Grissom & Sara #11 - WE know what to do about "This"

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I think Sara would find Grissom's way with kids to be extremely attractive, as most women would - as if she needed another reason to find him attractive :lol:

She doesn't need another reason, but another always helps :)

the David Rambo episode is "Still Life"
eep. it doesnt work for me at least. eh. cant wait for the DR ep of corse

alyssa, i know you posted a little while ago but, i agree on your feelings on guys with kids. its always so cute and nice to see them talking to kids, making them feel special :). forensicsgirl, your list of passionate cases was very accurate. i would also like to add
4)cases in which the vitim looks exactly like sara
Yeah, I noticed that about the Blood Drops episode, too. I think it's default for a lot of people to say, "I'm not good with kids" in case they just don't mesh with the child. But a lack of easiness with children can sometimes stem from a bad childhood, and we know that's true in Sara's case.

Yes, men who are good with kids are always cute. And I do think inadvertently perhaps the writers have made Sara and Grissom's pet peeves similar.

Quick question: we don't hear a lot about Grissom's childhood. I know his mother was deaf, but what else do we know?
Sara's behavior with kids is exactly the same as her behavior with people in general, I think. She is not exactly the most social of people, not someone who will immediately step in to communicate with and comfort others, sort of in the way Nick used to do. But, deep down, she is probably one of the most compassionate of the team. She doesn't form on-the-surface and immediate bonds with people usually, but she has this loyalty to her, and I think she would sacrifice a great deal of things for the people she loves. In the end, she is really not as bad with people as she believes to be, and the same with kids. I think she is someone you can trust (as Grissom said once :D). It was like that in the case of Brenda (the little girl) too.

Sarahvma, as far as I know, Grissom's father left home when he was a kid. I don't think this has been mentioned on the show, but if I remember correctly, it must be in his character bio on CBS's website...
Quick question: we don't hear a lot about Grissom's childhood. I know his mother was deaf, but what else do we know?

The only thing that's canon (having been mentioned on the show) is that his mother is deaf and he was a 'ghost' in school. Anything else we know about Grissom is from his college years plus

What his bio tells us (and this can only be taken as soft canon until the details are either supported in an episode or refuted in one) is that he grew up in Marina Del Rey, CA, his father was a salesman (import/export) and he left them when Grissom was 5. His mother ran an art gallery (which is probably where Grissom got his appreciation of the arts...). At eight or nine, he started picking up dead animals of the beach and performing autopsies on them - basically teaching himself about death. As a teenager, local cops payed him to do quick autopsies on dogs and cats for them.

And I do think inadvertently perhaps the writers have made Sara and Grissom's pet peeves similar

I don't think there's anything inadvertent about it. Sara was originally brought into the show as Grissom's love interest - then TPTB decided to hold off on that, not have it happen straight away so the show wouldn't be soapy. They've made no secret of the connection between Grissom and Sara - they think a lot alike, they finish each others sentences when they're working a scene. And we all know that people who are soul mates normally will have very similar outlooks on life. So I think them having similar 'peeves' is a deliberate move on TPTB's part to make the connection between them even more real and 3-dimensional :)
She claimed she wasn't good with kids in Blood Drops, but she refused to leave Brenda alone and by the end of that ep she had formed a close bond with the child
The first time I saw this epi I loved it and Sara's joke with Brenda in the car is still one of my favorites.But after watching it again and knowing her background it just seemed lame.She should have had more empathy in that case since Brenda has just had her father being stubbed like Sara had.
I guess I have to blame it on the fact that the writers did not know back then how their characters would evolve.
I hope we will find out more about her family and her relationship with them.Where are her mother and brother now?
Yeah, i thought blood drops was great!
I don´t think we know where sarah´s relatives are(she only says her mother got sent to a place like the one in an ep....damn can´t remember the name..)
Does anyone know...but I am under the impression that Sara was not in foster care her whole life but just for a period of time..I guess until her mom was released. Or did she bounce around? Oh forensicsgirl I know you are usually the expert on these questions. :D
I guess she was in fostercare starting from 12-13 years old, and if she went to college at the age of 17 or so, maybe she spent 4-5 years. I don't think she went back to living with her mother, but I'm not sure...
i think she got in foster home after her mom was send to least that is the impression i got out of nesting dolls, correct me if i'm wrong ;)
Oh right, I keep forgetting she was teenager during her father's murder. So yes, she would have been in foster care until she went to college. I bet she has been on her own since then. Which I see Grissom being similar to her in that way. I bet he has been on his own as soon as he was able.
OMG, Martini, I just noticed that avatar too. Smokin' baby! I can't stop looking at Billy. Now that is what I am talkin about. No wonder women are chasing him around everywhere.

I have to say though I am fond of the teddy bear looking Grissom too though. :D I think that is what Sara prefers.
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