Grey's Anatomy

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Did anyone watch the new episode? That was intense, an awesome episode. Lots of twists and turns, great ending. CTV didn't show scenes for next week, did ABC? I can't wait for the continuation!
That was an awesome episode! Very intense!!

Why do I have a feeling that George will be with Bailey for her delivery and there'll be a little baby named George? I dunno, just thinkin'....:lol:
He was so cute when he thought she was back as resident! :D

Christina Ricci was awesome in the episode! I felt so bad for her when the last guy left her alone in the OR! :(
WOW... :eek: I had never watched this show before tonight, and now I can't wait till' next week! I loved it...I could kick myself for turning my TV after Extreme Makeover every week...As much as I hate DH, I would have sat through it for this.. :lol: Of course, and easier solution would have been just to turn it back at 10 :lol:
last nights episode was so good. i was like on the edge of the couch. and of course, we dont know what happens till next week..damn those ptb!!!
I love this show, but last night epi has got to be the best one yet. Wow, I was glued to the TV. I can't wait to see the 2nd part!
No kidding I have been watching this show from the very beginning but that has to be the best episode and I too can't wait till next Sunday.
Brief review.....

Well it starts out that Merideth has a feeling of that she is going to die. Izzie decides she has to be a "doer" istead of a watcher. Bailey goes into labor while her husband gets into an accident and has to undergo surgery by Shepard. Dr. Burke treats a man who gets shot by a bazoka. A paramedic has her hand inside the shot guy holding off a bleeder but then we find out that the shell is a bomb (code black) and everyone needs to evacuate. Paramedic girl starts freaking out and turn of events pulls her hand out of guy and Merideth who waws trying to calm her down now has her hand on the bomb. Till next week....
Christina Ricci was awesome in the episode! I felt so bad for her when the last guy left her alone in the OR! :(

Me too! I would have freaked out like she did too. You don't tell someone who's hand is on a bomb how it will be if it blows up, then be like "See ya! I can still leave, you can't!" I understand why he left, but couldn't he have waited until Dr. Burke came back in, so she wasn't all by herself?

And I have to agree that George was too cute when he thought Bailey was back. I just love George, he's my favourite! :D His dream at the beginning was hilarious :p
Yep, it sure was! And the poor guy deserves to get serviced by those three hot babes, given all he's had to put up with this past year!!! :devil:
OMG I just started watching this show 2 weeks ago, and the last episode was AMAZING!

My fav parts(I don't know all the doctors names yet so bear with me.)

Sandra Oh (not sure what her name is) "Ok, we all have our problems, now get your ass up, and get to work."
The woman was acreaming in the ER and the doctor scremed in her face to get her to stop lol
Dr Bailey: "Tell nurse ... that my contractions are ten minutes apart and my water just roke all over your shoes."

Dr Bailey: "You had better be lying somewhere DEAD because I'm having your baby!"
The irony: he's half dead on a surgery table with a bomb next door.

The doctor leaves her WHAT A JERK!



hehe, until next week guys....
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