"Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Weird. I have never had any problems figuring out what Nick was saying.

Maybe they should have had subtitles! :lol:

But more than a few people had some difficulty. It's a hard call, for sure, but obviously I liked it the way it was.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

I gotta agree with Baba, I knew basically what he said the first time I watched it and I didn't even have a picture at the time. Obviously, not being able to see it, I didn't know what he said word for word, but I got the gist.

However, I guess I can see why people didn't like the way it was done, esecially those who were unfamiliar with the characters and their backgrounds.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

When they lift the lid off that coffin and Nick grabs Warrick's hand and tries to whimper his name, I still cry.

I agree, I think it would have been good if we could have heard Grissom whispering to himself what Nick was saying.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

...especially those who were unfamiliar with the characters and their backgrounds.

That might be the entire problem right there, because Grave Danger was my first ever episode, so I also had no context of the relationship between Grissom and Nick.

Plus, I'm kinda touchy about hearing speech, because I have trouble with it in real life, too. So knowing someone said something without having been able to hear it just irritates me a little...
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

All I can say is: I LOVE CSI!!!! :D
oh and when they click the 'you can only watch button' and everyone is staring at Nick in the box.... I just couldn't help but thinking, stop standing there.. and DO something!!
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

i have problems with listening to speech as well. I guess thats why i find it easier to "see" what he's saying because i usually look at a person's lips when they're talking.

i swear one day someone is going to say to me "Do you like my lipstick?" :lol: (like lady heather to grissom!)
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

In the first four years, I didn't catch enough CSI to really get a good grasp of Nick and Grissom's relationship other then a few tense scenes between them, but not enough to form an opinion, but I kind of got the idea after watching that scene because why else would Nick say something like that. He obviously felt that he wasn't up to his boss's standards, but Grissom obviously felt differently about Nick then he let on.

I think Grissom dovetails his relationships with his subordinates depending on their personalities. Moreover because Grissom struggles with human relationships, his preferances are for the 'less maintenance' workers over the ones that are. I think that is why Catharine and Warrick have a different relationship with Grissom then do Nick and Sara. Catharine and Warrick have enough ego within them to take iniative to do things without Grissom having to tell them. They also need less encouragement from him an less positive feedback. Grissom is a technical man, not a people man. Warrick is as well, while Catharine, like Grissom, can dovetail her persona with each person she meets.

With Sara it's about love, and with Nick it's about seeking approval, and there within lies Grissom's struggle. With Nick, it's tougher relationship because Nick was like an eager puppy for many years looking for that little bit of attention. Grissom couldn't deal with Nick's constant need for outside approval, so he shut himself off to him in terms of coaching and teaching. Sara being a more technical person then Nick, could at least relate to Grissom on that level, wheras Nick's empathatic personality made it harder for Grissom to deal with Nick.

However, I think with Nick's near-death, Grissom suddenly realized how much Nick meant to him. They had a love-hate relationship, but the hate part was not so strong they neither wanted any misfortune to happen to the other. Grissom also realized his humanity ran deeper then his technical side. He risked his life for Nick twice in the show, first with Walter Gordon because he didn't have to take the money to Gordon, all of them would have done it in place of Catharine and faced a professional reprimand, even but Grissom felt it was his personal responsibility to Nick to do so. Then he went into the hole knowing there were bombs there because he felt he had to find a way to reach Nick in his traumatized state because Nick needed to hold on just a bit longer.

That probably is one of my favourite CSI scenes ever, 'Put Your Hand on My Hand'. It was a moment where the years of tension between the two of them disappeared in an instant, and Grissom showed his human side for all to see.

Anyways, I hope that made sense to everyone.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Ok quick question. Does any one know exacly where the scene where Warrick kinda breaks down in the locker room is. Cause ive been searching through my tape and its really frustrating me. So if anyone knows generaly where it is (or what scenes its between) give me a shout.
Thanks so much:):):)!!
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Try right after Nick shoots out the light? I know which scene you're talking about, but I'm not exactly sure myself where it is. I'm pretty sure it's before Walter Gordon blows himself up, though.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Ok quick question. Does any one know exacly where the scene where Warrick kinda breaks down in the locker room is. Cause ive been searching through my tape and its really frustrating me. So if anyone knows generaly where it is (or what scenes its between) give me a shout.
Thanks so much:):):)!!

VerityKindle is right that it takes place after Nick shoots out the light, but it definitely takes place after Walter Gordon blows himself up.

Here's a timeline of scenes:

-Walter Gordon blows himself up
-The team searches the warehouse for evidence
-Nick shoots out the light
-Warrick breaks down in the locker room
-Grissom talks to Archie
-Mia tells Sara about the DNA from the thumb
-Sara and Grissom talk about Kelly Gordon
-Sara and Brass interrogate Kelly Gordon
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Ditto..it's when he realizes that the light and the fan were connected and why Nick shot the light out.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

I am personally still shocked and disorientated from that episode. >.< I don't think I can ever be normal again we almost lost our dear Nick. What a tradegy that would have been and it would have been even more horrible if Warrick was the one in the box but I don't think it would have fit his character to have something like done to him. The writers were a genius. Sometimes I guess it does pay off to watch soap operas. It pays off because they provide an excellent reference for drama. Ya dude!-Sessy
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

I just realized something. I don't remember seeing it commented here - BUT - how come none of the CSI's or police, etc.. put oxygen down the tubes that were the air vents sticking out of the ground before they starting digging Nick out. Catherine realized the pipes sticking out were air vents for Nick. She yelled down one. In real life - when people are stuck in confined places - somehow they get oxgen down to them before they get them out. So how come they didn't in this case. Then Warrick wouldn't have had to worry when his alarm on his watch went off.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

I just realized something. I don't remember seeing it commented here - BUT - how come none of the CSI's or police, etc.. put oxygen down the tubes that were the air vents sticking out of the ground before they starting digging Nick out. Catherine realized the pipes sticking out were air vents for Nick. She yelled down one. In real life - when people are stuck in confined places - somehow they get oxgen down to them before they get them out. So how come they didn't in this case. Then Warrick wouldn't have had to worry when his alarm on his watch went off.
I agree. I'm still amazed he was able to get any air after the ants came when he plugged his nose and kept his mouth sealed tight.

Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

When Nick was pulled out of the holed by the rope I head a scream was it Nick or was it the team grunting?