Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding Love

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Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

And desertwind who posts killer pics.. I'm here too.. ;) "DEARS" and Jordan and Jasmine and gregooofan and all the others, who contribute in their own special way--for your views..theories..ideas.. and opinions...thank's from me.. we all rock and we all love GSR--Who-ya..

Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

theatresporter said:
One thing about your posts, though, gf - try not to use so many emoticons. All those smilies make things a liiiittle crazy. Hehe.

Sorry, but there is no limit on how many emoticons someone can use. Everyone can use as many as they like in their posts.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

like your sig, 1CSI :)

I hav to much as I'd like to see a little mini-Gris, I don't think I'd like seeing Sara pregnant :( I kinda think Gris could be a good daddy about Sara? With her past, what issues might she have about motherhood? I think she'd have some fear about it too.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

TS, just wanted to say this was an awesome introduction for newbies to the S. S. Geek Love. And while I am doing my Masters of Business Administration right now, I did major in philosophy for my undergrad... and I was a teacher for two years; I taught ESL in South Korea. So I found that pretty funny.

No essay this week, though. :( Due to my VCR inexplicably screwing up, I missed this week's episode. It's the first new episode of CSI I've missed since the early days of Season 5.

I'll look for alternatives to get the "dear" scene.
Have you tried Innertube? Or are you in a loc. unable to watch off there? (I can never remember where everyone's from). I hope you do get to see the ep, though - it'd be great to hear your thoughts. (And yeah, you struck me as the philosopher/teacher type ;))

TS, thanks for still considering me a member of the gutter. As you said, I am on a break from the board (busy RL), but still love the people here very much, and as you guys see, I lurk occasionally. :)
You'll never not be part of the gang, Grissly <3 Hope RL quietens down sometime so you're able to come back more :)

Sorry, but there is no limit on how many emoticons someone can use. Everyone can use as many as they like in their posts.
Understood, CSM. It was intended more as a friendly suggestion (after hearing from a few people they found gf's use particularly excessive and it was bothering them) than trying to lay down any rules - didn't mean to step on any toes, I just didn't think it was extreme enough to make an official complaint about, is all. Sorry about that.

Because in season 1, Crate n Burial, Grissom tapes Sara up, right? Right. And then in season 4, in Suckers, well I guess Sara doesn't really tape up Grissom, but she still supplied the tape. And he taped himself up. Anyway, what is it with these 2 people and duct tape? Is it some kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder towards duct tape, kinda the same obsessive-compulsive disorder I have towards butterflies.
And oh what a treat it would be if they brought back the tape. COME ON TPTB! Heh.

It's probably risky of me to be drawing parallels between Grey's and CSI - HOWEVER: I hated Addison (Shepherd, on Grey's) when she turned up - we all did. And of course she was thrown in there as a plot device to drama things up a bit in Derek & Meredith's relationship. But now they're making her a real character and her relationship with Derek is over, and I have actually grown to really like her - and Meredith and Addison have even grown to care about each other, which is wonderful to see.

Which is why (if you can follow my parallels) I would really like to see Sofia, now they're making her a real, rounded character rather than a plot device, become friends with Sara. I think, while seemingly unlikely, they're well suited. And in an odd way I think Grissom would be more comfortable hanging out (with Sara - as a couple) with (as I've said) people like her and Brass - going out to dinners and such - rather than Cath and the boys.

That's not to say Grissom and Sara wouldn't want to hang out with the rest of their team at all - they're a family and they're wonderful together - but I a couple? It makes a difference to the usual dynamic they have going on there, and I'm not sure how comfortably it'd play out.

Of course this is all speculation and we'll find out how things really go when the secret relationship comes out, but I'd be interested to see what y'all think.

Sarah - make a poll about it or something. Who'd Grissom and Sara be best to hang out with as a couple :p
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

hey y'all. geez, i missed a lot. i was on a tournament for two days and i just got back now. i'm not as lazy as ziggy, and i actually read all i missed. see? i'm such a great shipper. i'm really tired though, so i'll just respond a bit to what was said, but don't expect and deeper thoughts from me today.
One thing that that seemed a little off to me in Double Cross, was the whole, “Was it something I said? Did I offend you as a Catholic?” thing, when he just left. It seems to me that Sara would know he was just of in lala land like always. I mean I could see her being cautious if they were talking about you know kinda personal stuff in a new relationship, but depending on your view of the timeline they’ve been together for like at least a year, so it seems like they would be past the, ‘I hope I don’t offend you’ stage. Not to mention did Sara not say herself, and I quote, “Well, that’s kinda what he does.” When that cab driver asked why he was just leaving in Room Service? I don’t know maybe I’m being too critical but it just didn’t seem to quite match up to me
good point. i pretty much think that it may be the opposite. now, she understands him better and KNOWS him better, so she was just sweetly worried about him. like, she just didn't want to say anything wrong. it strongly suggests that they haven't had their first big fight since they are together yet. not that i want it to happen, heck no. but being that cautious as sara was there, looks like they just didn't fought yet and they don't want to.
But the BIG BIG part of the episode? The total parallels with Grissom and Father Frank. When Sara tells him that FF and the Crucified girl had sex, there's this sad knowing smile on his face.
And the way he talks about Frank choosing his work over his love? Definitely. Also when he talks about the eventuality of choosing the other, feeling the father and husband in himself.
yeah, i noticed that too. i mean, that's what after the episode i actually thought all your spoilers were about, the mirror Butterflied episode, but with them BEING together actually. it wasn't that obvious though, but still, yup, the parallels were visible for somebody who've seen all the episodes minimum 5 times (like me, lol). i didn't notice the looks during the pregnancy talk, gotta rewatch this ep next week.

on the poll i marked no.1, b/c i loved GSR, the case, the suspece, and Billy was hotter than ever. i'll make a new DC avie tommorow.

and the whole sofia issue. okey, i never really disliked sofia to be honest. i mean ... i think i would've been albe to like the "New GSR" ship if it happened ... *looks around and f****** RUNS away*

what? WHAT? yeah, yeah, i'm such a Grissom shipper. so, she is okay with me. if she wants to make friends with sara, let it be - i'm more than fine with it.

oh, and i heard Louise Lombard giving an interview, it's so weird to hear her with the british accent. but i love british acc in general. i'm actually an accent-freak, yo. like, i completely love different accents. british is so awesome, american, no, SOUTHERN american drawl makes me pee in my pants from laughter if somebody has a reeeeally strong one (it seriously almost happened once), autralian is hilarous as well etc etc. but my own accent beets them all. it's a mix of polish and southern drawl. seriously, it's freaky.

and one more thing i wanted to add about the Dear thing. grissom was in a work mode when he said it. you could see his facial expression after he said it - he is thinking about the case. he was concentrated on a body, and so was sara. so the "dear" came out from him very naturally. and it felt just so right.

where are my manners? Welcome all da newbies! Join the heated discussion, you'll have lots of fun in here :D btw, awesome intro theatre.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

TS, as usual, I love you! I get to be a tour guide! Hello newbies! I'm the Prudish Jewish Aunt. Long story. :) You can call me AL or 'lyssa... or whatever. I answer to most anything.

Back on topic, for some reason, I was thinking about "Iced" tonight. I guess it's because I was hanging with Matthew, and this has to do with him. Anyway, at the beginning of the episode, in the teaser, Grissom, Sara and Greg are in the dorm room. Greg has bent down, looking at something, and it's a nice two shot of Grissom and Sara as they talk, and Grissom says something poignant, to which Greg adds, standing up, "I found a condom."

Matt's interpretation of that scene always amused me. He said it was like the parents were talking, and then the son interrupted. I think it's an apt description, especially considering, "Fannysmackin'." The only two CSIs we saw with bruised-up, beat-up Greg were Sara and Gris. Love it. :)

Ok, I was talking with Matt tonight about the serial killer thing. A lot of us have speculated that the serial killer will go after Sara. So, my season 7 finale would be chuck full of GSR and wicked, crazy serial killer guy. I'd love for them to be at work, it's Sara's day off, so Grissom isn't worried about her, and the model comes in... of Sara's bedroom, Sara sprawled on the floor. Cath is confused, but Gris recognizes his woman's room and takes off. He finds her, unconscious, bleeding heavily on the floor. Well, we fast forward to Greg and Warrick processing the scene. Greg collects evidence, a little more affected, while Warrick takes in the room, trying to treat it like any other crime scene. Warrick, being the married man he is (if he still is by then) takes in that the room is built for two. The nightstands are both cluttered with different personalities. Greg remarks that he'd hate to be the one to tell Sara's boyfriend what happened, and Warrick responds that the boyfriend already knows. In his hand, from one of the nightstands, is a picture of Grissom and Sara on a rollercoaster together (one of those souvenir photos... and the two of them on a rollercoaster wouldn't be too odd since Grissom took Warrick on a rollercoaster ride and didn't jump his bones afterwards). The news gets through, and Grissom comes in to work. He has to work this case. Ecklie tries to take Grissom aside, having heard (as everyone else did) about Grissom's attachment to Sara (c'mon. Things don't stay secret in this lab). Grissom gets to give a great speech involving a sick b****** who's playing with them, who went after the woman he loved (because I can't picture Gris saying, "Girlfriend") and that this sicko is obviously trying to peck at Grissom, so Grissom doesn't have time to deal with Ecklie... The case goes on, and the pieces come together, and Grissom realizes the killer knows Sara survived. Grissom doesn't know how, since they kept it out of the press and had her under an assumed name, but the killer knows. Grissom takes off for the hospital, gun on his side (because Brass advised him to do it for safety's sake). Grissom goes into Sara's hospital room, but she's not in the bed. She's on the floor in the corner, a gun held against her head. The killer was waiting for Grissom. Grissom tries to talk to the person to reason with them, but it's not until Brass walks in, not knowing what's going on, that Grissom gets his chance. Sara pulls away from the killer as Grissom shoots the guy in the chest several times. Sara crawls across the floor, and Grissom drops down to meet her, taking her in his arms as she cries. Brass calls for a doctor to attend to the bleeding murderer. Fast forward. Grissom's office, cleaned out. Grissom packs the last box, and Ecklie appears over his shoulder. The two talk, and don't end on bad blood. Ecklie's a jerk, but a good guy at heart, so he lets Grissom know, that why he doesn't agree with his actions, he understands them. Fast forward again. Grissom and Sara sit on the couch, her leaning againt him. Some time has passed, since her wounds are completely healed. The two chat, but as the chat goes on, we realize they're not alone. The whole gang is in the room, talking, reminiscing, bemoaning the loss of their supervisor and friend. They also discuss the case, and how no remnants of the models have been found... strange. They all end with a toast, delivered by Grissom, talking about this family they made. He wasn't prepared for it, but it happened, and he's so glad it did. However, as they toast and clink glasses, we pass across a room, a table, small tools... We don't know where we are, but we end on a model of Grissom's office, a Grissom doll inside. End Season 7. :)

But, it's just a crazy idea. LOL. This is what happens when Matt and I talk on the way to dance class. :)
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

theatresporter said:
It was intended more as a friendly suggestion (after hearing from a few people they found gf's use particularly excessive and it was bothering them) than trying to lay down any rules - didn't mean to step on any toes, I just didn't think it was extreme enough to make an official complaint about, is all. Sorry about that.

Sorry TS, didn't knew it was bothering more persons..*looks down in shame* i really didn't knew it, i'm just too expressive, i guess.. but well, as you can see, i'm trying to use less emoticons now, hope it's working for you and the others who were bothered by it.. *looks hopefull*
thanks anyway CSM for pointing out to it that there is not limit, i didn't thought so either, but well, if it's bothering them, i'll try to use less :)

okay, i discussed the whole pregnancy thing with my friends, and they said what i already thought they were about to say: it's just too early for them to have a baby.' i think they are right about it (that would be the first time they are right about things that involves GSR) and i just wanna wait tilll they maybe get married or something (still hopes that's gonna happen) so, my conclusion to this whole pregnancy thing: FIRST we need a kiss, then a marriage, and then maybe a baby! (maybe-a-baby, sounds funny)
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

I don't know if this is a spoiler, but I put it as one anyway. About the whole pregnancy thing. I can't think of them having a baby on the show. Not that I don't think they would be great parents. I just can't imagine it. I think the whole baby thing is something that is better in fanfictions. Don't know why though...
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Sorry TS, didn't knew it was bothering more persons..*looks down in shame* i really didn't knew it, i'm just too expressive, i guess.. but well, as you can see, i'm trying to use less emoticons now, hope it's working for you and the others who were bothered by it.. *looks hopefull*
thanks anyway CSM for pointing out to it that there is not limit, i didn't thought so either, but well, if it's bothering them, i'll try to use less :)
Don't feel bad, hon! As CSM said, there's no rule, and if that's the way you post, then that's the way you post, and I should respect that. I didn't mean to make you feel bad and I'm sorry. It's my fault. You're an excellent contributor to this thread and this ship so you shouldn't be worried or uncomfortable about posting anything at all <3 Thank you for being so good about it and trying, though. It means a lot :)

btw, awesome intro theatre
TS, as usual, I love you!
Aww, shucks. <3 @ both of you :D

Haha, Alyssa, you and your fiance are all crazy into the CSI and it's awesome. If only we were all so lucky. Now - while I like that this scenario had Hero!Grissom in it (which is awesome) I'm not too keen on Complete!Victim!Sara. I would love it if BOTH of them got to play strong roles to bring down the bad guy, even if it's Sara's life that is threatened - like, she could bite back some how? (Not like that! Adz - MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER!). But I do really like the scenario you've written there to go down between Greg and Warrick whilst going over the diorama - that's very cool and interesting. I'd love to see it play out some how on the show :) (plus, having Warrick FINALLY cotton-on to what's going on between Grissom and Sara [well, since his last knowing quip aaaaaaaaages ago in SoS] would be nice. Heh)

And desertwind who posts killer pics.. I'm here too.. "DEARS" and Jordan and Jasmine and gregooofan and all the others, who contribute in their own special way
Yeah, desert! You're the on-board photographer, hehe. And everyone - we're all included. We're just one massive ship full of excellent people :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

theatresporter said:
Don't feel bad, hon! As CSM said, there's no rule, and if that's the way you post, then that's the way you post, and I should respect that. I didn't mean to make you feel bad and I'm sorry. It's my fault. You're an excellent contributor to this thread and this ship so you shouldn't be worried or uncomfortable about posting anything at all <3 Thank you for being so good about it and trying, though. It means a lot :)

awhh,TS, thank you, you rock! :)
and about desertwind, i have always loved your fanart and photographs and your enthusiasm, you rock too :)
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

theatresporter said:
Because in season 1, Crate n Burial, Grissom tapes Sara up, right? Right. And then in season 4, in Suckers, well I guess Sara doesn't really tape up Grissom, but she still supplied the tape. And he taped himself up. Anyway, what is it with these 2 people and duct tape? Is it some kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder towards duct tape, kinda the same obsessive-compulsive disorder I have towards butterflies.
And oh what a treat it would be if they brought back the tape. COME ON TPTB! Heh.

OHH! Bring back, bring back, bring back the duct tape to me, to me! Bring back, bring back, bring back the duct tape to geeks!

In Double-Cross, Sara was sitting in Grissom's office, and Grissom was sitting across from her, then Nick was in the other chair. I was reminded of Committed, ah-Committed, love that episode. Uhm..Anyway, it brought back memories of when they weren't together, and then I thought about the different feel that Season 7 has, because they are together.

I don't know, Season 5, was exciting and you never knew what was going to happen, because a lot of things happened that year, Season 6 was a bit boring, cause nothing huge happened to top Nick getting buried alive, and now, Season 7 just seems.. more comforting because Grissom and Sara are together.

Does anybody get what I'm trying to say?
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Sirius_Hope said:
I thought of something while reading the past few post concerning the "pregnancy" issue.

(This is not taking the mask/luminol thing into consideration) But what if pregnancy in general is a touchy subject, meaning Sara and Griss discussed the possibilities of having a child but due to some unknown reason it's impossible.

Just something to ponder over.

I rewatched the episode last night with my bestest friend Stephanie and I just noticed their looks when they were talking about pregnancy. I mighta missed it the first time, but I dunno. I was like "oh yeah...that could be..." and what-not. But it makes ya wonder, ya know???

Because in season 1, Crate n Burial, Grissom tapes Sara up, right? Right. And then in season 4, in Suckers, well I guess Sara doesn't really tape up Grissom, but she still supplied the tape. And he taped himself up. Anyway, what is it with these 2 people and duct tape? Is it some kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder towards duct tape, kinda the same obsessive-compulsive disorder I have towards butterflies.

First off, I gotta get this out, I LOVE BUTTERFLIES!! ^__^
(Note: Grissom's fault)
Secondly, duct tape rules. =P

I agree with greggoooo_fan about the whole Sara-pregnant thingy. It would be hard for even the hardcore GSR fans to handle. And it would be a worse reveal for the team, to. I mean think about it: they don't even know they're in a relationship yet, imagine how they'd react if it was like "Oh, by the way, Sara and I are moving back to San Francisco with our baby." Funny, yes, good, no. Ya know???
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

i REALLY doubt Sara is pregnant, its just too soon and dramatic, and their playing subtle right now, i think if anything..

But the BIG BIG part of the episode? The total parallels with Grissom and Father Frank. When Sara tells him that FF and the Crucified girl had sex, there's this sad knowing smile on his face.
And the way he talks about Frank choosing his work over his love? Definitely. Also when he talks about the eventuality of choosing the other, feeling the father and husband in himself.

i think its safe to say Grissom probably was aware of the parallels between his own and Father Frank's situation... but i when Sara mentioned the vic was 10 weeks pregnant, i didnt notice any kinda hard core staring, alluding to the fact, she herself might be in the same condition. no, he just looked a little shocked, that a father in a position of huge responsibility had abused his position. briefly, took it in, and was thinking, i dont think he was worried or scared there, and i dont think the situations are very similar, maybe on the surface, the confliced interests, and it been frowned upon etc, but the situation with Grissom and Sara was totally different. he went out of his way and held back for years because he didnt wanna abuse his position, take advantage of hers, and sacrifice everything he'd worked for, since he thought she'd end up leaving him, but in the end, their mutual attraction and feelings proved too much, and they decided being together was more important, whether that mean losing their jobs or not. i DO think, if he had been going through his and father franks situations, and some of the similarities in his head, upon finding out father frank got her pregnant, he might have for a split second thought about sara getting pregnant. maybe he hadnt ever considered the thought they'd have a child or anything, and it was the first time he was faced with it, and not on his own either, right in front of her.
i really dont think she is pregnant, i think the writers would be stupid to include that so soon, but i do think, that thinking about it-that might have been another reason grissom held back for so long before they got together. he was older, had lived a lot of his life, and done most of the things professionally he wanted to achieve, sara on the other hand, was a lot younger, just starting out when he met her, didnt have a family, maybe he was also concerned, she would want one, would want something he couldnt/didnt want to give, and therefore run off with someone else, (aka: butterflied speech)....but i dont know, either way, i think were probably reading to much into his split second reaction-i think he was just reacting to the news, and if it had brought him to think of his and saras personal situation, i think it was more a 'what would i do if sara got pregnant' thought running through his head. i think if sara told him she wanted a kid though, i think he'd have one with her, hes made the huge choice to start over, start his life over, take a risk, and sacrifice everything to be with her, i think, he'd do anything to make her happy, and since hes probably coming to the end of his carrer now, and thinking of moving on, i think he'd be up for that. but thats just the romantic in me speaking, but saras one too, and Grissom, i think hes a tradtionalist, and would be ok with that too.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

Sara Grissom Fan, thanks for the name of the episode! I watched Nesting Dolls and loved it. Besides going, "OmgwtfSara'sparents", I loved Griss showing up at her house, and the look on his face when she starts crying. Then the hand holding. Priceless.

It's interesting for me, as someone who just got into CSI and has watched a random scattering of episodes across seasons, to go back and see episodes with hints and suggestions of things that have now come to be (eg. GSR, obviously). I need to know what other good eps I've missed. Has anyone ever started a "Top GSR episodes of all time" thread or something?

ALSO, where has this pregnancy idea come from?! (I have to figure out the spoiler code...Also, what constitues a spoiler, exactly? Revealing tidbits of upcoming episodes? Your own speculation?)

Thanks for the warm welcome, shippers. Keep up your good work.
Re: Grissom&Sara #23 - Hot, Butt-Kicking, Chainsaw Wielding

no problem sunnydee. yeah i love Nesting Dolls too, its such an amazing ep. apart from her and Grissom together at her house my other favourite scene is the 'the only reason this is youre lab, is because Grissom, doesnt kiss ass....' speech. Sara was so awesome there. priceless scene.

yeah i only became a csi fan this year, i had the same problem as you. i watched season 5, before any other season, (it was by accident), and was very confused, but i came here, and its such a great place, i feel much more clarity now, i watched 1-4 in order, then 5 again, then 6. and download 7's scenes, but when i was confused at first, especially because even when you watch it in order, some parts arnt consistant, this place really helped me
you just click on the seasons, 1-6, and each one takes you through the eps and significant scenes sara and grissom have shared through the years. its really cute.
im sure i saw a top ten one ill have a look round :)

and as for spoilers, i think you only use them for discussion containing spoilers of thing rumoured to happen before they actually air in the us, information on possible storylines/scenes thats been leaked, whether it be from online sources, magazine sources, anything that hasnt happened, you discuss in boxes. once aired in the us, you dont need to use spoiler boxes. and youre allowed to speculate outside of boxes, thats just youre own ideas and speculation....well i think thats right. anyone?
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