CSI Level One
In a lot of the interviews and releases about GSR potentially breaking up, it sounds almost as if this entire story line was a ploy to lure WP back to the show for a bit. But what if he doesn't? It's almost as if he doesn't take the bait, then the relationship is in limbo, and that's an uncredibley unfair amount of pressure to put on him.
WP left almost 5 seasons ago, and it as the writers responsibility to either continue GSR in any way they knew, or to finish it. They've done neither. We're now in this weird limbo that probably won't even be addressed until next season.
Nice as it would be for WP to come back and reprise Grissom, and fight for everything that the show was, that's not his responsibility.
WP left almost 5 seasons ago, and it as the writers responsibility to either continue GSR in any way they knew, or to finish it. They've done neither. We're now in this weird limbo that probably won't even be addressed until next season.
Nice as it would be for WP to come back and reprise Grissom, and fight for everything that the show was, that's not his responsibility.