Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding Love

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Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Let the spoiler-free people know that this poll REALLY has nothing to do with what has or has not been told to us, but has been a source of speculation amidst the group (and speculation without foundation).

ANYway... lol.

Here y'are.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Wow, I am emotional now, seeing all our gang here again! :)

(Hi fogi, hi Alyssa, desert, and everyone else!--hi DEAR's! ;))

Alyssa, I think your scenario is really plausible. I myself have been speculating about a version of that theory.

As for a geekbaby, I really love the idea in fics and in theory, but honestly, I don't see a reason why it would be the best choice for the writers this season. In the 8th season or so, if WP or JF comes back for a few episodes, then it could be plausible (for example, we hear Grissom say "the baby is due in X weeks" or something...).

ETA: Sarah, that's why I said "other". I'd like to hear about it, but I wouldn't want it by itself to be the reason why they leave.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Yeah, grissly, agreed.

I wouldn't want it to be used as an excuse. Nor would I want for it to be a big "revelation" point.

If anything, if they both DID leave, it would be fun to bring that up in kind of a sweeps "they come back for a visit" way.

But as far as wearing a mask during luminol... shrug.

I mean, I assume that after a while, certain things just get to you. Kind of like at any work, you can do something a thousand times, and at one thousand and one, you're just not feeling that well.

Also, Sara could just be sensitive to certain chemicals. In Gum Drops, she claimed the print powder was getting to her, and people jumped on the pregnancy chain for that as well.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Since i saw that episode in season 1(i think) where Sra take care of that little Brenda girl i wanted her to be a mom. She would be great at it. beside she doenst have to get pregnant they can always adopt. Anyway i would love to have a father like Grissom that would be so cool!!
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Also, Sara could just be sensitive to certain chemicals. In Gum Drops, she claimed the print powder was getting to her, and people jumped on the pregnancy chain for that as well.
Again, that could have been part of the originally planned script which involved Grissom and Sara being together.

Anywho, I voted for #3. As much as I'm playing devil's advocate for the pregnancy thing here, I don't know that it feels right for the show. But that's also 'cause I'm worried about how well TPTB could pull it off.

And yeah, grissly, dear ;) It's great to have the gang together again :)
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

MSN is down again. Booo MSN.

Anyway - I get what you're saying, Tom, it's just that I don't really think that on top of everything else they would have made her preggie in Season 6 as well.

I can see them leaving it open as an option - leaving little clues that could be solved if they needed them to be.

But how's this for another way of looking at it - Doesn't the pill make someone women a little queasy from time to time? It's possible that it's a very tiny reference to her having made a chemical change in her life.

Grissom's references to daily rituals (while giggle-inducing because I used that phrase for my own fic to mean something... well, different) might also be him loosely explaining why he follows a Catholic tradition of no condoms.

Hey - it's a stretch, but it's a possibility.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

MSN is down again. Booo MSN.
I've decided the internet really doesn't like me talking to people.

I agree with you though, Sarah, I don't think season 6 would have been a good time for a pregnancy. I mean, it's more likely (if only slightly so in total) now in season seven with the actors' contracts expiring at the end of it, and the possibility (that you've mentioned) that they won't re-sign and they'll leave the show. I can see the pregnancy either as an out or as a parting gift, not something I can imagine them bringing to term during their full-time run on the show.

The idea about the pill is interesting though. Hmm. I'm not sure I buy the rituals thing having to do with Grissom going without the love glove - but yeah, it's certainly possible he wouldn't use one with them being monogamous, and with Sara on the pill. I'd say the daily ritual line certainly did have to do with their sex life, I just can't see it in direct relation to condom usage.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

And in truth, I wouldn't HATE a pregnancy plotline. What I don't want is it being used as an excuse for them to leave in terms of "Sara HAS to leave now that she's pregnant" or "Grissom's being FORCED out because of the reveal".

More - Grissom wants to be a teacher, Sara wants to be a mother, and they've moved on from this career.

If it's done in THAT way, it would be very welcome.

That's sort of how the reveal was done last year as well. Much as we all wanted a passionate kiss and the hint at lurvemaking (or that that was their jumping-off point rather than a reveal), I think what they ended up doing was very much saying, "Here's what they have, and this is exactly where they want to be."

I agree that, "Dear" is appropriate for Grissom's age, and for their relationship. However, it's sorta throwing me off. I mean, that sounds very, "Married," to me. I know we could start a huge debate about whether or not they are married (I don't think so, but I think it's a possibility in the future)... but it was very, very comfortable. I mean, if they're to the stage where the have specific terms of endearment that just roll off their tongue like that, they've been together for quite a while.

I was expecting Sara and Grissom to be more divided on religion. As it was, it came out as more of a discussion than a comparing of points.

Here is what I gleaned, though - Sara feels about religion the same way she does about marriage... and so does Grissom.

Sara thinks that people shouldn't just blindly follow tradition because it's the thing to do.

Grissom likes tradition, but wants to put his own spin on it.

Therefore, I can see them living as husband and wife, being together every night (even if they don't live together, just alternating sleeping places - his or hers'), and very much BEING a married couple... without needing the papers.

I don't think either of them wants the big grand display of a wedding. I mean, Nick kind of fawned over the wedding itself, but Grissom liked the flowers and the romance of it, but balked at all of the food arrangements and the bride's finery.

Also, I don't think either of them would be up for a drive-thru wedding either.

I sense that Sara respects weddings and marriage, when done right, but doesn't think that it's necessarily for her.

So... I guess I could see them just sort of getting the papers drawn up at City Hall for legal and practical purposes (Grissom saying that he'd like to say goodbye to the ones he loves also sounds will-ish to me.), but beyond that, I don't really think this is the sort of relationship that would need marriage to make it seem stronger.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Thanks Sara_Grissom_Fan and theatresporter for the sites! I definitely had a good time procrastinating by checking those out, haha. I'd much rather research GSR than work on my undergrad Biochem thesis. IN FACT, I should just do my thesis on Grissom and Sara and their complex relationship timeline over 7 years of CSI. Geek Love: An In-Depth Analysis of the (Bio)Chemistry Between Sara and Grissom. Hee.

I have to confess the pregnancy idea seems a little far-fetched. I can appreciate the subtle things everyone's picked up on (way to go, shippers) but I just can't see a) CSI trying to pull that off (they'd die under the weight of all the hate mail they'd get) and b) Grissom and Sara being careless enough to let that happen. They're scientists. Pretty sure they know how it works.

I learned how to use the spoiler code! Thanks theatresporter!

Also, I'm banking on Brass being the first to "find out". Not Doc Robbins...because let's face, it, the dude already knows. He's that quirky character who knows everything but doesn't say anything about it, then busts it out when you least expect it. I heart the Doc.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

the thing about marriage, i think it's a very delicate issue for both of them. i mean, sara would never ever initiate a "let's get married" talk. she knows better that this could throw Grissom off or just scare him. she saw how long she had to wait for ANY indication from him, and she would never risk it for a piece of paper. besides, we know what does she think about marriages in general, so i don't think she's impatient to exchange i do's with anybody, even if it's Grissom.

he, on the other hand, seems to be more welcome to the whole issue. as you pointed out sarah, he appreciates tradition. but still i don't think he would decide on any of this firstly b/c he's not the kind of guy who would propose after a couple of months of relationship, and secondly, sara made it clear what she thinks about it.

as i was thinking more about Rashomama, i looked at sara's anti-marriage statement from a different angle. what if she wanted to give Grissom a signal that he doesn't have to propose to her in the future, so he would be less anxious about making next steps in their relationship? if we assume that Rashomama takes place in the early/middle stage, they surely weren't talking about it yet. Grissom was uncertain what her expactations are but i can't see him talking about marriage openly with her. it's possible that both of them felt this topic coming but didn't want to address it. therefore sara, made her view clear with everybody around so it would look natural, not forced and less awkward.
Here is what I gleaned, though - Sara feels about religion the same way she does about marriage... and so does Grissom.

Sara thinks that people shouldn't just blindly follow tradition because it's the thing to do.

Grissom likes tradition, but wants to put his own spin on it.
oh, very nice point sarah.

on the poll i voted the third option. i don't want a kid, i don't want them to leave, i don't wanna think about it. period.
Ahahah, it's true. And it's not a bad thing, it's just part of the kinda person Catherine is, and she's great (except for in season 5. ahem). I'd love to see that scenario play out, though, Adz - but only after Brass knew about them, because...
yeah, i agree. Paul would make those comments in the most hilarous way. this guy is genius if you ask me, lol. so yeah, if anybody, Brass is on top of my list along with Catherine.

i wish i could read your scenario AL. how far in the episodes is it spoilerish? i mean, when will i be able to read it and stay unspoiled? ;)
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Adz, do you watch promos? Because, if you do, you know the most spoilerish part. The rest is just speculation. :)

I don't think we're ever going to see a G/S wedding, and I actually prefer it that way. Shocker, I know, but if they do get married, I want it to be offcamera. I also, if they get pregnant, want the baby storyline to be off camera...

Oh, and you can never be too careful. Babies are born all the time despite contraceptives! I really don't want a pregnancy to be the REASON they leave, if they leave. I wouldn't mind it being part of their storyline, though. On the flipside, I wouldn't mind them never having children. It's one of those things I go either way on. :)
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

More - Grissom wants to be a teacher, Sara wants to be a mother, and they've moved on from this career.

If it's done in THAT way, it would be very welcome
Yeah, I definitely agree that would be ideal for how the two of them should/could leave the show.

I do wonder, if they did get married and they did want a ceremony, whether Grissom would want them to have a priest do the honors? I mean, I know he's not a practicing Catholic, but it's clear he still has a lot of respect for the church and the religion, so it might be important to him - and something his mother would have wanted.

While one could say that Grissom is whipped and would be more likely to tell Sara she could have whatever she wants (the wedding is the bride's day after all) I can see Sara realising how important that kinda thing is to Grissom, and having THAT be the most important thing to her. Not minding however they do it, as long as it's celebrating their love for each other. Having somewhat of a representation of the sacrifices they make for each other would be kinda nice. And maybe he'd sacrifice part of it by having the ceremony itself take place somewhere other than a church, despite them having a Catholic priest officiating. Just so long as it's not the body farm. Ew. Lol.

And why can I imagine Nick being their wedding planner? Lol.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Adz, do you watch promos? Because, if you do, you know the most spoilerish part. The rest is just speculation.
i don't, i'm so radical, lol. but i usually know IF there is any promo. and i didn't know there was one for Burn Out already released. so no, i have no clue. and it's actually the first time when i don't know anything at all. cuz, i pretty much knew the theme in previous eps - Cirque, Talking Corpses, Greg, K - Fed, church, i knew all that before the eps. unintentionally of course. but this time i don't know anyhing except the title, and i'm very happy about it. yay, Go Un-spoiled!

okay, let me be clear about all this. i agree with sunnydee that marriage and kid are kinda far-fetched. moreso, i don't want any of this happening on CSI. maybe sometime later in S11 when there will be only Bobby, and that fat tech responsible for paper and handwriting left.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Hi.. I want to know how old is sara and grissom? cause many people say that he is too old for her almost like her father and I dont think so.. he doesnt look that old and she doesn't look that young..Anyway..I also want to know how old is Jorja and Billy?
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Hi.. I want to know how old is sara and grissom? cause many people say that he is too old for her almost like her father and I dont think so.. he doesnt look that old and she doesn't look that young..Anyway..I also want to know how old is Jorja and Billy?
Andreina, Grissom is 50, Sara is 35 if i'm correct. Billy is 53 and Jorja is 38, so in both cases the age difference is 15 years. i really don't think this is an issue, and it's been discussed to death, lol. we basically think that ani-GSR people use it as an excuse to not like this ship or whatever, lol. the most important thing is that they are canon, and that they were able to overcome all the obstacles :D
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