Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding Love

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Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Ahhh so many spoilers!
Anyway, I am watching the episode "Early Rollout" and it's the first time I have ever seen this episode and I was wondering if anyone can explain the whole Sara/cough drop thing to me. Is it to hint at her drinking problem?

I like how Grissom seemed so concerned when he asked if she had a cold. That was too cute. Catherine is kissing that dude...whoever he is. Brass is asking Sara about her "cold". Brass is the best. *Tear Tear* Poor Sara. :-(.

i watched that recently too. i was totally shocked at catherine. shes good at her job, but sometimes i feel she doesnt know where to draw the line. accepting money, making out on job...not too professional.

anyways about gsr. yeah i totally did not get the cough sweet convo with brass, maybe its cause i was sidetracked at the time, but something about how she'd had a drink after shift, got called in, and so took cough disguise the smell? cause they take the edge of the alcohol? i wish id listened properley now.

yeah i think it was hinting not at her drinking problem, per say, but that she wasnt coping at that time, and was doing these kind of things to help her cope. afterall her DUI happened on the finale. but grissom said in nesting dolls 'we both know this isnt youre problem'. so she was using it to cope not because she had a drink problem, although maybe she was abusing drink, but not cause she needed drink, to block everything out maybe?. do you think the promotion thing knocked her over the edge?

and i notice season 6 finale wasnt the only gsr finale, 4 was too....anyways, that was a cute ep.

oh right. so he kinda has the inside scoop, but sometimes hes wrong, sometimes hes inaccurate, and sometimes he makes stuff up to get attention. well i just hope to god the break from sara stuff isnt true

thanks for the pics. i like those. tonights ep? its wednesday...
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

greggoooo_fan said:
stupid tv guide, what is it supposed to mean?? :mad: the are nuts, they just don't know what they are saying.. :mad: well, i think the REAL GSR experts are in here, and not over there, working for the tv-guide-articles! :rolleyes: it's obviously everybody here thinks that it's non possible they could actually break up now, while they been together for such a short time, don't we?? :( i don't think they are right, i think it just means that MAYBE the directors are going easy on the GSR-scenes, not that much flirty-scenes... :( i can live with that, as long as we don't see them breaking up again, or grissom saying to sara he needs time to think about it, i mean, he had that time for 7 damned years!! :mad: :rolleyes: sorry, that's my opinion about this, i don't think the tv-guide means to say that GS is gonna break up, or so i hope ofcourse, don't we all.. :rolleyes: :p

I couldn't have said it better myself. I think we all need to meet somewhere one of these days and like...create our own world-wide CSI: magazine. We can tell the TRUTH of GSR, along with all the other stuff that's ever happened or is going to happen on the show. Them people don't know what they're talkin about! I bet half of them don't even watch the show. Grr to them. They've no right to lie about our ship! I say we riot!! w00t w00t!!!
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Thanks TS for the spoiler box thingy post. ;)

Everybody, please, please post all spoilers in the spoiler box or allow adequate spoiler space









There are posters who wish to remain spoiler free. Any news items relating to an episode that has yet to be aired in the US is considered a spoiler no matter where it came from.

Speculation about future episodes (when it's not taken from a spoiler) is ok to post without a spoiler box because that's just your opinions.

I am going to backtrack and put the spoilers in spoiler boxes.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

that 99% no GS in the end...say everything
if this break is cos something happens like someone in the team discover about them
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Thanks TS for the spoiler box thingy post. :)
No worries, CSM :)

And don't they even beat a dummy in Unfriendly Skies? I definitely think that this was the sister episode to US. Showing how much they've all changed.
I totally agree with this. And Unfriendly Skies was/is/always will be a classic episode (not to mention the first I ever saw) - I think Fannysmackin' will go down in the same way. Obviously US was much lighter than FS, but when it didn't have to do with one of their own, that's to be expected. It's nice to see the contrast in Nick in both episodes, too - in US he was all stoked (no pun intended) about being a brand new CSI level 3, pulling rank with Warrick in a cheeky way - then in FS saying he'd had enough of the place, and Warrick having to pull him back.

But both eps had excellent suggestive GSR, nice character interaction, and a great team-togetherness moment at the end.



And I don't feel the need to say any more about Ausiello except to reiterate he's an arse. A shameless arse at that.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

I seriously think this is just Ausilio (or however you spell his name) trying to bring attention to his "spoiler blog". I didn't really get the feeling from the article that "...or a break from Sara" was part of the quote TPTB gave. But, who knows? Maybe he is right. Maybe, for once Ausilio is telling the truth. We'll have to wait and see I guess, but I seriously doubt they would put Grissom and Sara together just to break them apart again. It is so...not CSI. :p



Your avatar looks pretty realistic, Zig. It's kinda creeping me out a bit.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

guys, as much as i love y'all, and i don't want to limit my participation in here, i want to stay spoiler free. right now i had to read (or rather not read) the thread very cautiously not to spoil myself. also, i don't wanna know if the upcoming GSR is good or bad, so comments out of boxes like "oh, this is SO bad what's gonna happen next" are spoilerish as well even if they don't contain any particular information - i just don't want to know or expect ANYTHING. so please, if i may ask everybody to remember that many posters and lurkers are spoiler-free and they would like to stay spoiler-free. thanks :)

and now more pleasant stuff :D

on the poll i voted ... the second option. call me cheezy and all but i want them to be cought on act.. not like seriously on the ACT, having wild S&M session in the elevator, with sara screaming "yeeees Bert, mooore", lol, but just some kind of a slip up or something similar, that they wouldn't even acknowledge. and Brass would be standing near, shocked.

and something about Paul, i NEED to say: when he was interviewing the girl in Fannysmackin', when he did this chicky motion with his arms, i thought that i'm gonna D.I.E. hilarous.
And may Adzix and Tom refrain from 'hard' jokes
you mean like HARD hard? like, standing? like ERECT jokes? nooo, i'd never do that. ever.

Alyssa, great points there. really. and i have to agree to all. i have an impression that all of our GSR scenes are connected to each other and that between them there was many more, but we just didn't see them. it's like, you get to read only random pages of the book: you can see the page numbers, so you know the chronology, but you have no idea what happened on those pages that are gone. the only thing that is left for you to do is interpret, theorize and discuss it with others sharing ideas.

EWWWWWWWWWWWW zig, i hate cats! well no, i don't really. i feel indifferent. but i definitely HATE small dogs. if you put a damn chihuahua on your avie, i'll take the first available flight to vancouver and bring my tennis racket.

ETA: noooo, not to play tennis. i have pretty hard strings that would match up with some parts of your body. no hard jokes please.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

LOL. Everytime I come in here Ziggy and Sarah are being mean to each other, You two are very entertaining thats for sure. :D

you mean like HARD hard? like, standing? like ERECT jokes? nooo, i'd never do that. ever.

Riiight. Sure you wouldn't.

Somehow or another, I can't stand spoiler free. Your lucky Ad.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

hae im new at this and im from NZ which is really bad cause the new series hasnt even startd here so please help me i need to know whats going on between Gris and Sara and i heard romours about season 8 not happening because the actors had resigned please tall all i need to know
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

*pokes head into room*

Hi guys! Wow it's been a long time...

*this is me trying to ease back in*

If you don't remember me, I was here before but left sometime after the finale - for reasons that are mine, not because I abandoned ship.

So what happened to everyone? Guess I'm not the only one who couldn't take it huh? Glad to see some familiar faces - and excited to get to know the names I don't recognize.

Now, what's the new rule? Three lines about GSR? Is that lines or sentences? Oh whatever.

Here goes.

I was really afraid of how they were going to handle it in season 7, but TPTB aren't doing as bad of job as I had feared. I mean, it's the same - without being the same... Does that make sense? It's still the subtle GSR only less angst and more hotness - "Are you volunteering?" - yum.

Not that I don't miss the angst.

Wow I feel really behind in all this. Guess I should have been a better lurker... stopping in more then once a week would have been better.

Ok, well, that's really all I have to say... I know it's not much, but let me get my sea legs back. This time around the ship is actually moving - it's a little different then just bobbing gently in the water.

Okies - I'm gone. Byes!
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding


Now that we have THAT out of the way:

I've never had so many people agree with me about anything! I should rant about GSR at three in the morning more often!

I know this is gonna sound dumb, but I think TPTB were really smart in leaving so many blanks. Adz was mentioning how we had pieces of the picture, parts of the chronology, but were forced to fill in the blanks ourselves. BRILLIANT TPTB. This is perfect motivation for fanfic, discussion, and overall dissention. This is what keeps this ship in the news and talked about all over the net. Smart move. I love trying to fill in the blanks.

However, one blank I'd like to have filled in a LITTLE is how these two are when they aren't at work. I mean, I have the feeling that even if/when their relationship is brought to light, their behaviour at work won't drastically change. So, in order for my dream to come true, TPTB would have to get personal... and, we all know, that's a dream that rarely comes true.

I am not trying to say that I am unhappy with what we have been given. On the contrary, I am overjoyed. I was sitting, talking about CSI the other day, and realizing just how many episodes we went through last year where Grissom and Sara didn't even share a scene together, let alone a GSR scene: "Shooting Stars" "Gum Drops" (yes, I know that wasn't how it was originally intended, but it happened) "Secrets and Flies" "Dog Eat Dog" "Pirates of the Third Reich" "Spellbound" "Unusual Suspect"... and that's just off the top of my head! 7 episodes right there where we didn't even see our Geeks in the same space! So far, this year, not only have they had a scene together in every episode, but there has been some small indication that Geek Love is alive and well.

So, it'll be a while before I'm complaining. :) I'll just file a REQUEST for some affection. :)
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

hae im new at this and im from NZ which is really bad cause the new series hasnt even startd here so please help me i need to know whats going on between Gris and Sara and i heard romours about season 8 not happening because the actors had resigned please tall all i need to know PLEASE!!:)
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

...or whatever his name is. I just finished reading the article and for me it was just so he can get people talking! I mean i remember in the finale when he said that he was 99% sure that there was no GSR at all and then him saying back and forth that he didnt know for sure and blah blah blah. On the other hand, maybe if Grissom is "taking a break" from Sara maybe is just you know, him going away by himself for a while but he is still with Sara. Just that that Ausiello guy make it seemed like "OMG they're breaking up"...just ridicilous.

AAaaaaaaaaaAAAAwwwwwwwwww to ziggy's avvie!
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Zig, I don't know if I'm going to regret showing you that avatar or not. Not because I don't love it, but because I love it TOO MUCH. Seriously. Every time I see it I'm all "NAWWWWWW YAW SHO KYOOT" and it's actually kind of scary - we should Skype sometime so you realise just how terrifying my cutified voice is.

hae im new at this and im from NZ which is really bad cause the new series hasnt even startd here so please help me i need to know whats going on between Gris and Sara and i heard romours about season 8 not happening because the actors had resigned please tall all i need to know PLEASE!!:)
nz_rock, I realise it must be frustrating not to be answered, but please try not to double post simply repeating something you have already said.

The reason people didn't reply is probably because we don't know the state of WP and JF's contracts yet, but hold tight, because it'll certainly become topic of conversation around here once it becomes public knowledge. All we've heard about it so far is speculation and Ausiello's word - which as we all know, is almost always bollocks, and he hasn't been backed up by any sort of credible source as of yet.

So wait and see :)

Alyssa, I think you definitely ought to rant about GSR at 3am more often - you made some really really great points there. And we should also find a new chat to talk in about said GSR until around then again. That was a fun last chat.

TURTLE!! Yay, you're back :D I knew you'd cave! Heh. Seriously though, crash this party more often - oldschoolers like you are a force to be reckoned with <3

RE: The spoilers? Adzix is right, people (even if she does make terrifying comments that make me think of adult, slash, sesame street fanfic...*shudders*). Remember two things:

1) Spoiler topic should NOT give anything away about the spoiler. Eg. If we had just received a spoiler that Grissom was about to go bungee jumping, the spoiler topic should not be "Bungee Jumping" (lol). See what I mean? Do what people like Sarah do any make it something vague like "Upcoming" or (if you know which episode the spoiler is happening in) "7x12" (for example). The spoiled folk are pretty much always going to read a spoiler no matter what the spoiler is about, so the topic doesn't generally matter that much, just so long as it doesn't give anything away to those who DON'T wanna see it. And...

2) As Adzix said, do not make references to spoilers outside of the boxes, even if you are expressing your feelings on them. I know this can be difficult even within the spoiler boxes as the boxes don't hide emoticons/smilies, but do the best you can. And even if you want to say something like "This sucks!" which may seem unspoilery, still keep it inside a box. You don't wanna upset/worry/excite/kill the unspoiled unnecessarily.


<spoiler=topic>spoiler goes here (and don't press enter!)</spoiler>

And replace < > tags with [ ] tags.

Any questions? PM one of us, or check out FAQ or the questions thread. I don't mean to step on any toes or bother anyone by getting moddy, but there are crucial-type spoilers coming out these days, so it's best to jump on this kinda stuff ASAP, and I know our mods are busy.

Oh, and Alyssa? You have a great point about all those eps last year with no GSR. Some of them were really excellent, too (Gum Drops and The Unusual Suspect come to mind) but your mention of Shooting Stars reminded me - there is an EXCELLENT recap of that ep over at Fandom Talk that will undoubtedly make anyone (any GSR in particular, IMO) adore that episode so much more.

The Shooting Stars recap was the very first one written by the current recapper, anniemoon (previously they were done by her roommate, buffyspazz, who now does the Supernatural recaps as far as I'm aware) and it is seriously hilarious. They usually come out within a week of the episode airing (nearer the end of the week, though) and are all pretty damn awesome and pro-GSR. Yayness!

I suggest anyone in this ship who doesn't currently read the fandom recaps should take it up immediately. Makes every episode twice as good <3
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Already read it, TS, but thanks. :) I always check out their reviews!! Teehee.

And, more chattage with you would be awesome. Good times! :)

Ok, late night brainstorm...

I've been thinking about Grissom and Sara, and how much a lot of us really, really want a kiss. I mean, really want a kiss, some sort of affection. (And, I'm not dragging spoilers or anything into this... this is only in spoilers because... oh, those of you who know, know.). Anyways, I was thinking about where to place this kiss, and how it could work in May Sweeps, but it'd probably be even smarter to put it in November sweeps, just at the tail end of their run, because, if I've done the math right, that's where we'll get our last episode of Grissom before he dissapears for a while. I think it would be great for him to give her a goodbye kiss. Why? Not just for my shipper heart, but because it'd be a smart move. Think about it: They revealed their relationship to the audience at the end of Season 6, which helped drum up advertisement, discussion and lots of publicity. I think it'd be very bright to throw a kiss in for Grissom's last episode because it would have all of us in a tizzy, and everyone would be talking about it over the Christmas break. Everyone would be buzzing about how Grissom and Sara finally kissed! Oh, wow! Magazines would weigh in on whether or not the show was getting too "soapy," interviewers would want to know if the kiss was goodbye forever, or just for while he's gone. It's genius. It's seriously GENIUS. TPTB, please give us a kiss, there. It'd be brilliant.

But, that's just my opinion. :)
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