Grey's Anatomy

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FYI- The whole cast will be on Oprah (or she's going to the set...can't remember which) Friday. :D

ETA: some points on the newest episode--
-the boob feeling scene was hillarious! Anyone else have flashbacks of that Will & Grace episode when Jack and them do something similar? :lol:
-I never cared for jerk Alex, but I'm liking him now!
-Poor George! I totally knew they'd need Burke to operate!! When his brothers started crying after Callie explained to them what was wrong in car terms had me teary :(
-I loved Bailey singing at the end. She's got a beautiful voice!
-I liked the start of Callie and Addison becoming friends last episode and liked that it continued. When Callie brought up the ju-ju, I totally thought back to when Addison tried to give Meredith ju-ju :p
Hehe . . . "Bright and shiny Meredith" . . . :lol: hehe . . . "I'm bright and shiny" says McDreamy. :lol:

I love bubble baths. :D

The "third person" between Izzie and Alex was great. That kept me laughing. And Izzie feeling Frank's and Alex's chest. Absolutely funny!

Amen to Bailey for yelling at the parents. You bet SUV have blindspots. How can the Mom blame the Nanny? She did as she was told. :mad:

God, Addison was so right about "slaves" Mark should be ashamed for using his Interns as "personal slaves." :eek:

Yay for Callie, she was great last night. I don't know why George had a problem with Callie getting along with his brothers. :rolleyes: Obviously she trying to move on and George isn't.
I thought it was so sweet of her to explain Mr. O'Malley's heart like a vintage car engine to the brothers. How frickin' cool was that? She knows about cars. Right on Callie!!! I really admire gals like her.

Poor Addie, still grieving over the divorce. :( You can tell she really has feelings for Derek. Losing a husband, partner, lover . . . not easy. Getting rid of the ring was a good start. :)

I finally thought Cristina was going to fess up about Burke. The longer you lie, the harder it becomes. :(

I don't blame the parents for blaming the nanny. I mean, you would most probably be very pissed to if your nanny ran over your kid.
Ralph wants to talk about himself in third person to now :lol:
Kill Allison now! :lol: Allison cant stand to see George nearly in tears and then yelling at his brothers. George is a real doctor. I am starting to like Jerry less (Thank god Allison killed him off in a fic :lol:
Megan wants to talk about herself in third person too! :lol:
That episode was soooo great! I could go on and on about it, but, a lot of it's been said already, and I need to go to bed, so I won't ;)
I just have to say though, that when I was watching, my sister came into the room and said 'what are you watching? Oh. Gilmore Girls' I was like :confused: WTF? :lol:
Lilly liked the epie, that whole thing with alex letting izzie take out fanks tube was sweet.Lilly cracked up (and lillys mom thought lilly was going crazy) when izzie was felling alex and frank.

This 3rd person thing is kind of catchy. :D
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