"Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

I loved the ending, actually. I would have preferred the very final scene to be some kind of team shot, but I do like where Tarantino went with it. It would have been too... cliche to end with his parents in the hospital or something. It's totally Nick to go talk to that girl, to see if he can help her, even after everything he had been put through. And he was breaking down as he was trying to do it. Great stuff.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

I think the most useless scene in the show was the autopsy scene. I don't think it was really needed. I know thats what he was thinking, but was it needed? No.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

I bet on the outcome with my roommate. I lost, and I couldn't be happier.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Posted by KatieHeartsCSI:
I think the most useless scene in the show was the autopsy scene. I don't think it was really needed. I know thats what he was thinking, but was it needed? No.

I agree
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Posted by KatieHeartsCSI:
I think the most useless scene in the show was the autopsy scene. I don't think it was really needed. I know thats what he was thinking, but was it needed? No.

I actually really liked it. It's QT's wackiness at it's best. And I definitely needed a moment where I could giggle before going back to freaking out. I'm not sure if it was absolutely necessary, but it was kind of awesome IMO.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Great ep! It was nice to actually see Warrick front and center for a change. Although...where the heck were Greg and Sars? Loved the Grissom/Nick interaction at the end.

I knew a lot of people wouldn't like the hallucination autopsy scene, but I loved it...when else would David Berman and Robert David Hall get to do some out-there comedy like that? :D
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Posted by KatieHeartsCSI:
I think the most useless scene in the show was the autopsy scene. I don't think it was really needed. I know thats what he was thinking, but was it needed? No.

All I kept thinking is that is pure Tarantino.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

I did enjoy the psychotic thoughts that went through Nick's mind (A.K.A Autopsy scene), but there was something about it, like when you're at the edge of your seat, you arent in the mood to see a comedy scene. It just doesn't fit IMO.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Posted by Mnemosyne1:
Great ep! It was nice to actually see Warrick front and center for a change. Although...where the heck were Greg and Sars? Loved the Grissom/Nick interaction at the end.

I knew a lot of people wouldn't like the hallucination autopsy scene, but I loved it...when else would David Berman and Robert David Hall get to do some out-there comedy like that? :D

I agree about Greg and Sara...you would think with 2 hours that they could throw in at least a couple good scenes of them...oh well, I like all of the characters and love angst, so I didn't really care who was freaking out as long as somebody was!

As for the autopsy scene, I just didn't think that it fit into this show...I know Quentin has his own style, but that didn't fit into CSI at all.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

The hullicination scene... it's called comic relief. I think all of us would have had heart attacks had we not had a break from all the tension sooner or later. I also think that he put it in at just the right moment. Right when we were starting to think that, "THIS IS IT! GET HIM OUT!" he starts having the hullicination and we all start giggling. Right afterward, however, the air runs out and he decides that this is the moment where he shoots himself... I know I, personally, jumped from my seat and was like, "NO! NICK! THEY'RE RIGHT THERE!"
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

I liked it. And I agree with the whole hating of commercials. Because I watched on CTV, I must have seen the commercial for Plague City about ten times. And I don't even think there were that many commercial breaks!

These are the episodes that I love. A show that normally doesn't (or says it doesn't) delve too deeply into character background finally does one like this. You got to see them work together under extreme pressure. At the beginning of the episode you saw them all getting along like--almost a family, they were friendly (like they didn't really have any work to do) and then as soon as one of their own was in trouble they all pitched in and helped out. Like a family...damn they need to all get back together as one team! You could see how worried they were, Warrick especially with his irritation with Greg.

And the Nick's hallucination? That was funny...very funny. "He won't be needing this anymore." I wonder if Nick was thinking that's what they'd do to regular bodies, or if he was just really freaking out. I'm thinking the latter.

As for the rest--I'll have to post when I get back later, I'm too excited to sit in one spot right now. Oh and go to sleep? Don't count on it.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Posted by KatieHeartsCSI:
I think the most useless scene in the show was the autopsy scene. I don't think it was really needed. I know thats what he was thinking, but was it needed? No.

I personally could have done without the scene with Nick going to see the daughter. I think that it would have been much more powerful to have ended the show right after Gris said that he wanted his team back.

Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Posted by Mnemosyne1:
I knew a lot of people wouldn't like the hallucination autopsy scene, but I loved it...when else would David Berman and Robert David Hall get to do some out-there comedy like that? :D
Totally loved that part too - was probably my 2nd favourite part of the whole epi! And totally QT style in keeping with CSI humour as well.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Heheh...I still don't think it was needed. :rolleyes: I could have enjoyed a little more tension. I just didn't like being all tense and all "NO!!" to seeing a comedy scene. I went from. O_______O to o_O to -__-'
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

It was an AMAZING episode!!!!
I laughed! I cried! I ate almonds!
(Did anyone else actually cry? I think I started crying when Warrick's watch timer went off...)

I agree with those of you who've said that the new characterization with Hodges and Ecklie is brilliant. I totally see them in a new light. ("Ohmigawd! Ecklie actually has a heart!") I thought the Sanders/Hodges scene in the beginning was kind of odd, but cool in a way. That board game they were playing was a wierd one, but anyway...

Man, it was really intense. My heart's still beating...

I liked the whole concept of the guy having a grudge against the CSIs, and the whole suicide scene blew me away. I did NOT see that one coming. :eek:

I, too, didn't like the ending so well. This girl's dad just buried Nick alive (!!!) and he's hardly emotional, and I didn't like the girl's reaction to his whole little speech. I was hoping she would say something about being locked up (maybe an angry rage because she's still bitter) or about her dad (sad, angry, hates him, loves him, whatever...) Anything, really. To me it just lacked emotion.

I don't have any complaints about the characters' emotions, however, except maybe for Greg. He could've had more of a reaction. Grissom is very stonewalled about... well, everything, and always is, so when he does show emotion, it's in some extremely dramatic way, like the "Pancho" thing at the end. It's just the way Grissom is, and if he would've reacted differently, he would be acting out of character.

Nick's "near death experience" scene was hilarious, or so I thought, anyway. Really creepy, too, nevertheless. I like the humor Tarantino incorporated into the episode. It really needed it, being so intense otherwise, so it was welcomed on my part.

My rating: If I had more than two thumbs, I'd put all of them up. If I had any stars, I'd give them all to this episode. On a scale of 1-10 it was like... infinity. :D

Kudos CSI cast and Quenten Tarantino on a job well done.