Grey's Anatomy

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Ewww that so desusting. When i saw it the secound time i was like "Theres a whore tree there" because the first time i saw him i thought it was just tree bark!
Big time ouch indeed! Webber spotting Callie dancing in her undies with shades on was kinda funny in a way too!!! :D
Shady Lane said:
*sigh* I love this show. One reason that I am getting very annoyed at people who have been bashing it on this board. You can support both CSI and Grey's!

Same here. I don't understand why fans can be so PO. :eek:
I say "Just enjoy them while they're on" 'cause some day it all has to end. :D

I am patiently waiting for The OC to begin. :D I just hate the fact that it comes on Thursday nights. :mad:

The people who bash this thread are just afraid that Greys might beat CSI in ratings while we go to this thread because some of us know that both shows are fantasic.
csikicksurass said:
The people who bash this thread are just afraid that Greys might beat CSI in ratings while we go to this thread because some of us know that both shows are fantasic.

Amen! :D

Let the networks worry about the rating 'cause I don't give a damn if both were in the bottom five. :eek:
Just give me my show. :lol:

BTW, "24" is tops in my book. :D

Back to greys: I'm wondering if McSteamy will go after Meredith too if Addison refuses to be with Mark. :eek:

What did ya think of the touch between Addie and Richard? Could there be something in the future between the two? He was the one who brought Addison out to Seattle. Plus Richard's marriage isn't exactly happy. :rolleyes:

^ I agree. Why does it have to be a compition? I don't really care about the ratings.

I am glad that McSteamy is back! And that hip action! That was hot. :lol:
I love this show too, I just can't watch both CSI and Grey's at the same time
and I have been watching CSI..this may sound like a dumb question but WHO IS RICHARD? I missed the season opener ( Watching CSI) should have watched GREY'S OOOPPSSS did I say that out loud? :eek: at least the first BTK episode
and FYI Grey's fans
There is no Seattle Grace Hospital, but they do regularly shoot in Seattle and the 'hospital scenes' are the ABC affilate KOMO TV in Seattle's Roof top
I'll keep coming here to get updates :)
and csikicksurass, I love Izzy and George together too!
I'm going to start dvr'ing this on Friday nights replay.

If they continue to have scenes like the end of last week's then I'm hooked. Eric Dane is one hunky guy.
oh that's right :eek:
and WAIT are they replaying Thursday's epi's on FRIDAY?
I'm set then
CSI Thursday, Grey's Friday
Grey's Anatomy has some great one-liners in it which makes it such a fabulous show. Then add in some good-looking and gifted actors and actresses, an amazing soundtrack and you're sorted!
I think that the writing in Grey's is amazing. If you haven't already, check out this website, it is really a fun read and the writers are so open and honest! I love reading it every week and listening to podcasts. That is another thing Greys does really connects to it's viewers even letting them write questions and comments about the shows that the actual writers read!

Just for fun I have a Quote of the Day for you all. It is from the second season's "Yesterday" and is George's quote. (maybe we should post quotes and have people guess what episode they are from!) Anyways...

I know I'm not a world-renowned surgeon and I know I'm not a lot of things you've gone for in the past. I know. But, I would never leave you. I would never hurt you. And I will never stop loving you.

Aww I love George!
George is a sweety pie, he is the reason i started to watch Greys. Love him so much, The nick name Bambi so goes well with him. Both really kind nature and both so damn adoreible!

How can people think T.R is gay. I dont think that he's gay but if he is it's none of my business. If he's happy then i'm happy :)
George is the best! Personally, I'm not a big George/Callie fan but she is starting to grow on me. I'm glad that she stood by him even though she knew about the whole Meredith-thing.
Yeah Callie is getting to be a part of the family, she does that that thing for Meredith, and she cooked for Izzie. So yeah she is alot better then before. I love Finn though because he is the guy who brings your room mate lunch when she's sad. I will always use that quote for Finn, or i personally love this one:

"Did you know about the slutty sex your sluty friend had with my super slutty husband"

:lol: I'm on team Addison (She brought Mark to the picture)
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