Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

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Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

AYE, back at ya' arbitrarylabel and welcome, glad your here, have fun.. and share your thoughts ;) and on the newest poll, gosh, all of them, tired tonight can't think of which one's best!!! I'm so glad we're back on track and that Keppler" person is GONE.. YIKES.. not a good choice :hopefully in the future, if the writers or CM decide to have a 'guest', please pick one that can act!!!thank gawd Grissom is back :p(. and I detested last night ep. the worst one of all 4 he was in.. beyond boring, and so mediocore. story wise, we've all seen incest in other CSI eps, and do go down the path of his life--BOO-HOO-HOO- :( don't care :eek:. but, I loved the GSR part..awesome

Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Anything I thought about Carol a week ago is bull. She's two-faced. She got my hopes up. After talking about it at TV guide, she should have tried to save it from the chop-shop! (I forgive her tho. I'd probably make a sucky producer.)

geekprincess said:
He's almost absurdly cheerful, and looking at him you'd almost think he didn't have a care in the world (except for how to get Sara alone ;)). And when I thought about it, I realized he finally has gone crazy...crazy for Sara. When I re-watched that scene, I realized that Sara could have told him to run through the lab hallways in a fuzzy pink dress singing the Hallelujah Chorus, and he'd have done it. Really...he might have. And the best part is that he doesn't care! The man is GONE. I give it 3 weeks max before someone finds out about them.

*Thinks of Grissom in fuzzy pink dress (without beard)*

Anyway...That's how I looked at it. It's just a guy who's gone absolutely head over heels for his girlfriend, and the uncontrollable smile just came along with it. He was all glowy inside. :) Oh, and I hope someone finds out about them. I'm already pumped because we're more than halfway through the season, and the big reveal is just bound to come soon...Anyone agree?

And about Nick being pregnant, there was just this angle that caught his belly, and it killed me inside. Back in his pumped days, my friend (who didn't know character names) would just call him "the guy who likes he would make a good fireman."

Edited because I loved Keppler.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Okay, call me blind, but I just don't remember him undressing her with his eyes. What part of the encounter was it?

I mean, I thought he looked really happy to see her, and I do think that (again, I'm amazed that I didn't balk at this scene) the whole backing up, chasing part was adorable, but I don't remember eyesex, sadly.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

sarahvma said:
Okay, call me blind, but I just don't remember him undressing her with his eyes. What part of the encounter was it?

I mean, I thought he looked really happy to see her, and I do think that (again, I'm amazed that I didn't balk at this scene) the whole backing up, chasing part was adorable, but I don't remember eyesex, sadly.

In between where Sara says "Nice, um..." and "You look good", the camera cuts to Griss and his eyes move up and down her body, just like they did in ToYD, only without the table in the way :p

By the way, I am so checking myself into therapy. Perhaps I'll even have myself committed. I had a freakin dream about the cocoon last night, and very vividly dreamt that what hatches is a "gunshot residue" butterfly or moth. (If that exists IRL, I'm DEFINITELY seeking therapy) You know things are bad when you start dreaming about ships... :lol:
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

forensicsgirl said:

By the way, I am so checking myself into therapy. Perhaps I'll even have myself committed. I had a freakin dream about the cocoon last night, and very vividly dreamt that what hatches is a "gunshot residue" butterfly or moth. (If that exists IRL, I'm DEFINITELY seeking therapy) You know things are bad when you start dreaming about ships... :lol:

Really? When you dream about ships you should seek therapy? In that case, I believe I'm the psych ward.

forensicsgirl said:
In between where Sara says "Nice, um..." and "You look good", the camera cuts to Griss and his eyes move up and down her body, just like they did in ToYD, only without the table in the way :p

Yeah, this time there wasn't a table in the way. He had her right then and there and there's this look in his eyes as if he wanted to attack her right then and there. Then she walked away and basically he's like 'I shall attack you later.'
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Regarding the previews for the next episode, isn't it possible that the victim could be Sara? She wasn't in any of the scenes, Grissom said the victim was a woman, the crime never occured yet, and it's been a while since Sara has been in harm's way. This could have GREAT potential for a GSR filled episode.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Yeah, this time there wasn't a table in the way. He had her right then and there and there's this look in his eyes as if he wanted to attack her right then and there. Then she walked away and basically he's like 'I shall attack you later.'

I seriously thought he was going to pounce on her. My roommate and I were like, oh man hes going to jump her bones right there in that hallway. I am still trying to decide what he would do if she wasnt smelling of trash.

Man that scene was great on so many levels.

As for the poll, way up there, I voted Grissom's WTF in IE, I mean that was just like the best he's had. Sara's was PNN without a doubt. Some how the conversation went from him not liking sports to Grissom basically telling Sara shes beautiful.

Oh how I love this sailing ship.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

My ear itches. :(


Fogi, girl, you aren't the only one dreaming of this ship. If you needed therapy just for dreams? They'd have me committed and drugged. Because seriously? Sometimes I fall asleep thinking about GSR because I WANT to dream about GSR. Tis fun.

Either that or I make the mistake of eating Chocolate before I go to sleep and wind up dreaming about Grissom and Sara dancing around a broadway stage wearing pink tutus and singing TV theme songs. Yeah... that really happened. Honest.

Is it weird that I dream in color? I've heard people aren't SUPPOSED to dream in color. But it's so vivid in my dreams. Like the tutu? Bright bubble gum pink. *shrugs*

I don't know what I voted for - but this actually looks like the first set of votes that aren't so blaringly obvious. Every one of them is winning! None of them are being left alone in the obvious losers postition. That's so cool.

Eyesex. Oh sweet sweet eyesex. Don't worry Sarah I totally missed the flicker the first 5... no 6 times I watched it.

Even with the scary beard, the man is still so hot. And those eyes? How did Sara manage to keep backing up? I think I would have melted under that gaze and been unable to move. Even if I smelled like trash. I mean, he didn't seem to care.

While it might be plausible if, let say, Sara had moved while Grissom was gone and he had not seen the inside of her apartment, and she doesn't see the miniture... or you think one of them would recognize it and freak out. But somehow I don't think that that's the case. I think if they are going to go with the "Sara's life in endangered by the MCSK" route then they'll have him get away this time and use that for a plot closer to the end of the season. Probably.

So - Shaving scene next week...yes?

And what episode number are we up to as of right now? *dances in anticipation* I hate being a television addict. And I really hate weekends when the only thing I have to look forward to watching isn't on until TUESDAY. *sighs*

That is all.

Edited because me and my tenses weren't making any sense... Again.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Turtlebaby said:
So - Shaving scene next week...yes? And what episode number are we up to as of right now? *dances in anticipation* I hate being a television addict. And I really hate weekends when the only thing I have to look forward to watching isn't on until TUESDAY. *sighs*

week after. Next week is MiaB 7x16. The shaving scene is in Fallen Idols 7x17. So, we have another week to go until the shaving scene...

I love that grin on Grissom's face as he's chasing Sara down. I maintain that the whole chase reminds me of penguins. Totally two penguins in love. And she was TOTALLY getting into the flirting at the end, there. Her little, "I don't doubt it," or whatever the line is... That was sooo in her flirty voice. It really was. She had to stop herself.

Someone at YTDAW suggested that Sara might have been completely dedicated to being angry at Grissom, but that it melted when she saw how puppy-like he was. I can go with that. I mean, she definitely starts the scene off a little harder than she ends it.... and she smiles SO broadly as she walks away from him. You have to look carefully, but she is genuinely happy to see him, though I think there'll still be some talking happening...
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

So what's going on next week? Anything good? At all? You know, besides the MCSK... which will have me placed directly infront of my TV anyways.

So what happened to the giant Angstball? Did it stop at our feet and look up at us with big puppy dog eyes begging to be scratched behind the ears? Great. Our angstball is more of a Golden Retriever then a Doberman.

Right. I'm ashamed to admit that I can't keep my spoilers straight and am about thisclose to giving them up all together. Last season was so much simpler when I didn't know what was coming. Not that I do anyways... :rolleyes:

That is all.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Turtlebaby said:
So what's going on next week? Anything good? At all? You know, besides the MCSK... which will have me placed directly infront of my TV anyways.

is to not wake up until 3pm... I think Sara's supposed to make a comment about "graduating" or leaving a foster home. Angst is likely, but the angstball has really died down since the "Dear Sara" scene. I think the writers have cut down on the angst that was originally planned for this upcoming episode. If we do get the shaving scene and the embrace scene, there can only be so much beforehand.

I feel like I just did the forecast.

There was a two second Grissom-checks-Sara-out scene. I know I saw it. But I don't know if I would call is eyesex. It just seemed like admiration/adoration...oh what the hell, it was eyesex.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Kay, let's go.
1. The beard... is... hot. Totally hot. He looks all happy and Santa-Clause-y and HOT. YUMMMMM. I'm so glad the beard is back.
2. The corridor scene. I just have to throw my two cents in there. That scene was like, "AIEEEE SARA! I missed you and missed you and missed you and I wanted to send you plane tickets but that would have been suspicious and Hodges is weird and oohhh, I missed you so much. Get over here! I want to kiss you until we can't breathe. What's that? Oh, you smell like garbage? My dear, I didn't notice! Who made you go to a dump? Tell me, so I can strike them. Why do you keep backing up? What's that you say? Oh Right. The smell. The sweet perfume emanating from you is masking the smell of whatever you've been in. Ooooh, I'm so happy to see you again. Missed you. Totally. Mm hmm, so you want to go, eh? Okay, go shower. I'll see you in... 5 minutes."
3. The coccoon. Who wants to bet it'll be a monarch butterfly? :p That or a butterfly from his collection that she gave him...
Catherine: Grissom, you're the only one who can do it!
Gris: Greg is-
Cath: Greg's a rookie, and this case is high-profile. You'll have to go in the pool.
Greg: Seriously, I could do it.
Cath: No you couldn't. Gil, get in the pool.
Gris: No! <stalks off, fuming>
Greg: Oh, good. I really don't want to see Grissom without his shirt on.
Cath: Me either.
Sara: Yeah, you do. :devil:
Cath: :eek:
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

I missed you and missed you and missed you and I wanted to send you plane tickets but that would have been suspicious and Hodges is weird and oohhh, I missed you so much. Get over here! I want to kiss you until we can't breathe. What's that? Oh, you smell like garbage? My dear, I didn't notice! Who made you go to a dump? Tell me, so I can strike them. Why do you keep backing up? What's that you say? Oh Right. The smell. The sweet perfume emanating from you is masking the smell of whatever you've been in. Ooooh, I'm so happy to see you again. Missed you. Totally. Mm hmm, so you want to go, eh? Okay, go shower. I'll see you in... 5 minutes."

:lol:Lmao!! That's exactly what he's thinking. I know this is a wierd analogy, but my friend Tyler just got a dog, so bear with me...If Grissom were a puppy, he would have pissed on the floor by now.

Greg: Oh, good. I really don't want to see Grissom without his shirt on.
Cath: Me either.
Sara: Yeah, you do.

;) You're funny.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

Okay, first, I must say this, before I forget: Crysthala, I looove your signature :))) Mostly because I love House so much... :)

And now, for the oh so wonderful Hallway scene. Man, it looked like a tango to me. Or at least half of a tango. Sara has done her part, it was time for Grissom to show some affection :)

I very much enjoyed those smiles that never left their faces. Priceless. I don't think I've ever seen Grissom so... excited about something not related to a case. And I can't stop thinking about what he would have done if she wasn't backing away. If this is the Grissom we will be seeing in the next few episodes, then I can't be more eager for MiaB.

When I first read in the TV guide that Sara was not so excited to see Grissom, I thought she was just mad at him. She doesn't seem to be mad at all. It's just that she's thinking: "Why now, of all the times?"...

I wish I could see more of Grissom in the episode, though. I guess I just missed him that much. But I understand, considering it was a Keppler centered episode. I didn't like that guy at the beginning, 'cause I was all: "You can't fill out Bugman's shoes!", but after his dramatic death I have a new respect for him. And Catherine's "What?" just broke my heart. And someone said something about Grissom's light going red and I really saw that in him when he hugged her. Sara has thought him well allright. Keep up the good work, Sar!.

Oh, and about the poll. I don't really remember what I voted for... oh, no, yes I do. With Grissom's WTF face I went with that "Relationship?" scene. I mean, you can really tell that this is what he's thinking in that moment. With Sara, I had to choose Working Solo. She's all:"Honey, why you gotta be like that...?". I just watched that episode couple of days ago and I read some recaps about it... I have a new understanding for it now. So, Grissom tries to get over Sara by pushing her away, telling her she needs to get a life, but then he keeps calling her on her days off, requesting that she'd be there "on a moment's notice", kinda sabotaging her relationship with Hank... He's not used to sharing her with someone else and he wants her to be there when he needs her. Anyway, I just wanted to share my thoughts about it.
Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill"

He does give her the once over :p... here's some pics from 'LOG' and boy, he's slimmed down, maybe the rigors of his play, did that, or he took Jorja's suggestion and has gone vegetarian.. ;) they just sizzle on screen, my daugher who's so not into all of this said , "I can see they're a couple.. and added "good acting, on both parts" ;)



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