Grey's Anatomy #2 ~ The McThread, Seriously!

Ok so I have no idea what is going on over there on ABC but I am not happy on how they wrote Hahn out. It went from Callie and Hahn being experimental to Hahn trashing Callie and then boom no more Hahn. Stupid, they are going to kill the show.

As for last nights episode, the interns practicing on themselves, I wonder how many do that in reality?
I don't get the whole Hahn just being gone situation. That was realy strange.
As for them practicing on themselves....I am sure some of that goes on. Although I doubt any would do major surgeries on each other. I am almost caught up now. Just have to finish watching the episode where Christina has to pick who gets the solo surgery.
What do you think of the Izzy storyline?
CSI Santa said:
What do you think of the Izzy storyline?

I hate it! It's so stupid! It almost makes me not want to watch the show anymore, I'm hoping they get rid of this storyline quickly. Izzie's storylines are always lousy. I think the only thing really keeping me watching right now is Christina and Dr. Owen Hunt. Love both of them. But serioiusly, can we get rid of Denny already? Especially after this past week where he followed her around like a lost puppy and more ghost sex?!

I hope that link is ok to post. I dont kno any other way of posting it.

I'm very sad over the news that T.R. leaving Greys. I love T.R. and honestly he is who got me into watching the show. The first two seasons were amazing. The chemistry between all of them, but I mostly loved the relationship between George and Izzy. I hate where the stories have gone. They put them together for like a minute and I don't even know what happened between them. They broke up and I didn't even know it, wtf!! Season 3 of the show went down hill and it's slipped way down now. I'm tired of them giving us story lines then yanking them from us. I thought Hahn and Cali's story line was interesting, more than the boring old mer/der crap we get jammed down our throats. As for the new Izzy story....AS much as I LOVE DENNY and love having him on the show, all I can say is WTF! G/A has gone sci fi soap opera. I don't blame T.R. for leaving, he's become a fill in instead of a regular actor on the show. Shit, the new interns get more screentime than he does.

Ghost sex!! Okay that's just too weird. Funny that even dead, Denny can rock Izzy'd socks off in bed!!!

Don't get me started on that new dr. chic that is like Rain man, wtf are they thinking. I wouldn't want her as a dr. even if she was the most brilliant dr. in the friggin world. Seriously, they need to lose Dr. Rainman, not good.
Anyone else catch the "crossover event" of GA and PP last night? I like both shows so I thought It was good. It was one of the better crossovers that I have seen.

You know when Merideth was watching Derick and his old friends and said how she didn't know who he was, I liked that because you really don't see everything of what someone is and what makes that someone who they are. Kinda like your parents --no one really thinks of their parents as people because you only know one side.
I did watch it. I don't watch GA anymore, so I needed to catch up with the current relationships.
Izzie absolutely shocked me. I don't even remember why I liked her so much on season two. She used to be so cool, but now I find her a little annoying. No offense, but her personality has changed a lot and this is not the one Izzie I like. And I though that they had dropped the "dead fiancé" stuff, Denny died in season 3 (that's when I stopped watching the show).
I loved Addison and Derek, but not in a shipper way (never shipped them). The scene when Addison talked about putting Derek into a box was so touching and deep.
Actually, I reacted the same way for all the changes in Seattle, because I haven't seen an episode since Addison is gone. Mark is awesome, he is not the manwhore kind anymore - it's great to see that.
I liked the crossover episodes. It was amazing to see Derick and Mark get into a fist fight. I really don't know what to say about it except WOW! I haven't watched GA in a long time. At the beginning of season four is where the show lost me, but now season five, my opinion is better. It was quite sad when Denny died. I thought he was gone for good, and then he shows up in season five. man.........
Same here, I don't watch it anymore either. Callie's interest in women totally shocked me. It's okay, I just didn't know about that. What made me even more shocked is the fact that she dated Hahn. WOAH.
Anyway, the crossover eps rocked my socks, but I still miss Addison from GA.
I'm finally up to date with Grey's. I stopped watching halfway through season 4 and I just recently picked it up from where I left off. Mark is now my favorite character. He's just too damn funny and such a man whore. I like the Cristina-Owen story line. As for wonder Katherine Heigl wants to leave the show. Her story line is just too crappy. It's like, WTF?
Personally with this economy I think you should be happy to have a job not be complaining about it. Actors make so much compared to the normal joe on the street. GA made Heigl who she is so grow up. Yea it is a crappy storyline but so is real life without a job.
OMG didn't anyone have something to say about that ending.
I did not guess that was George til Mer figured it out. Wow. And Izzies short term memory and Alex with the notes was kinda sad but funny. I knew Izzie would get married. And I liked how they left it open for either George or Izzie to come back next year.