Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

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Anyways - can we not talk about LH?
That sounds like a good idea to me. You can talk about her if it's relevant to GSR (just saying you don't like her is not relevant) but the only thing I've seen so far that is ok to discuss LH is this:
Back on Topic, If LH come back on the show, Will Sara be on the show? Sara hasn't met Lady Heather...yet.

katjo, please do not double post. If you need to add/edit your post you can hit the "edit" button for up to 24 hours. It is located by the "reply" button.
If you are in the USA, on the TVGuide channel, they're doing a best of 2006 thing, and there's GSR coming up! They're one of the top couples of the year!!! I'll post more after the freakin' commercial, but anyone else giddy about our Geeks getting so much love and attention in the media? Wake up TPTB and smell the yum!

ETA: It was short, and they were #3 out of three, but there it was! They used a few promo pics... one from WTG of them on the bed together, one from Loco Motives with them hovering over the doll picture in the tweezers, and one from Double Cross. They showed part of the WTG scene, the only audible words being, "I'm not ready to say goodbye." Then it went to one of the correspondents who was apparently SHOCKED that Gris and Sara got together, and ends with Gil smiling conspiratorially at his woman.
Alyssa said:
If you are in the USA, on the TVGuide channel, they're doing a best of 2006 thing, and there's GSR coming up! They're one of the top couples of the year!!! I'll post more after the freakin' commercial, but anyone else giddy about our Geeks getting so much love and attention in the media? Wake up TPTB and smell the yum!

ETA: It was short, and they were #3 out of three, but there it was! They used a few promo pics... one from WTG of them on the bed together, one from Loco Motives with them hovering over the doll picture in the tweezers, and one from Double Cross. They showed part of the WTG scene, the only audible words being, "I'm not ready to say goodbye." Then it went to one of the correspondents who was apparently SHOCKED that Gris and Sara got together, and ends with Gil smiling conspiratorially at his woman.

Damn.. what time was this.. it's 7:30 here, and I was watching CNN and switching to "Harvest" thank's for the description..sorry if we missed it!!!!! :(

I think what makes CSI ships so much more awesome than all those other shows is that we've been hovering on the edges of our seats for the better part of seven years, and then HELLO! Grissom and Sara are chilling in a bedroom. That makes them much more interesting than the round-robin sex that goes on on other shows.
Thus, 14300 CSI, 1803 Grey's Anatomy, and a downright pitiful 182 for Desperate Housewives fics on See also the Other Fanfiction.Net, where CSI has 335, DH clocks in at 7, and Grey's Anatomy has a grand total of 7. See? The soaps don't let us "fill in the blanks."
GSR was also named by TV Guide Channel as the #3 biggest couple on TV in 2006.

I think it's impressive that just the chemistry generated by these two actors puts them on this list when one of the other couples - Jack and Kate, have already kissed and had sex on the show itself.

So that brings the total tally of positive GSR listing for 2006 to: 4
congrats to the geeks in two diferents polls number 3 and number 9 they are the best :p . gsr is the canon is easy lol

"I think it's impressive that just the chemistry generated by these two actors puts them on this list when one of the other couples - Jack and Kate, have already kissed and had sex on the show itself."
i am agree with this ;)
biggest couple. sooo great! well, no one could deny it, i mean, they make a great romantic couple together. working so solid, flirting, calling eachother misanthrope.. *coughs*
my opinion: they are the biggest couple in the whole tv show world!! :p
GSR was also named by TV Guide Channel as the #3 biggest couple on TV in 2006.

Wow that is impressive! I already seen them in like two other articles too. Yay for GSR!!

Oh BTW where is Meredith and McDreamy in the list? :rolleyes:
Oh BTW where is Meredith and McDreamy in the list?

Someone must've carelessly forgotten... four times. lol.

Well, in truth I'm not surprised. It sounds like, although their ratings are remaining steady, a lot of people are highly dissatisfied with the way Grey's has been going this season.

I personally think this is one of CSI's best years - but not for GSR. In fact, in some instances, in spite of it. There are times, I'll admit, at the end of GSR scenes where I feel like they should've given it to someone else to do because they're leading us on a bit.

They know we get excited if our geeks are in the same room together, so if they're just processing evidence... I dunno.

I'm not complaining, and I'm glad that it's subtle - and you definitely could NOT call it subtle if every time they were in a room together, they were doing something flirty, but I will say that my enjoyment of Season 7 has had far more to do with the cases than the GSR.

Of course, if we get a kiss, all of that was null and void and I'll be a happy little shipper. lol.

Poll time. Just so the non-spoileds know, none of this is based on spoiler - it's all speculation.
I picked option 2 for the poll just because I liked this line... "Sweet angsty strain between them." Why?

Because I am an angst wh*re. And angst has been seriously missing from this relationship this year. As long as he's not dropping a bomb on her when he walks out the door, because she thinks he's going to get milk or something but then he picks up a suitcase he's hidden under the couch...

"Bye Dear, I'll see you in a month!"
"Don't forget the milk!" "..." "Huh?"
"Oh, didn't I tell you? Well, I'm going to miss my flight. Just ask Catherine, she'll fill you in."

But because this is a drama and not a comedy - I don't see that happening.

So bring on the painful burnout goodbyes and the unhurt, but totally upset, goodbye from Sara and all will be good in my world.

And hey, just for giggles? Throw in a, "I'm not running from you, I'm finding me." hug and/or kiss. You know, just for giggles. :p

Because I would be. Giggling helplessly like a schoolgirl who got into the laughing gas. And well... I think I'd seriously be GSR sated and all would be right in my little world for awhile.

Oh and I totally just got done reading my TV guide - not the new one praising GSR but the one with the letter "shoving down our throats" You know what I'm talking about...

And that wasn't the only anti-GSR comment in that issue. If you go to the Thur. night highlights or whatever they call them, They are talking about the season opener and manage to point out that 'for many of the fans it's not a bad thing.' in regards to them not addressing the new relationship between Sara and Grissom.

Psh. TV guide needs to find a side of the fence to sit on so I know whether to love 'em or hate 'em.

I personally think this is one of CSI's best years - but not for GSR. In fact, in some instances, in spite of it. There are times, I'll admit, at the end of GSR scenes where I feel like they should've given it to someone else to do because they're leading us on a bit.

They know we get excited if our geeks are in the same room together, so if they're just processing evidence... I dunno.

I'm not complaining, and I'm glad that it's subtle - and you definitely could NOT call it subtle if every time they were in a room together, they were doing something flirty, but I will say that my enjoyment of Season 7 has had far more to do with the cases than the GSR.

You have my ditto on that one. The moments that were there - were cute. And I loved them. But honestly? They either need to start taking little steps forward or a giant sstep back. Because I'm finding myself very quickly growing tired of them holding steady on a green light.

Ok so maybe the light is yellow... but it's a blinking yellow. Which means that for the love of God, MOVE, or you're gonna be hit by that big truck coming up behind you. But for the love of God, don't jump through haphazardly (ie, We're not looking for marriage and babies and such).

Am I even making sense anymore? I warned you that I tend to over think - therefore, ramble.

That is all.
maan, i had so much to do lately that i have even NO time to sleep, i'm serious - for the past two weeks i sleep 4/5 hours a day, i'm exhausted.

anyway, i'm so happy GSR is finally appreciated. i've got one more listing, i don't know if it was posted already, but "TiVo Survey Reveals Top 10 Most Unforgettable TV Moments of 2006 According to American TV Viewers" and GSR made no. 4. i think it's just amazing, moreso that it was based on a profesional survey.

alright, i'm flying tommorow back to Europe, YaY, after 3 months i'm back home. if i won't write anything this weekend, y'all can assume i died in a plane crush. and i'm NOT thursdaymorning-ing now, lol.

oh, and on the last poll i voted no 1, DUUUUUUUUUUUUH.

btw, to balance the atmosphere on the thread i need to say i love LH, and i think they were great together. nevertheless, GSR rulez right now, so i, always a conformist, am now shipping the lovely canon couple.
Yeah - TiVo was one of the ones on the original list, but thank you for the link! I hadn't seen it yet.

Kind of cool that the other top moments are all news-based, and this was the top fictional one.

Either way - it's not that surprising.

Whether it's hated, whether it's liked, no one can deny that it was very talked-about after it happened.

alright, i'm flying tommorow back to Europe, YaY, after 3 months i'm back home. if i won't write anything this weekend, y'all can assume i died in a plane crush. and i'm NOT thursdaymorning-ing now, lol.

Ooh. Too far?


Some good ratings news - CSI came first and second in the two demographics last night even though NBC was showing brand new episodes of its "Comedy Block" which airs in the same hour.

They showed Built to Kill, which had the cute GSR "Goodbye" scene as well as the Veggie Burger Love.

I picked 2 on the list. I have a feeling that TPTB will either give us a goodbye or a welcome back personal scene, and I'd rather have the welcome back be at home.
I'd love #1 or #2.. obviously.. but knowing the CSI writers.. and remember everyone is not wanting this like we do, so I picked #3.. just the normal run of the mill operation, cause they've said their "goodbyes" privately ;) and Adzix please don't die in a plane crash :( silly girl, that's not going to happen.. good luck, be safe, and have fun..and thank's for the Tivo news very cool ;) :lol: tonight on SPIKE, their showing "Swap Meet" pics from that ep.

CHATTING, and enjoying each other ;)

so together :p
Yeah - I caught Swap Meet. I still love that scene between them - not even for the "girl at the office comment". I just like the way he's talking to her, partly probably thinking about what Mrs. Brady said, but just enjoying being with her.

However there's definitely a sexual undertone in his voice. I don't know if she's unaware or, if at this point, she's heading towards the Snakes mode of "I don't want to be strung along anymore".
Ooh. Too far?

lol, i just realised i wrote the wrong weekday. whatever.

your welcome on the TiVo thing. yeah, it's a pretty big deal i'd say ya know. it's not what some critics think, but what actually shook people.

aww, des, i'm not gonna die, i'm just messin' ;) <3

I GOTTA PACK and instead i'm going to the movies. s**t, i've got a flight at like 7 am tommorow and i don't ANYTHING packed yet. i'm Polish though, i'm gonna get out of every situation. it's our national trait. genetics.

oh, and i couldn't resist making this

peace love, cigarettes


(i'm an athlete - i don't smoke, full seriousness)
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