Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding Love

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Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

I have no respect for Ausiello.

I mean, this is the man who said CSI would be fine without Jorja Fox and George Eads. This is the man who baited people with the thought of Grissom and Sara having sex just to boost his popularity. Screw him. I mean, if Grissom goes off on a one-man vacation for a little while, I get that. I totally get the need to sometimes be away. It's like, I love being with my fiance, but I know sometimes I need girl time, or time on my own to just deprogram. If it's something like that, I get it. If he tells Sara, "I love you, sweety, but I need some time to get myself sorted out," she would say, "I know. I love you. I'll be here when you get back." And he'd smile at her because they are in a solid relationship. See, that scenario I can deal with. What I really hate is how much this news is going to make defending our ship even harder. We've always had a hard time, and we're finally canon, and I hope this "break" is handled with grace. If Grissom does cut Sara out for a little while so he can get himself together, we better see that conversation. Not, "Oh, Grissom's gone for a while and not communicating with anyone and I'm a little shrew back to pining after a man who doesn't want me." If he has to bow out on Sara for a bit, we better SEE that conversation.

Sorry for the novel. This is the first I've been online today, and I'm pissed.

ETA: I'll probably be back later with a more rational, well-thought out opinion, but this is what I have for right now, and I have errands to run. Darnit.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

ziggystarduzt said:
Right now? Sarah? On MSN? Just said the following things:

"Right now, Grissom is probably mounting Sara.
He's probably letting her feast her eyes on his new, hot body
and waving his wedding tackle around
do you think he likes wearing little outfits? Like, maybe he puts on a cowbell and she a milkmaid outfit and she has to milk him?"

You perverted, little, hahahaha.. yeah.. they probably are.

sarahvma said:
Just say NO to Ziggy.
Just say NO to Sarah.

AHHHH!!! Make the voices STOP!!!

greggoooo_fan said:
Gris and Sara are probably putting strawberries in eachother mouthes, with a very romantic song playing in the background,

Yeah.. right. That is no not true.

Why, you ask?

Because they aren't being romantic while we aren't watching them.

They are doing it.

Yeah.. you heard me,

Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

totally 100% agreed Alyssa

i can deal with the first senorio, i really can, id find that really cute. if it was on good terms and wasnt directed about her, if it was just 'i need some time away to think' id especially like it if it was to consider his professional carrer or something. but if he makes it about her, and needing time away from her, and its on bad terms, and stuff-id hate that, and id lose respect for the writers, cause thats so crass, in such bad taste, and messing us around. thats not how they seem to be playing it so i can take comfort in thinking this probably wont happen. hopefully this is untrue and wont happen. but if it does, and its done like hes leaving her, ill be furious. and who is Ausiello?
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

ziggystarduzt said:
Just say NO to Sarah.
sarahvma said:
Just say NO to Ziggy.
Just say NO to Vancouver.

In other news, I totally love your icon, Zigs, it's quite possibly the cutest thing in the world. Some pretty awesome person must've shown it to you ;)

For anyone who doesn't know how to use spoiler tags, do the following:

<spoiler=topic>Then write your spoiler here, but make sure not to do any paragraph breaks (ie. press the enter/return key) because otherwise the tags will not work properly</spoiler>

But replace the < > tags with [ ] tags, and it'll come out like this:

Then write your spoiler here, but make sure not to do any paragraph breaks (ie. press the enter/return key) because otherwise the tags will not work properly
Please respect the spoiler free :)

In other news (and taking my own advice...)

The man's an arse - a shit stirring arse. Plain and simple. He purposely says things to a) attract readers, and b) get his readers into a tizz, because he knows that will have people talking about him (like we're doing right now) which will secure his job for the next however long, even though he is talking complete bollocks most of the time, and/or taking things out of context, putting his own inappropriate spin on them. I think we can all remain safe and confident that GSR is a-okay, despite any hiatus Grissom's gonna be taking, and if anything it will allow their relationship to strengthen, not go on the rocks (Sara being there for him when times get tough, Grissom realising how much he misses seeing Sara every day while he's away, and so on and so forth). Our ship's gonna be fine, guys, no matter how much drama TPTB wanna throw in the mix, or how many idiot columnists wanna speculate for the sake of creating their own drama.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

I think the real issue is that he's claiming that the whole quote was FROM TPTB. So the question is more: Did Ausiello take a few liberties with what CM and NS say, or is that what TPTB are really trying to do right now? Rope in the 18-49 audience? Stir up a little controvercy. On the show? No. But in the advertising, maybe.

Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Hey everyone,
I suppose you guys would call me new but I’ve been lurking around here for I’d say…oh…2 years? Sounds about right. Anyways I only just now decided to grace you with the knowledge of my presence.

I think you guys are pretty darn cool and hopefully the feelings will be mutual soon. Which I know of course is inevitable since my coolness factor is matched by no other mortal mwuahahahaha...(I know. It sounds conceited, but what can I say? Any other statement would be untrue.)

Just so all you other spoiler free people know; I haven’t fallen off the wagon yet. Spoiler free season 7 w00t!
I don’t hate spoilers with the same loathing that my brother does, (and believe me he definitely has a hateful loathing for them,) I just think it’s more fun to watch if I don’t know what’s going to happen.

I know I’m a little slow on the draw, but here’s my two cents on Fannysmackin’ if anyone’s interested.
I, like a lot of you was a little bit skeptical and turned off by the fact the K-fed was going to be a guest. But it would be unfair to say that it was disappointing. Despite the K-fedyness of his scenes, he wasn’t that horribly awful. And the whole episode overall was pretty damn good.
I felt so sorry for poor Greg. But the scene when Sara comes to see him was great. I’ve always been just a touch Sandle, and if Grissom ever like died of old age or something, (which, as much as I love the man, let’s face it, is not entirely impossible.) I think that Sara and Greg should totally get together. Anyway, back to my ranting and raving. You guys are all right, the whole cast looks really good. To be honest I have never really found Jorja Fox to be particularly *looks around warily* sexy, *ducks away from flying objects* but the whole dummy-kicking scene totally changed my mind.
The end part with everyone in the locker room was probably my favorite. (Besides the dummy-kicking scene of course.) Everyone together just talkin’ and stuff was really cool, and very first seasonish.
Come to think of it, I haven’t really said anything new in this whole damn thing. You all have pretty much said everything I just said already. *Looks embarrassed* Oh well, maybe someone will want to hear it one more time.
Come to think of it again, I haven’t really said anything in this whole damn thing pertaining to GSR either. I guess know would be the time:

I’m not sure if this needs to be in a spoiler box but just to be safe. The stuff that wasn’t in spoiler boxes about Grissom wanting to have a break from Sara was all I read about it so I may be just talkin’ based on half the story, but I think that as long as they eventually fixed everything back up it would be fine for Grissom to want a ‘break,’ ‘cause who doesn’t love some angst and a pissed off Sara? (Ok, that sounded mean that I like it when she’s pissed, but it’s true.) I really don’t think that they will actually use that reason for Grissom to go away but if they were just that dumb it might not turn out all bad. And that’s all I have to say about that.

And so concludes my first post.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Chances are he's taking liberties on what TPTB have said. I'd say he heard Grissom was taking a break, but he himself added the "and from Sara too" comment. Note the picture they used in the advertisement for it on the website was the ONE DC promo where they've not all PSV like whoa. I could buy CM jumping the fence on GSR yet again, but not NS so much, I don't think. But hmm, we'll see how things play out, I guess. My confidence in GSR has not wavered or been affected by this in the slightest.

Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Despite the K-fedyness of his scenes, he wasn’t that horribly awful. And the whole episode overall was pretty damn good.

I think the majority of critics pretty much agreed. He wasn't given enough to really be called "acting", but what he had wasn't cringe-enducing. And really, as Dustin Lee Abrams pointed out, he was pretty much hand-picked for the part. So, in Dustin's mind, he was playing himself.

I felt so sorry for poor Greg. But the scene when Sara comes to see him was great. I’ve always been just a touch Sandle, and if Grissom ever like died of old age or something, (which, as much as I love the man, let’s face it, is not entirely impossible.) I think that Sara and Greg should totally get together.

I don't necessarily think it would have to be a "Grissom dying" scenario, but if GSR didn't work out, I'd definitely go to Sandles as well.

To be honest I have never really found Jorja Fox to be particularly *looks around warily* sexy, *ducks away from flying objects* but the whole dummy-kicking scene totally changed my mind.

Everyone has their "Jorja" moment when they realize that she *is* pretty. I think it's just that, and this is true, her face can be both gorgeous and ugly. It's very dependant on her expressions. But Jorja herself is always seemingly pretty. It's Sara, when she scowls or makes a face, that can seem quite unpleasant.

But lately that hasn't been true.

My "Jorja" moment was in Chasing the Bus where she crouches down on the road and then looks up. It was just a really good shot for her.

The end part with everyone in the locker room was probably my favorite. (Besides the dummy-kicking scene of course.) Everyone together just talkin’ and stuff was really cool, and very first seasonish.

And don't they even beat a dummy in Unfriendly Skies? I definitely think that this was the sister episode to US. Showing how much they've all changed.

Instead of all of them sitting around going, "Could YOU beat someone to death", they all picked a different pair of shoes to walk in. Which was the entire point of Grissom's speech.

Anyway, WELCOME. lol.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Oh, hi, I'm back, and freakin pissed off. One thing, just to let you know, I never liked Ausiello...never...very very very unreliable. And that isnt just the GSR talking. (Okay, maybe it is.) I mean, do you remember all the "well, i'm about 99% sure there will be no Grissom-Sara moments in the finale..." Yeah. Someone throw a shoe or something at the man. And The man (who is very bitchy all the time) probably made up the Sara part of the story. He and his mischevious ways and his CSI spy. I honestly think he doesnt know crap. And if it were the case, and though I HIGHLY doubt it, Jorja and Billy wouldnt have it that way, would they? The two sounded so happy that it was finally working out. If this "break" is written to be a bitter one, I don't count on it ever occuring between them. Plus, like someone said before, what would all the anti- or not so GSR ppl think? They'd be pissed off at the drama. lose-lose situation. Couldnt imagine it the way the show is going.......By the way, I havent visited ytdaw in a while but I do wanna hear a response from everybody over there.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Well... you figured it had to happen. He had to come back with both guns blazing and no ammo as always. I, personally, will choose to wait and see what happens. The episode is 6 away, and with some breaks stuck in there. Anything could happen at this point. Let's say that they start beating Grey's again, and no longer feel that they need to end on an angsty note. Could happen. There's still about two or three weeks before WP will be filming this, because his play begins rehearsals on the second. So yeah - until the reel is in the can, I'd rather believe Happy Sunshine Daisies GSR. Yes, I do want angst, but breaking up and angst are two different things.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

who is he??. so he said he was 99% sure there would be no GSR finale in season 6? ..well gee, he sounds reliable. if he has no ties with the show, then id say he added the and sara part, purely off his own back. i dont want him leaving and her been the reason though. i think to choose sara and grissom as the first and probably only relationship for the show, and then have it break down-its such a waste, and why bother in the first place? its a waste of time, complete waste of time. and i agree, WP and JF dont seem like they'd let that happen, i dont think thats the road WP will be happy to go down, and so i doubt even if the writers did want to, it would. if for grissom this was a all or nothing relationship, something he was risking his job for, and sara something shes wanted for years, it makes no sense to have it turn sour and play with the audience, thats just pathetic. totally pathetic
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Ausiello is TV Guide's spoiler king. He also tends to pretty much say whatever he thinks will get him attention. At the press conference over the summer he boastfully mocked TPTB for saying that GSR was well-received... but then admitted he didn't actually have the courage to say it to their faces. I think this is part of his persona, though. From the letters I've seen him get about other shows, he's actively TRYING to be a Bill O'Reilly type. Loud, obnoxious, and doesn't care if he's right or wrong. For instance: for ABRTI 2, he was the one who said that Sara was going to walk in on an intimate scene between Sofia and Grissom and become angry. Did that scene happen? Yes. The way he made it sound? Definitely not. She didn't exactly walk in and have Sofia's panties flung in her face while the two were distractedly making love on his desk. So... in short, Ausiello, whether right or wrong, says things for shock value. And also, he isn't even willing to concretely say that they WILL break up, just that it's an option. As well, Naren and Carol are going to say things to get press. So while it's a little annoying, for right now there is nothing concrete to say that this information is true, so I'm going to treat it like it isn't.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Ahhh so many spoilers!
Anyway, I am watching the episode "Early Rollout" and it's the first time I have ever seen this episode and I was wondering if anyone can explain the whole Sara/cough drop thing to me. Is it to hint at her drinking problem?

I like how Grissom seemed so concerned when he asked if she had a cold. That was too cute. Catherine is kissing that dude...whoever he is. Brass is asking Sara about her "cold". Brass is the best. *Tear Tear* Poor Sara. :-(.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Don't put any credibility in that TV Guide guy Ausiello...he also stated that WP's contract went through 2008..and that's confusing, in the fact that it's not true everyones take, he's going home, to do the end of 2007... things to change , however, and I won't put any money on that either!!!! and taking a break from Sara, is HIS comment.. I think when WP leaves to to his theater stint.. on the show, they'll just have him going to some seminar..or something similiar...not taking a break from her...

From tomorrows "DOUBLE CROSS"

two peas in a pod :p
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

geez you ppl have fast computers, and hey are you gonna kill us with spoiler pics or what? (they are adorably adorable though :) )
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