Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

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Ohman, I was lying in bed last night thinking the exact same things that are being said on the board today. I was excited for this season because of the canon geekship but the little comments and "flirting" aren't enough anymore! The fact that basically nothing we've received this season is CONCRETE evidence that they are together/living together/married/just having fun is driving me crazy. I'd think that ten episodes is enough to finally give us one big scene to explain SOMETHING! I'm not really enjoying this whole 'being left in the dark' thing with a few mildly shippy moments thrown in to keep us satisfied. TPTB made a decision and they should stick with it and it seems as though they may be backing down.

Another thing that's bugging me is that I see a lot of people say that Grissom and Sara kissing wqould be OOC. But, how would they know?! It's not like we've ever seen ether of them in a really intimate situation (bar LH and G) so there's no judging what either of them are like when they are in like/lust/love.
Well, over at the Season 7 spoiler pics thread, someone posted up some pictures of Grissom, holding miniatures. So, I'm glad they aren't just forgetting about the case, because they didn't answer barely any of my questions. Like- WHATS WITH THE DOLL? and such.. so, as you keep looking at the promo pics, you find out that he's putting the miniatures into a glass case in his office. He collects them now? Uhm. *cough* anyway.. I hope the investigation of The Miniature Killer still goes on through Leaving Las Vegas, because Loco-Motives ended rather abruptly, the killer killed himself while Grissom was watching. The end. That made me mad.

Grissom and Sara kissing would NOT be OOC, not seeing them kiss while they are in a relationship is OOC. I doubt we'll ever see them kiss at work, but CSI does show them at home (Way To Go), and they have even shown them at a diner (Strip Strangler). So they can't say it's OOC, maybe while working it is, but to see a kiss on screen is still open for possibility.

And, they are only giving us flirting, because they know we want more. It's like almost handing a baby a lollipop, but then walking away with the lollipop and eating it, and leaving the baby crying behind you. They keep dangling Grissom and Sara together in front of us, but they don't give us any action!


Edited: If anyone asks, I'm totally doing work at school.
I scanned the pic of Grissom and Sara from TV Guide at my friend's house. I'm not sure if the quality is better, but you can look anyways. =]

They look so happy.
And me&&Allison think Sara looks a little pregnant.
But we're probably wrong. =p
But they still look so happy. ^__^
Looking at it brightens my day.
I've been doing a little project now that I'm (almost) done exams, and looking over the old episodes, guys, I gotta tell you...

We didn't get much in the way of BAM scenes, but we got a lot of interaction. That's my first comment. My second is that JUST going off of what we HAVE gotten, not one scene could be described as "bad". Because really, even when Grissom was pouting, Sara was still flirting.

So I think this may have been the same phobia we fell into circa Lady Heather - we've all gotten worked up over rumors which may very well prove to be true, but if TPTB were blaming GSR for the ratings... I think they would've done something... more by now.

What I'm saying is I think we're looking back on this season with an unfavorable eye now because we're all a little worried about behind-the-scenes stuff.

If they were setting this up for a tragedy or a break-up, there isn't any real indication from the tone or tenor of these first 10 episodes, just in our own speculation.
jordan said:
I scanned the pic of Grissom and Sara from TV Guide at my friend's house. I'm not sure if the quality is better, but you can look anyways. =]

They look so happy.
And me&&Allison think Sara looks a little pregnant.
But we're probably wrong. =p
But they still look so happy. ^__^
Looking at it brightens my day.

Thank's, and the TID-BIT is called "BIG MOMENTS OF 2006" and says "In May, we were finally presented with evidence that proved CSI's Gil Grissom has a passion for something other than bugs.. namely, Sara Sidle"
As an interesting little factoid, the Leaving Las Vegas promos are available at YTDAW. No, there's no GSR in them, but Grissom is wearing the same jacket from Time of Your Death. Naturally it's what he wears when he wants to have crazy eyesex with his Lady.



The usual sources, a LOT of stuff was cut from Loco Motives, but interestingly enough, a lot of Grissom's potential burnout as cut as well. If they wanted to make it seem like Grissom was really burnt out, I can't see why they would've cut it. They may be going for a more positive spin after all. I was imagining him being VERY upset or angry at the end of LocoMotives, and perhaps the lack of that means a lack of any real GSR angst in Leaving Las Vegas, and it could all end with her just seeing him off. *Shrug*
Two posts in two days... *giggles* I think I'm getting sucked back into the CSI fandom. Yay!

So I'm sitting here right? And I start thinking - which btw, is never a good thing. I tend to overthink simple stupid things until they get all crazy in my brain and I start spewing useless information.

And then I ramble.

I had a point. Right.

So with my bored overthinking brain I came up with this (and this is me TRYING to be a Happy!Geek 'shipper - not sure if it's working)

So, Sarah seems to have this idea that all the angst will be *poof* gone from LLV (and no Sarah I'm not mocking you) because of the lack of the Grissom burnout scenes that made the final cut in LM. And honestly, I'm hoping that she's right *fingers crossed* and that the whole episode is sweet and lovie. But David Rambo says that he'll be 'sending' her something, and I don't know about you - but that sounds an awful lot like an apology. A "I don't want to leave with you mad at me." if you will. I mean they COULD play if off all nice with a "Just a reminder that I love you and I'm going to miss you." But since when has TPTB taken the nice and easy road with anything? Or the high road for that matter? This is about RATINGS people. Ratings. Wow, the more I ramble the more pessemistic I sound. Or maybe they'll take the comedic route and it'll be something to keep her entertained while he's gone. As in a really big... *don't EVEN go there* *ahem* This whole thing is giving me a headache - therefore I shall stop with my mindless ramblings and somehow manage to get through the next three weeks without breathing. The End.

Now that THAT insanity is over with - I just want to say "Awwww" at that adorable picture. When is this hitting the shelves? Now? Tomorrow? Can I buy out Walmart? Would that be obsessive? Yes? :(

I'll try to refrain. But she... she is lookin' damn good.

And him? *gasp* I won't even go there or I really will wind up in the Gutter and there will be NO hope of me surviving the next couple months Grissom free.

Thanks for the heads up. I appreciate it. Though that one little PM literally stole my breath right from my lungs.

And that is all. Have a good day!

Edited because Sarahvma is not Sarahmva. Why my brain is thinking of motor vehicle accidents I will never know.
Well I don't think it'll be totally angst-free, but I was imagining them having a fight, or Grissom saying something hurtful to her. Now it seems like Sara may just wind up being concerned for him and sad that he's left. Like I said - if they were setting them up for a blowout fight, I don't think they would've let Jorja play the Happenstance and Loco Motives scenes so fliratiously. And at most, Grissom seemed concerned that Sara would leave HIM. Not that he wants to escape her.

Hey - I thought you should be informed. It could all wind up being nothing, though.
i'm devastated. this is so horrible that i can't read y'all's theories.

okay let me see what's left for me to talk about. oh, sarah are you talking about the Mea Culpa jacket, the one desertwind has on her avie? ya know, this jacket is always present when something very important happens. as far as i'm aware he had it on only twice yet, in Mea Culpa and TOYD. in MC we had the team beak-up, in TOYD we had the first 100% REAL, CANON GSR scene. and now he is leaving and we may get the first GSR Canon touch/kiss/handhold/hug/whatever.

so anyway, i am sure this means something big to come, not necessarily bad and not necessarily good. or maybe it's supposed to be only about the pure fact of him taking a break.

right now i'm struggling to stay spoiler-free, guys. it's hard, very, very hard.
Sorry - hit the button twice. It refused to go the first time, so I assumed it hadn't gone through.

Just to ease your suffering a little bit, we're only putting our talk into spoilers to be on the safe side. 90% of it is speculation, just that it's all coming out of one or two hints.

But we really know, like, next to nothing. No, I think at this point we pretty much know nothing. So don't bother breaking your vow over what's in those boxes.
I vote for I'm more worried about Grissom is not telling her, other thing and I don't want no mopey Sara back. She was very depressed. You could put, you can vote only two because I got trouble what's to vote.

O/T Adzix, don't apology something you were busy during School semester. Between Dec. and May, they were the worst to take a semester. I don't know if you are High School or College.

Back on topic. How long Grissom will be gone? I heard he will miss an episode for two days, now I'm keep hearing 4.
i much more worried about season finale thinking in next year...
i really don't know what think about leaving las vegas ahhhhhhh
i can't wait for see!!!i just know this break is not about his love for Sara
on way or other is about work
for poll number 2 i guess ;)
I also voted for the second option. Im not really worried about angst because no matter what i think there's going to be some and i dont mind as long as they dont break up or do something stupid like that.
Sarah and her polls :D girl, :rolleyes: I picked on the positive side.. "not worried at all" they've become a couple, and I figure he's told her "alone" and it'll be cool with her.. she's so in love with him, that I think anything he does is hunky dory. okie-dokie to be silly, with her :p

maybe he's telling her right now :p
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