Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding Love

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Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Being a complete a utter newbie to this site, I've just gotta say I love this pairing! From the very first moment Sara walked into his office I could see the chemistry that these two have between them.

I'm not completely up to date with the episodes, but I'm one for being spoiled so I'm as up to date as I'm gonna be :D

I like both the bearded look and the nude look, but a shaven Grissom is a much better prospect IMHO...

So, having said that... on, on!

Tan :cool:
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

It has nothing to do with trust. I scoped out your medicine cabinet from Day One. Hell - I cleaned your DVD case. And to a nerd, the DVD case is by far more sacred.
But I didn't have a medicine cabinet at the old house! You must have been in the wrong place. And I couldn't get you to STOP cleaning my DVD case, damnit. heh.

I meant that perhaps she could change his waste basket beneath his desk, sharpen his pencils, beat out the rug. That sort of thing.
Oh, yeah right. That sounds totally boring. When I said "under the desk" I meant something MUCH more scintillating. You know, like a foot and calf massage. Perhaps a pedicure.

Or Billy's - seeing as they're his and he has ridiculously elaborate stories explaining both. cough.
Can't you just see him at home, trying on his brand new Christmas sweater adorned with Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer (complete with light up nose and button to press for those awful nasal electronic Christmas songs) and going "I TOTALLY SHOULD WEAR THIS ON THE SHOW! Maybe Grissom's second cousin's daughter's boyfriend got it for him whilst on a factory tour of Chinese sweater-making shops, and it was shipped from his second cousin in Kentucky, along with some fresh home-made fudge! Oh, Carol will SO go for it!"

Back in Season 2, I think I would've expected... black.
To match her demeanor and general life outlook?

When I had migraines, I cried for my mommy. Every time. Right up until my most recent one, when I was about 19. I wanted to be nurtured, not left alone. Maybe Grissom's more like me and wails for his Snuggy-Bunny Sara.

Oh, and heads up, y'all? The Desperate Housewifes game RULES. I hardcore recommend it. It's the most fun game EVER.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Welcome to the ship, Tan! :D


I'd be careful about using the words 'nude' and 'Grissom' in the same sentence, though, lest you kill our dear Adzix.

I honestly hope she hasn't. One would think that they have a level of trust going on where she doesn't need to snoop around in his house to answer questions about her. At the same time, I hope that he isn't deliberately hiding something like this from her. It's not fair to either of them.
I don't think it would have been a case of snooping. It could have been like, she was cleaning her teeth at the end of the night and she had some broccoli stuck in her teeth so opened the cabinet to look for floss or whatever - and she coulda noticed a pill bottle then. Innocent things like that. It's not like she covertly snuck off to the bathroom with the express purpose of finding out exactly what drugs he may or may not be on.

Very true. All you want to do is curl up in a dark room with your head under a pillow and cry.

By "cry", do you mean have sex with Sara?
Hmm. Thoughts of sex...head under a pillow...Sara...Committed flashbacks much?

Oh, agreed. The beard made Grissom seem darker and more dangeous, like he'd cut you for laughing at the hat. Now he seems oddly defenseless from our laughter.
Very true. He wore a baseball cap in Toe Tags, though, didn't he? So maybe he's gone back to those.

He woulda looked pretty odd with a baseball cap and beard, I imagine. But I could be wrong - he might've done it. I just can't really picture it.

Can't you just see him at home, trying on his brand new Christmas sweater adorned with Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer (complete with light up nose and button to press for those awful nasal electronic Christmas songs) and going "I TOTALLY SHOULD WEAR THIS ON THE SHOW! Maybe Grissom's second cousin's daughter's boyfriend got it for him whilst on a factory tour of Chinese sweater-making shops, and it was shipped from his second cousin in Kentucky, along with some fresh home-made fudge! Oh, Carol will SO go for it!"
Okay, minus the fact that the nose lights up/plays music...


HOT. Mmm, Colin <3 I would have just photoshopped Grissom's face in there to make more of your point, but really - WHO would want to cover up Colin? SERIOUSLY.

*fawns on him*

Geddit? Fawn? Raindeer? Ahem. *goes back to her corner*
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Big welcome Tan glad your here.. and have fun.. yes their a awesome/twosome/ we love them.. :p and you'll catch up..

Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Welcome, Tan! This is a fantastic place to be. Just beware of Sporter's evil, evil, evil avatar. It is HORRID.

I don't think it would have been a case of snooping. It could have been like, she was cleaning her teeth at the end of the night and she had some broccoli stuck in her teeth so opened the cabinet to look for floss or whatever - and she coulda noticed a pill bottle then. Innocent things like that. It's not like she covertly snuck off to the bathroom with the express purpose of finding out exactly what drugs he may or may not be on.
Okay, now that seems a lot more likely and in-character. Also, it diffuses the situation a bit so that next time he has a migraine, she can just play it down like "Oh, yeah, I noticed those pills in your cabinet when I was flossing once, is there anything I can do for you?"

And that sweater is IDEAL. That's EXACTLY what I had in mind. I totally forgot about Colin wearing it. I heart Colin so.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Zig, YOU LOVE THE TOM! And Colin is MINE. Stay away from him! *glares* *hugs Colin tightly*

Question: was the opening scene supposed to show that he had a migraine all day, or was it bookending the episode with the final scene and foreshadowing?

If it's the first, then Sara should've known. If the second, then the pedophile brought on his migraine, and Sara wouldn't have.
It was bookending the episode to show the seriousness of it, but no, the pedophile didn't bring on Grissom's migraine.

He had it before the pedophile turned up (after he got up from his initial lie-down, he went into the police briefing, then Nick[?] txted him about the arson, and it was there that he met Fisher [the ped]).

On somewhat of a sidenote - I found myself feeling really bad for the pedophile throughout the episode. I know that's awful, and maybe I shouldn't have felt bad for him because of what he was guilty of, but I did. Damn Alan Tudyk sucking me in like that! I even found myself kind of annoyed at Brass for being so mean to him all the time. I guess I kinda just wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt (now that he'd done his time and was getting help and was aware of what was wrong with him). I really really wanted him to be innocent, y'know. Kind of a Woodsman syndrome, in a way. But this isn't really the place to discuss that further, and I might end up getting flamed even if it was. So anyway...

Back to GSR and the migraine - I don't think Sara necessarily should have known. I mean, I've never had a migraine, however - talking to Zigs, she says they sorta just develop from a normal headache. So he coulda woken with a bit of an achy head and not thought anything of it. Then only when he was at work and separated from Sara did it develop into an actual migraine.

Because the pills he took in the ep. were just the active ingredient in tylenol - not prescription meds (which he would/should have on hand at home seeing as he knows he does get migraines) - one would theorise that this is probably the case (or something similar to it).

Then after the case was over he went back to lie down again. Poor Grissom *hugs*.

*Still waiting patiently for a kiss*
Well, maybe if you weren't so...- wait, you mean Grissom and Sara? OH.

;) I kid, I kid.

Seriously though, we need some damn lip action from our geeks, pronto! Mmm.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Ok, I haven't posted in this thread for like 1 year?....coz I was out of words, I had nothing more to say, but 2 days ago, I watched a terrific episode that I haven't excepted for a long time.

It's another turning point of GSR, I guess, Sara could persuade "his man" like a wife, nice, there's a big different between wife and girlfriend.

Grissom wasn't snapping at Greg, it's just under rock music background you have to raise your voice, plus his migraine, then he turned off the music, he came back normal. In front of sara he could say too much, the music's off, done.

pedophiles....well, I've had this bad experience before....when I was about 11 or 12, I didn't know what was happening at all, I was too young...several years later I did left a shadow in my heart, but I don't hold grudge against pedophiles (maybe it's due to culture difference?), everybody should pity them---they can't keep sexual relationship with another adult.....and many of them was abused before....maybe Hodges was right, pedophiles should just kill themselves to end their hopeless lives...they're more pitiful than irksome.

Back to GSR, I just knew Grissom wouldn't go for a comfort from Sara, otherwise he isn't Grissom. Even if Sara's been sleeping with him, he won't tell her 80% things of his life, anyone who wanna know about his secret ends up hurt by him---Lady Heather was a perfect example, it also proves LH didn't exactly knew all....Grissom needs space, especially for a man, there're too many things they couldn't let women know.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

First, offering a welcome to TAN

But I didn't have a medicine cabinet at the old house! You must have been in the wrong place. And I couldn't get you to STOP cleaning my DVD case, damnit. heh.

You had the little curtain with all your beauty supplies.

Oh, yeah right. That sounds totally boring. When I said "under the desk" I meant something MUCH more scintillating. You know, like a foot and calf massage. Perhaps a pedicure.

Red polish? A little topcoat?

Can't you just see him at home, trying on his brand new Christmas sweater adorned with Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer (complete with light up nose and button to press for those awful nasal electronic Christmas songs) and going "I TOTALLY SHOULD WEAR THIS ON THE SHOW! Maybe Grissom's second cousin's daughter's boyfriend got it for him whilst on a factory tour of Chinese sweater-making shops, and it was shipped from his second cousin in Kentucky, along with some fresh home-made fudge! Oh, Carol will SO go for it!"

Carol would, too. Mostly because she has the same one in green.

But yeah - if Grissom ever wears a Darcy Mr. Darcy sweater, I'll kill him dead. I mean it. They'll go up to the crime scene, and there'll be Grissom, lying in a pool of his own blood, and the real horror will be that I left the sweater intact.

To match her demeanor and general life outlook?
True. I'm not going to take it back - Season 2 Sara sucked.

When I had migraines, I cried for my mommy. Every time. Right up until my most recent one, when I was about 19. I wanted to be nurtured, not left alone. Maybe Grissom's more like me and wails for his Snuggy-Bunny Sara.
Yeah - and maybe realized, while napping in Brass's office, that perhaps yelling out, "Snuggle-bunny" wasn't very likely to get him left alone from our favorite snarky detective.

Seriously, though - I love the idea that he commandiered Brass's office.

Oh, and heads up, y'all? The Desperate Housewifes game RULES. I hardcore recommend it. It's the most fun game EVER.

*Sigh* how many times have you done it with Mike?

I'd be careful about using the words 'nude' and 'Grissom' in the same sentence, though, lest you kill our dear Adzix.

lmao. You just see her head poke up from nowhere. "What? What? Is that a spoiler? DON'T SPOIL ME. NUDE? NUDE? NUDE? Dear GOD how much does it cost to fly to California?"

I don't think it would have been a case of snooping. It could have been like, she was cleaning her teeth at the end of the night and she had some broccoli stuck in her teeth so opened the cabinet to look for floss or whatever - and she coulda noticed a pill bottle then. Innocent things like that. It's not like she covertly snuck off to the bathroom with the express purpose of finding out exactly what drugs he may or may not be on.

Yeah, agreed. The fact that Grissom has an overnight bag or a drawer or whatever in which he keeps that shirt says that they pretty much co-habitate with each other. So Sara popping open the cabinet to check for floss or something isn't really snooping.

My final word on the music scene is this: she knows he has them, she didn't know he had one right then, because it was brought on by the pedophile. But we saw her giving a funny look when he was working with the gas can with Greg, and so perhaps it was equal parts, "Why is he being such a jerk?" and then "Oh."

At which point, her quieter voice and gentler tone talking about being nice to Greg could've simply been, "I know you're stressed and have a headache, but now isn't a good time to be taking it out on Greg of all people."

He woulda looked pretty odd with a baseball cap and beard, I imagine. But I could be wrong - he might've done it. I just can't really picture it.

Check Jackpot and Bodies in Motion - he had the beard/baseball cap for both.

Welcome, Tan! This is a fantastic place to be. Just beware of Sporter's evil, evil, evil avatar. It is HORRID.


*Throws Zigs and the Tom off of Colin. HE IS MINE besides, Zigs doesn't even LIKE Pride and Prejudice she prefers the stupid BRONTES*glares*

It was bookending the episode to show the seriousness of it, but no, the pedophile didn't bring on Grissom's migraine.

But he was fending it off. It didn't get into an actual migraine until the interrogation. It was just a headache, but it was clear he could feel it coming.

On somewhat of a sidenote - I found myself feeling really bad for the pedophile throughout the episode. I know that's awful, and maybe I shouldn't have felt bad for him because of what he was guilty of, but I did.

You were meant to. Because if you don't feel badly for him, you can't believe him. If YOU can't believe him, you can't ever think that there's a moment where Grissom trusts him - which you do see happening. So it's not a shocking ending if you think he's a scumbag.

I think that's often been the problem with the way they show Sara in interrogations. She doesn't leave room for trust with suspects.

Of course, Grissom does and it leads to migraines. But I mean from a TV point of view, not for someone who really does that.

Well, maybe if you weren't so...- wait, you mean Grissom and Sara? OH.

Back to GSR and the migraine - I don't think Sara necessarily should have known. I mean, I've never had a migraine, however - talking to Zigs, she says they sorta just develop from a normal headache. So he coulda woken with a bit of an achy head and not thought anything of it. Then only when he was at work and separated from Sara did it develop into an actual migraine.

Right - and just like with Sara and her hand in Playing With Fire, these two seem like the type that don't let anything come between them and going to work. So if he tells Sara it's just a headache, she won't worry.




We're on a mission from God.

It's another turning point of GSR, I guess, Sara could persuade "his man" like a wife, nice, there's a big different between wife and girlfriend.

Oh, completely agreed. First Grissom calls HER dear, then she pretty much dears him into being nicer to Greg. And by the end of the episode, don't we see him being nicer to him? Or am I imagining that?

In front of sara he could say too much, the music's off, done.

That's kind of interesting. One might wonder if his pained look was him wanting to tell Sara he just had a migraine, but couldn't do so in front of Greg without making it sound like he was asking for pity from his co-workers.

I'm really sorry about your experience, ancient, but I'm very glad that you have such a forgiving attitude about it. I suppose the rest of us can only ever speculate, but forgiveness should come from the victim themself - everyone else is putting their own societal ideologies on it.

I agree that Lady Heather understood his problems, but didn't know how to deal with him or WHY he did the things that he did.

Sara does. Otherwise the Snakes speech never would've happened.

And I do believe Sara would give him his space in a time like that. She very easily could've repromanded him again about the gas can in front of Greg, and didn't. She waited until she could say it as his girlfriend, not as his co-worker.

Grissom needs time and he needs space, and he always will. I think the key to it is that Sara's not only the first woman we've seen understand this, but also respect it.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Okay, I just watched Saw II, so this is kinda where my idea is coming from. lol.

What do you think Grissom would do if he was called to investigate a murder, then when he got there, the murderer was there, and he told Grissom to look on the computers (that would be in the same room or something like that), and when he did he saw Sara being tortured in one of Jigsaw's insane mind puzzles.

ooh! Fanfic idea. hmm.. Don't steal it! It's mine :p
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

I think that we're going to end up seeing the MCSK do something similar. I have a feeling that he's going to get Sara's apartment in the mail, but without her body - in other words, you still have time. Maybe not - they've done that idea a couple of times, but that seems to be where this is leading. Epsecially with the MCSK sending them specifically to Grissom.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

sarahvma said:
I think that we're going to end up seeing the MCSK do something similar. I have a feeling that he's going to get Sara's apartment in the mail, but without her body - in other words, you still have time. Maybe not - they've done that idea a couple of times, but that seems to be where this is leading. Epsecially with the MCSK sending them specifically to Grissom.

DUDE! Haha.. that's funny. I can't wait for that episode to come out if it does. I think that would definately make for an interesting episode. LIKE REALLY. Although scary, Grissom would then be Superman and save her. Right? YES HE WILL. Because she can't die. Seriously, she can't. She's immortal now. Yes, because I have magical powers to do so.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Especially if he doesn't kidnap Sara. If Sara is fine and Grissom is battling with whether he should take this seriously and tell her or not. But again - taking one of the CSIs or "CSI in danger" is a concept they've done quite a bit. While it would have a new spin with Sara and Grissom's relationship, it might not be a route that they want to consider.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Yeah, I've seen a lot of fanfics that insist she bought it for him. And while the writers may go with that, Billy says that Grissom was sent the hat from his friend at the Smitsonian. Perhaps Grissom doesn't know you don't have to WEAR joke gifts.
when did he say this? like before WTG? cuz if he had this theory before canon GSR, it could've changed by now.
The Panama story was actually Billy explaining how HE got the shirt. Not Grissom.
ohhhhh, okay. i messed it up. well, i don't think they'll ever reveal it on CSI so it's open to interpretation i guess.
Oh, agreed. The beard made Grissom seem darker and more dangeous, like he'd cut you for laughing at the hat. Now he seems oddly defenseless from our laughter.
lol, yeah. i'm gonna try and photoshop the hat to the clean shaven face so we can kinda see the threat more clearly. i don't have time for it now though. i'll do it later today or maybe tommorow.
Being a complete a utter newbie to this site, I've just gotta say I love this pairing! From the very first moment Sara walked into his office I could see the chemistry that these two have between them.
Big Welcome Tan :D join the discussion and have fun. but you can actually use the words "nude" and "Grissom" in one sentence, if you do, i'll love you to the rest of my days.
Can't you just see him at home, trying on his brand new Christmas sweater adorned with Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer (complete with light up nose and button to press for those awful nasal electronic Christmas songs) and going "I TOTALLY SHOULD WEAR THIS ON THE SHOW! Maybe Grissom's second cousin's daughter's boyfriend got it for him whilst on a factory tour of Chinese sweater-making shops, and it was shipped from his second cousin in Kentucky, along with some fresh home-made fudge! Oh, Carol will SO go for it!"
ROFLMAO. you won't believe this but i SO thought about Bridget Jones and Collin's sweater.
I'd be careful about using the words 'nude' and 'Grissom' in the same sentence, though, lest you kill our dear Adzix.
death by orgasm is still my wish. although it happened here like at least twice and i don't know if you can kill a ghost. you can try though. it'll be very appreciated. thank you.
He woulda looked pretty odd with a baseball cap and beard, I imagine. But I could be wrong - he might've done it. I just can't really picture it.
lke sarah's said, he had it in couple of eps and he looked like a cute teddy bear.
But yeah - if Grissom ever wears a Darcy Mr. Darcy sweater, I'll kill him dead. I mean it. They'll go up to the crime scene, and there'll be Grissom, lying in a pool of his own blood, and the real horror will be that I left the sweater intact.
nooo, you gotta strip'im first. or, omg, do the same thing the guy did to that movie star in Room Service! *thud*
lmao. You just see her head poke up from nowhere. "What? What? Is that a spoiler? DON'T SPOIL ME. NUDE? NUDE? NUDE? Dear GOD how much does it cost to fly to California?"
hahah, lol. ... but ... he's gonna show some flesh at some point, right? wait, DON'T ANSWER THAT.
Grissom needs time and he needs space, and he always will. I think the key to it is that Sara's not only the first woman we've seen understand this, but also respect it.
excelent point, i was kinda thinking the same thing. ironically, it was her who pursued him all those years, making him uncomfortable in IE or PWF, being pretty bold, and also maybe "suffocating" him with it, and now when they are together it looks like she understands he needs some space.

you know, i was thinking what if Grissom didn't want to be with her in the beggining b/c despite the attraction he thought that she won't give him his own space? the way she asked him in PWF, the way she approached him in IE, it all made him feel that she will be even more demanding in a relationship and he didn't want that. he saw Lady Heather, a free soul who didn't want much from him and, he thought, understood him perfectly. he thought that after she deciphered some of his feelings without him showing anything, would mean that she knows he needs space, that he needs to breathe, and that committment is something that will be very limited b/c of his job and parts of his personality. later in LHB, we saw that she didn't understand it fully, and he really wished she would.

i think for Sara, Snakes was a turning point. she showed him that she is not going to suffocate him, that she will give him a lot of his own space and if he is not going to share every feeling with her, she's okay with that. i don't think Grissom realized this implication right then in Snakes, but the way she behaved towards him later, Committed and Nick's kidnapping helped him to finally realize it all and make a move.

so i think, Bite Me may be a part of a longer conversation that could've taken place before or after the episode.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Okay, so I'm sorry if this is off-topic, but it's gunna bother me. Did Grissom and LH sleep together??? A friend I met on the internet said that in season 3 Grissom went to her place or...mansion or whatever after work and then was there the next morning and they totally did it. But I'm convinced (going by my dad's hours) that night shift is from around 9pm until like 5 or 6am, therefore he couldn't have slept with her...he probably just went over there at two different times while still on the clock.
Anyone able to give conformation or make reasonable argument against either opinion???

Again, sorry if I'm off-topic, but I'm gunna be bothered by this...
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Jordan, this question needs to be asked in the Gil/Lady Heather thread please. ETA: Located here .

Guys, please refrain from answering this question in this thread.
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