Grey's Anatomy

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Finn is so sweet. Love George and him putting his foot down about Callie.

Not the best episode ever written but it was pretty good.
The reason I thought George was an ass last night's is because he couldn't face Callie about the truth. Yes it would have hurt Callie's feelings.
I just thought he could have said the truth to her at the house. Don't get me wrong, George is a cutie. :p

And no offense if you think Derek is a total ass. And he is. :lol: I love him nonetheless. :lol: :lol:

I felt so bad for Addison. :( She wants the marriage to work, while another guy is trying to hard to win her love. :( I don't know what I would do??? :confused:

So does this mean Derek and Addison are officially separated? :rolleyes: Again? :rolleyes:

Izzy needs to come back to work. I miss her. :( We need Izzy back. :D

I love George so much, he is so McCutie!!

Yes Derek and Addison are over :( hopefully Mark stays around for her. Addison is to awesome not to have a man!
Has anyone else noticed that Eric Dane, aka McSteamy, is now a part of the cast and not a guest star anymore? He's definitely sticking around for a lot more than 10 episodes I'm thinking!!

I'm only just getting to watch the episode - it repeats on Friday night here in the US. Not as laugh-out-loud funny like last week's but it still has it's charms.
When the interns were sitting around at lunch I kept saying "Where is Izzie!? I miss Izzie!" It was so clear to me then. We need her back!
csikicksurass said:
I love George so much, he is so McCutie!!

Yes Derek and Addison are over :( hopefully Mark stays around for her. Addison is to awesome not to have a man!

Awww McCutie :p I love that name. :lol:
You're right, Addison is too gorgeous not to have a man. :(

What if she went after Finn? :eek: Or is she better off with McSteamy? :rolleyes:
Personally, I think she still loves Derek very much and letting go is hard.

I never really watched GA until S2. I saw the adds for it when it first started and I thought, "Oh, great, another ER." But then it got all the buzz and my friend Sarah couldn't stop talking about it (and really, I mean couldn't). So, when S2 started, I watched. And became a fan.

Izzie is such a great part of the cast, and so embedded in the chemistry of the show, it's obvious that she needs to be back in the hospital. There's just something missing without her there. The scene she had with Preston in the last ep was touching, I thought. It was less than a minute in length but I loved it.

It seems to me that we're going to be getting more of Alex this season as well. At least, I hope so. The girl from the foster care system really got into his head, and he jumped to abuse pretty quickly. I wonder what's going on there. I hope Karev's dad comes in -- I think it would be good to see Alex react to something like that, instead of the more immature sexual side.

Addison is wonderful, and honsestly, I like her better than Meredith. I hope that Addie does end up with Mark. It seems that he does care for her, and when he asked her if it was just sex... Well, he seemed kind of vulnerable.

I think Finn is going to be the father of Meredith's baby, mostly because everyone wants Mer to end up with Derek. That's just the way TPTB work. And with all the friction between Callie and George lately, and the scene between Finn and Callie in the first ep, I'm thinking maybe a Callie/Finn storyline. Minor, of course, because Callie is one of the best things to happen to George EVER.
WP_Rocks_MY_World said:
csikicksurass said:
I love George so much, he is so McCutie!!

Yes Derek and Addison are over :( hopefully Mark stays around for her. Addison is to awesome not to have a man!

Awww McCutie :p I love that name. :lol:
You're right, Addison is too gorgeous not to have a man. :(

What if she went after Finn? :eek: Or is she better off with McSteamy? :rolleyes:
Personally, I think she still loves Derek very much and letting go is hard.

I still think she loves Derek and thats why she was crying in the closet. But Addie can still be her awesome self even when she isn't feeling to awesome to say to Meredith that she just needs a moment with out her! I dont know what season one was like with out Addison??? and i dont want to know. Even though i would watch it for George because T.R is cute in ever season, even when he's in a suit shaped like the letter 'I' he is still adorible (I'm talking about
when he was in Sesseme street ;))
Thanks for the birthday wishes!

SO do you all like the idea of random quotes? I love quotes from Grey's so I would be happy to find more!
screamingpoet said:
I think Finn is going to be the father of Meredith's baby, mostly because everyone wants Mer to end up with Derek. That's just the way TPTB work. And with all the friction between Callie and George lately, and the scene between Finn and Callie in the first ep, I'm thinking maybe a Callie/Finn storyline.

Yeah, I'm assuming everyone is thinking Derek is the father IF Mer is pregnant. :D
I know Meredith has slept with Finn a few times, but... she did mention to Izzy that she never had sex with Finn? :confused: So did Mer finally have sex with Finn? :rolleyes:

Shady Lane I love the quotes. By all means, please continue . . . :D

Here's one:

IZZIE: Oh I’m highly competitive. Screw. S-C-R-E-W. That’s 25 points thank you very much.
DENNY: Wait a second, now you didn’t tell me we were playing naughty word scrabble.
IZZIE (laughs): We’re not playing naughty word scrabble, you just have a dirty mind.
DENNY: Oh, it’s filthy but you’re the one that put down screw.

Those two were great. :D

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