Grey's Anatomy

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I started around the time what's-her-face came and split up Merideth and Dr. McDreamy. My mom started shortly before that.

I remeber the Hello Kitty band-aid. I love it when Merideth said, "It's the Hello Kitty band-aid. It's kinda freaking me out."
How many of ya'll think in a couple of weeks, Izzie will find out she got Syphyllis from Alex, who thought he was cured, and then he finds out he's past Stage II, which means antibiotics won't work and he's going to die....
I remember when TR Knight guest starred as Zero on an ep of CSI! I felt sorry for him then, but you gotta admit, he's a good actor!
Another great episode!!
*spoilers from tonights show below*
So much stuff going on, so much drama and intensity!!
Right after Meredith handed the ammo over to the bomb squad guy, I so had the feeling that it was going to blow up!

Once again, George was wonderful! He was good with Hannah and so wonderful with Bailey. She was hillarious when she said to George "O'Malley, stop looking at my "va-j-j"" or whatever it was she said! :lol: I so knew Bailey's baby was going to have the name 'George' in there somewhere!! :D

I liked how they went full circle with the dream from the beginning of last weeks episode coming back in to play at the end of this weeks.

Liked the song choice of "Breathe (2am)" by Anna Nalick....

Bunch of other great moments, but as usual, my memory has failed me and that's all I've got right now :p Must go watch my tape again :)
Re: Grey's Anatomy **may contain spoilers**

I decided that tonight for the first time I'm going to watch it. I am so excited!
Re: Grey's Anatomy **may contain spoilers**

Awesome episode!! So much happened!! Here's my random thoughts and highlights: (spoilers!)

~George is my hero. Best character on the show. I knew he was somehow going to end up helping Bailey and he was so amazing!! Loved the va-j-j line, my friend and I were laughing so hard! And she gave her baby George as a middle name. I love the relationship (non sexual of course, just though I'd make that clear :lol:) those two have.

~I was waiting for the bomb to blow up :lol: I figured it would happen, just didn't know when...still scared me a bit though lol.

~It got quite tense there when Bailey's husband almost died, the bomb was being taken out, the baby was being exciting! :D

~Ok, the end kinda bugged me though. Derek obviously loves Meredith. Meredith love Derek. So can they please just get back together and move on? :p I have to admit that I do like Addison a bit more than I used to though. She is a great character, and the actress did a good job on the episode tonight.

Re: Grey's Anatomy **may contain spoilers**

Last night had laughs, tears and some anger.

Tears-felt really bad for the bomb squad guy going kablooie, the unresolved crap with mere/derek and Christina's telling Burke she loves him.

Anger-I really wish Addison's character would just plain die. She had no damned business laying the smackdown on George, especially when he's the one who helped Bailey get back on task.

Laughs-"It's 8 inches long, shaped like a rocket, grab it by the nose cone and pull it out slooowwwwlllyyyyy"--how many of you thought "male body part" or "vibrator" when that line came out?!?!?! "va-jay-jay"--HILAROUS!!! Miranda's son has the middle name "George Bailey"--makes you want to say "It's a Wonderful Life!"

I also thought there was a little chemistry going on with George and Hannah--I wonder if Christina Ricci will call on George for a non-medical pelvic later this season! :D
Re: Grey's Anatomy **may contain spoilers**

I also too thought that that was a great episode. I figured that the bomb would blow up too but wasn't quite sure when. But it still surprised me when it did.

Way to go George, he is such a great guy. His relationship with Dr. Bailey is fun to watch. For once its not a sexual thing.

Izzie and Alex so what are they gonna do now. Now that the fear of dying is out of the way are they still going to stay together?

Derek's reation after he came off the elevator--"Where is she?" then Addison comes but not Meredith. Not the one he wants. I am not quite sure how they are going to play this whole triangle.
Re: Grey's Anatomy **may contain spoilers**

Jeeze that was intense. I really don't know how they're going to keep up this pace. The show's going to have to start sucking soon! :p
Re: Grey's Anatomy **may contain spoilers**

I loved the new episodes, but Meredith kind of annoys me. Jeeze, your not the only woman who has been "the other woman" and you live in a big city there are plenty of other men.

Christina telling Burke she loved him was so long over due. How sweet.

I love George. He's so cute. I wish him and Izzie would get together, they are cute together.
Re: Grey's Anatomy **may contain spoilers**

I knew it would explode. Knew it. Except I thought it would be after he went around the corner. Nope. Had to wait for her to go out into the hall.

Other than that, it was just amazing, and next week's looks great.
Re: Grey's Anatomy **may contain spoilers**

wow. i just love this show now! im officially a fan! i cant believe its season 2- im thinking ill go rent season 1
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