It certainly is more fun watching old episodes since we got our happy ending.

I'm somewhat jealous of new viewers who can watch from beginning to end without being tainted by blogs of 'ship wars'. I think they will see it our way.
I'm also going back and reading some old (and some new) fanfic. We were/are fortunate to have so many talented ff writers in the GSR camp.
I do share the same sentiment you stated above. You know, fandom is a funny business --- not in a good way-- and fans are unpredictable. I always thought fandoms were fueled by the love fans held collectively towards their chosen ones, it was utterly disappointing to realize it could also be fueled by hate the fans held towards the one(s) they didn't agree.
What I like about GSR pages, among other reasons, is the GSR fans congregate together to talk about their likes. The common appreciation they share towards this unique and unconventional pairing. I seldom see -- of course, there're exceptions, don't get me wrong -- the GSR fans go bunker attacking other 'ships'. Mostly they just talk and share their thoughts, finds, speculation centered around these two unforgettable characters. Usually, it's a gentler, kinder and friendly place to visit.
But, unfortunately, it's not quite the case for other fans. Their postings do tend to veer into the putdowns, knockabouts and whatnot, you name it, chances are you will see it. Often it went beyond the common decency line by mounting personal attacks against the actor/actress who played the characters. It's just so sad people can be weighted down by the hate they held against a fictional character and/or a fictional paring.
As for the loud anti-GSR voices popped up on various message boards, I think, roughly their reasons can be counted as the followings:
- No chemistry. (I say 'phooey' to it. If Petersen said he and Jorja had it. That was it. Give Petersen some credit as an actor.)
- Sara had serious 'daddy' issue. (You can't help who you fall for. No one can tell me you've got no right to be loved once you reach a certain age! )
- Grissom was a hypocrite. (Don't they see his relationship with Sara added the drama and broaden the scope of what this character was about? Of course they broke the workplace policy; but how do you choose what to do when it comes to your livelihood and love? I, for one, do tend to root for the underdog. Everybody deserves to be happy, even Grissom and Sara. Besides, it's only a TV show, FFS.)
- It's a police procedural drama; it's a crime show based on how forensic evidences gathered and what made case solvable. They shouted that personal relationship has no place in it. (Pure baloney! Just look around, how many fans are still talking about the cases now, or how the cases were figured out in the series? At the end of the day, characters did count. Fans needed to care about the characters in order for them to come back week after week. Besides, how could they explain the existences of those other ships' threads and pages? Talking about being a hypocrite!)
- They hated Sara. (Liking/disliking or loving/hating a character is an individual choice and preference. But in Sara's case, no one can deny there were extra element added to the pot because other 'ships' came into play. Sara was the one captured Grissom's heart. So lo and behold! Catherine/LH/Sofia/Teri's fans all jumped up and down and directed their ire, disappointment and hate towards this fictional character. Besides, weren't they the hypocrites when they wrote about how they wanted Grissom to be paired up with Catherine/LH/Sofia/Teri, etc., etc? We, the fans, are all guilty of talking from both sides of our collective mouth.)
- The writers sold out. They caved in to cater to certain fandom when GSR became canon in S6. (Didn't they read any of the CSI creator, producers, actors' interview? Petersen wanted the new character, Sara, to be Grissom's love interest when they realized a rookie character wasn't received well by the prescreening/testing groups. Sara came on board before Jorja went auditioning for the role.)
- William Petersen was forced to go along with the GSR story arc. (Again, they didn't pay attention to the various interviews Petersen had with various reporters. Petersen was an actor known for daring to go against the grain and bucking the trend. If he didn't believe in GSR, no CSI writers and TPTB could force him to play along. All those nay-sayers need to do is just to watch the CSI Tribute Event held at the Paley Center last year. Petersen said to Jorja Grissom fell for Sara because Sara got Grissom, and he fell for her because she got him. Nothing else is needed to add to it.)
- Jorja is not pretty enough for Grissom. (Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. Personally I think Jorja is an unconventional beauty in her own right. She doesn't need the Botox, nip-and-tuck for enhancement. Some fans made fun of her Diastema (Gap Between Teeth) condition. I say give the woman a medal for feeling comfortable to present herself to the world ''as is'. It's good proof for feeing comfortable in her own skin, and her inner strength. She is neither a phony or a fake.)
-Sara is a cold, whiny and depressing character. (Excuse me, were we even watching the same show? She brought so much humanity and empathy to the series. For someone went through a traumatic childhood, for someone came out of the foster care system, I said she was a damn good role model for the kids to know where you came from didn't hinter the dream of where you wanted to be. Attending two Ivy League universities was nothing to be snickered at. Having the best solving rate was nothing to be looked down. What she did in 'Dead Doll' showed a resourceful, strong and resilient character she was.)
All I can say is Sara is the most authentic character among all the CSI --yes, all three of them-- female characters. So, yes. Give me a Sara if I am involved in a case. Let Catherine bend forward to risk the chance of having her breasts popping out of her skimpy top. Let LH deal with the possible health issues brought on by years of corset/high heel boots wearing when the old age comes. Let Sofia stay behind from carrying out her detective duty like chasing the MSK down the fire-escape stairs because she was, dear me, in her customary two-inch high ankle boots. (It's funny I never caught that until a fellow CSI fan pointed it out to me couple of weeks ago.)
GSR did bring forward many a talented writers. How about let's compare what stories have caught our fancy? Let me list out some of stories I fell in love with here:
- Living Dead Girl by kosmickway (
- CSI Redux series by Insomnfreak (
-Rollercoaster by VR Trakowski (FanFiction)
-Travel Light - by kerlin (FF) *I always thought if you want to kill GSR, you have to kill one of them. This story proved how wrong I was. IMHO, this is THE best GSR character death story that was ever told. Poor Sara.
-The Holiday Assignment by hazeleyes517 (FF)
-The Diner by KleeNut214 (FF)
-Summerhouse by Vplasgirl (FF)
-Equal and Opposite/The Second Chance/The Lipstick Trick and Treat by Minsmommy (FF)
-The whole collection of CSI fanfiction by KADH (
https://kadhmercer.wordpress.com or FF site)
-All stories (minus the 3 LH ones) by SylvieT (FF)
-All stories by SaraPals with past 50 (
https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1419661/sarapals-with-past50) *I am following their current story called 'Gil Grissom's Romance Part 2.
-All stories by Kalsan (FF) *Updates and new story are in the works.
So from one GSR fan to another: Happy reading. Happy re-watching.