Lab Technician
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

W00! No longer a police officer - Lab Technician ftw!
Techies are hot, yo.
WEIRD. And no, I've never had it. NEVAR. Feel free to make me some!sarahvma said:
WAIT. WAIT. Hold the phone. You've never had pumpkin pie?
It's made with condensed milk and it is sweet, but not overly. It's also one of the healthier pies.
D: *cries*sarahvma said:
Yeah? Well she's still in our pre-TOYD Gang. Take that!
Hell yes it is! *runs out of town to farm tomacco*sarahvma said:
Is that a challenge, sir? *slaps face with glove*
Always.sarahvma said:
It's all lies. You only forgive her 'cause of the Pole dancing lessons she's been giving you. Poles for Polls.sarahvma said:
Adzix is Polish. We'll forgive her because of her country's folly in World War II.
ITA. Smacked ftw! That and M&Ms. Mmmmm. ANYWAY - naked, post-coital GSR isn't something I'm gonna complain about, no matter what ship it emulates.sarahvma said:
I don't ship Payless and Mac. *glare*
SMACKED, y'all.
Agreed. But which sweeps is the question.sarahvma said:
I dunno - I really don't. I think I'm more struggling with how much TPTB are really going to show, and what they'd rather get across.
I think they know at some point we have to have a real straight-forward "romance" scene, but I see them targetting later sweeps for that.
Because she wanted to shower with him (Grissom)? Come on - hot GSR shower sex! Mmmmm.However, her showering in his room (likely when Greg is out) is a little suspect. I mean, why couldn't she shower in her room?
W00! No longer a police officer - Lab Technician ftw!
Techies are hot, yo.