CSI Level Three
WHAT????? WHAAAAAAAT????? OMFG! i can't take this anymore!! don't do that! DON'T! f***!Wow. I sure am glad I read that delicious spoiler. I mean, can you believe that they're going to show Billy like that? On CSI?
... was it for real?
scaring? the only thing that comes to my mind is SHIRTLESS grissom and this is the LAST thing i'm scared of. or ... was it an irony? heck, i'm too damn excited to think.That was totally for the purpose of scaring Adzix.
and i didn't read it. and you don't even think of teasing me more, or i'll grab my canadian roommate, take a plane to vancouver and find you.
noooo, he looks awesome without the beard. i love him clean - shaven. go Dimple.WP looked better with the beard, no question about it.