanted to jump through the TV and strangle him when he hesitated. (Although i like the idea he's going to hand deliver it.) I also liked the scene before The Letter (which is how i will forever refer to it. The Letter. Both capitalized.) with Sara and Keppler and Keppler making the connection between Grissom's collection of things and the serial killer. I snickered. And then i told Sara to toss Keppler out of Grissom's office on his ass, because he has no right to be there. :D

Okay, this has probably been commented on to death, but I had something from last weeks ep that was significant to me. When they needed to get into the Evidence Locker, Sara was the one who knew about the key under the skull in Grissom's office. Did no one question that? Did they just assume Grissom had shown her while working on a case on a previous occaision? If that, wouldn't Catherine have known about it too, being Griss's Twic? (2nd In Command. Sorry. I've read Damia by Anne McCaffrey too many times.)

Bad, Bad Adz! You are a Bad spoiler-free person! Lol, joking. (But i didn't look. :p)
For your poll, I voted other, because I think he didn't send it because he wanted to come back..

Yay I'm so glad he's back!... thats shocking coming from me, I know..
desertwind said:
Just got home from my Friday casino fix
Why a frowning face after that statement? Didn't you do any good? I went last Tuesday and won $1500. :cool: I go to Indiana because the stiffs in Ohio don't think gambling would be wise. :mad:

OK GSR related stuff........I wish CBS would post a copy of that letter on their website, but I know they won't but I can dream. That letter should be in the Smithsonian some day.

Yeah, I had to change my location. I was getting too obsessed with WP so I had to re-watch some Richard Gere movies. He has and always will be my first love. He is the hottest. :devil: But WP runs a close second. ;)
I think the scene was so interesting, because Sara is there, after just talking to Keppler, seeing that Keppler doesn't miss home at all, and she's worried. She's sitting there, still trying to figure out that dratted stick. She wants to believe that Grissom misses her, that he longs to hold her, but she just had a man tell her that he's on the other side of the country from home, and he doesn't mind a bit. Sara's worried...

I think the scene is current, but I'm not positive. I mean, I think it *could* be a flashback, but I like the idea of it being more recent partially becaues of the amount of beard growth, and I think it'd be poetic. Here she is, worrying, and there he is, loving her.

Though, there is also a strong argument for her sitting there, looking at this ambiguous gift, and going back to when he thought of the gift. He was going to send a letter, but he might have thought that his words wouldn't be enough. It's a classic case of miscommunication, and these two are excelling at that, lately.

I love in the TVguide article when Jorja Fox called their relatonship a "Tango." (Don't think I'm giving anything away, here, I just love the metaphor). My fiance is really strong at Tango, surprisingly. The man had never danced a day in his life, but after three private lessons, we finally got the Tango, and he started off so worried, and uneasy, and as we went on, this strong lead came out. We started out with weak arms, me sort of back-leading (something I've had to work on a LOT). I had to stop back-leading, and Matt had to start leading. Slowly, we worked at it, and he was suddenly able to do it. He had the rhythm and the fierceness and, frankly, the YUM factor. It was incredible the way we moved, slow but powerful, across the dance floor.

A tango is so beautiful, so passionate, and yet so tight. It's so much fun to do, if you know what you're doing. I think Grissom and Sara are learning their tango. I think all these little miscommunications are simply part of life. I love that.

I don't think he sent the letter. My father thinks it's because Gris just wanted to get home to Sara. He'd rather see her and tell her in person... but I'm not sure. Watch Grissom's face as he sits there. It's like, he thinks, "This is cheesy." Yes, Gris, it is... but it's also ADORABLE and she would have melted! Women love hand-written notes, especially when your handwriting looks like that. Y.U.M.

Grissom, you should have sent the letter instead of the bug. She has a bug on a stick to remember you by... If you'd sent that letter, she'd save that thing forever. A stick? Erm... I don't have many saved sticks...

Some people have speculated that he turned the letter into the bug on a stick, but that seems a little... too... odd. Even for Grissom. I think he wimped out because he was worried it wasn't enough. It would have been perfect. These two need to talk! Seriously, pick up the phone!
I was shocked (in a good way) during the Letter scene. I never thought that they would do something so romantic/overtly GSR. I hope if he didn't send the Letter that he is at least going to give it to her in person.

Loved the office scene with Keppler and especially the fact that she put the stick/cocoon thing in the terrarium.

Now I'm not trying to start anything here, but the first thing that went through my head when Sara and Jesse go into that private room at the club was "Oh my god...Sara is having her very own LH moment!" Obviously there are differences but some of that temptation/catering to people's fantasies is the same and I thought it was interesting that they did that. I really liked the way she is curious, but not buying it.

so giddy about the letter :D
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