Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

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Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

^^OK, thanks...I just wanted to make sure I didn't miss something in a shipper thread.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

oh awesome poll sarah. on one hand i'm hoping there will be one-sided GSR, but i voted the 4th option, cuz lately i watch CSI for Gris. well, and for GSR. i'm not very happy that he's gone but i'm still kinda excited mostly b/c we can get a LLV Cath/Nick kind of conversation about GSR. that would be great.

and maybe GSR on the phone.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

so what do you think really happened when gil and sara were in that hotel room togeather??? i mean they WERE both in bath robes hehehe...
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I voted "probably won't watch" guess I'm one-sided..and small minded..but... I have NO interest in this new guy at all.. I don't care how great he's taken me forever to get used to Sofia.. I'll make my final decision that night :( and welcome merry_Grismas cute moniker... ;)

Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I voted "other." I mean, sure, one-sided GSR is fun, but that's not what I'm watching for. I started watching this show because my fiance said I had to check it out. After the first season on DVD, I was hooked, and wanted to catch up before Season 4 started. There are STILL a few season 3 eps I've never seen.

I'm a HUGE GSR gal, but I'm a Sara fan first. That said, I'm looking forward to this small gap without Grissom just to see how it's handled. Because, though we have the addition of Keppler, we should get some indication of the writers' intentions for the characters and how they behave in Grissom's absence, which could serve as a peek at what Season 8 might be like if Mr. Petersen chooses not to renew his contract.

See, the thing is, being spoiled, I am looking forward to the one-sided GSR coming up, though it's all angst. The gift isn't well-received... And when Gil gets back, the ride is going to be rough. So, while I'm looking forward to it all, it's not the type of GSR one might expect if one weren't spoiled. It's going to be CRAZY to see what the unspoiled people have to say about some of the upcoming stuff.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Like OMG NEW THREAD Congrats everyone WooooHOOOoooo!!!

As for the poll i picked "I could take it or leave...." cause yeah im going to missed Griss and of course Gsr but is whatever....
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

*throws confetti* whoohoo new thread :)

I voted the "I watch CSI *for* Grissom..." option...He's my fave character and I miss him like crazy already. But I'll keep watching, just because I do like the other chars too. And hope we get one sided GSR.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

First thing's first: yay for a new thread! Sorry that I haven't been posting much, guys, but I promise I've been following everything! And thanks to Adz to cutting the thread ribbon. Nice icons, by the way. It's crazy that we're already on thread 25. It's been a long journey, but it was worth it.

Welcome to merry_Gristmas (I dub you Mer). We all love new recruits!

Aaaaaaand, here's my gift:


I'm glad you're bringing back the GoScaRs, Fogs. I'm already planning what I'm wearing to the show. ;) If you haven't already, head over the the GoScaR forum and nominate some scenes!

As for the poll, I voted for the second choice. CSI isn't CSI without Grissom, but I'm staying optimistic. I'm excited to see the overall cast interacting more again, but I'm also being a little greedy and asking for some one-sided GSR. Just because I'm like that. If you look at season 7 as a whole, we have barely had any GSR. Little scenes here and there, but really, not many. I'm hopeful for when Grissom gets back, but until then I'll take as much as I can get, thank you. Haha.

Jesus, all this stuff I've read about flashbacks and major angst has gotten me all stoked for the return of Grissom. Hopefully, these upcoming episodes featuring GSR angst are going to be epic. *crosses fingers*

I can hear my echo in this empty thread.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

merry_Grismas said:
so what do you think really happened when gil and sara were in that hotel room togeather??? i mean they WERE both in bath robes hehehe...

You lost me. What hotel room? Did I miss an episode? :eek:

Nice pics Reeble. I voted the option of one-sided GSR. CSI will never be the same without Grissom, but I will still watch just to see what happens.

I've been trying to find out if WP and JF are signing on for season 8. Last I heard WP was ready to sign, but there are some rumors floating around that TPTB want to kill Sara off this season. He does not want that. He isn't signing on for next season unless JF is there with him. If this is true....ain't it sweet!!! :)
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

katjo said:
merry_Grismas said:
so what do you think really happened when gil and sara were in that hotel room togeather??? i mean they WERE both in bath robes hehehe...

You lost me. What hotel room? Did I miss an episode? :eek:

I think she/he is referring to the end of "Way to Go." A lot of people thought it was a hotel room, but most of them, especially the media, were mixing up the original plan for "Gum Drops" with "Way to Go." Actually, according to mystery at YTDAW, that was supposed to be Sara's bedroom at the end of "Way to Go." And, I'm betting Gris and Sara had a crazy night that night. lol.

I mean, they were both completely chilled out and relaxed, but after the camera went off? Gosh, there have to be hundreds of fanfics out there addressing it! LOL!
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill" many choices in this poll! :eek: I chose the third option ("take it or leave it"). I am, like Alyssa, a Sara fan first and foremost, and I have enjoyed some of the non-Grissom-heavy episodes (in fact, "Gum Drops" is the one episode that's actually made me break down crying); that said, however, the show is what it is chiefly because of Grissom, IMO, and besides, I like my double-sided GSR. ;) Don't get me wrong -- I'll take whatever I can get for the next four weeks -- but I'm already missing both Grissom and the GSR. TPTB had better have a darn good homecoming scene (or two) for us! Come to think of it, I should have picked the second option...ah, well. At least he's not leaving for good.

-- geekprincess
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

hmm... this one was hard... I'm going with 2, I love Gris and he was originally my favorite character and reason for watching, but Ive come to love all of them and Im actually curious as to how Sara and Grissoms relationship will go with him gone (curiosity killed the cat, and in this case, helps me not miss Grissom ;))
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I'm going to be bawling my head off when Grissom eventually goes away on sabbatical for a month! (I'm in australia it hasn't even premiered here. how sad! :( )

I luv my Billy P. But I also luv my Jorja Fox. So all wil be good :)
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

hey congrats guys new thread ;)
very cute the name :)
Adzix amazing avies you knows that i love all your fan-art :D
in the poll i voted for other :)
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