GREG Quotes

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I know...Greg is like there because he knows he is Sexi when he is smart!

Greg:I just want you to know, I didnt see anything when we were in the shower

Sara: Oh really? I saw everything!

Thats the latest i can comeup with...
From an episode in s5 I think;

"So, i tested the epethelials on the condoms, and we'll have no jokes about me being 'quick' in this department"
From an episode in s5 I think;

"So, i tested the epethelials on the condoms, and we'll have no jokes about me being 'quick' in this department"

I really liked that quote. I also liked the one in the eppy i think it was first season not sure. but he was like "i should know he made me sharpen them." he was talkin about his roomates ice skates anyone remember this?
Yeah, its from "Primum Non Nocere" S2, when Sara was checking for blood on the skates. Also the "sex is physical" scene too.
I like that scene.

or how bout this one:
Greg: "squirrles love em', they get tossed at Dodger stadium, and they make a hell of a butter"
Sara: "Your nuts, you know that"
Greg: "Exact a mundo-Peanuts!"
SARAH: Were gonna need a urine sample
GREG: Or ur in big trouble

GREG: I know what you guys tihnk of me that i'm just another pretty face who got here by sleeping with catherine.

NICK: I thought you kept your porn in there
GREG: I move it around

Which episodes are these from? xXx. :lol:
the bottom two are from caged I know that, but I'm not sure of the first one.

Here's my favorite

Greg: Cath? Your DNA results are back. According to my DNA data, the types are 814 quadrillion to one - that your suspect is our killer. Pretty good stats...
Catherine: Yeah, considering there are only six billion people in world.


Nick: So can you tell me where the sand came from?
Greg: I might have to do some field research to find out. You think Grissom would let me go to Hawaii :lol:
Greg Sanders: [looking through the microscope] Shh! I might be looking at the mother of my children here.
Nick Stokes: Somebody's been putting in way too much overtime.
Greg Sanders: No, man, this is serious. I had a date last night and this girl has the most impossible green eyes. Just... BAM! Shoulder-length blonde hair, intelligent, and she smells so good.
Nick Stokes: Cute toes?
Greg Sanders: Oh, ideal!
Nick Stokes: Mmm.
Greg Sanders: And none are longer than the big toe.
Nick Stokes: Mmm.
Greg Sanders: Both feet. But, you know, what I need to know is what's on the inside?
Nick Stokes: Oh, what's in her heart?
Greg Sanders: No... her DNA. And let me tell you, this girl has got some fine epithelials.

What episode is that from? I don't remember that scene at all. I hope I get to see it on Spike.

I liked this brief exchange between Greg and Catherine too:

CATHERINE: And, as you know Greg, sex can make a body pretty hot.

GREG: This stuff (contraceptive) has to be inserted 15 minutes to 3 hours before sex.

I don't know why, but that just cracks me up. I think it's because I imagine that Greg must have had a difficult time being all clinical when talking about sex with Catherine, especially when he just told her he and his friends used to frequent the club she used to dance at.
Greg Sanders: All work and no play makes Greg a dull boy.
Gil Grissom: All play and no work makes Greg an UNEMPLOYED boy.

what ep is tht from?
Nick Stokes: BLAM.
Archie: You can say THAT again.
Nick Stokes: BLAM.
Catherine Willows: Down boys.

and what is this 1 from
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