"Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

The dream sequence where Nick is imagining Doc Robbins and Super Dave performing his autopsy is just dumb. Sometimes Tarantino is right on target, but this was one for the trashcan. I just didn't enjoy that part.

Oh, my younger brothers enjoyed that scene. I guess we considered it a sort of comic relief, for a change. :rolleyes:
The only part of this episode I absolutely don't like to watch is the scene with Sam Braun talking to Frank Gorshin and Tony Curtis. That part bores me to death, so I just fast forward through it and pretend it never happened.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention that part. I didn't like that scene either. No offense to the late Frank Gorshin, but that part just creeped me out knowing that he had just died. As my mother used to say...he looked like death eating a cracker.
The dream sequence where Nick is imagining Doc Robbins and Super Dave performing his autopsy is just dumb. Sometimes Tarantino is right on target, but this was one for the trashcan.

Oddly enough that is probably my favourite scene from the episode. I do tend to have rather off the wall sense of humour though - perhaps it comes from being Canadian and loving British comedy...... :lol: :lol:

The one part that REALLY bothered me was that no one seemed concerned about Grissom being blown up (or almost). I console myself that everyone rallied around him during the commercial break..... :D
The dream sequence where Nick is imagining Doc Robbins and Super Dave performing his autopsy is just dumb. Sometimes Tarantino is right on target, but this was one for the trashcan.

Oddly enough that is probably my favourite scene from the episode. I do tend to have rather off the wall sense of humour though - perhaps it comes from being Canadian and loving British comedy...... :lol: :lol:

I like that part too, and already went into great deal as to why earlier in this thread. It was hilarious in my opinion.

The one part that REALLY bothered me was that no one seemed concerned about Grissom being blown up (or almost). I console myself that everyone rallied around him during the commercial break..... :D

He probably wouldn't let them worry over him and told them to go to work, especially since they were running out of time to find Nick.
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Attention, We have talked to the powers that be reguarding this thread.

Normally as most of you know after a thread reaches 1000 replies, we would have to lock it and open a part 2 with a link to and from. BUT in the case of this thread that will not be happening at the 1000 mark.

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Thank you. ;)

*Steps down, pushes back on topic and walks out.* :)
The only part of this episode I absolutely don't like to watch is the scene with Sam Braun talking to Frank Gorshin and Tony Curtis. That part bores me to death, so I just fast forward through it and pretend it never happened.

I love the autopsy scene though. :lol: It seems to improve with each viewing, and now I find it absolutely priceless. How many times do we get to see Dr. Robbins with a butcher's knife or a chainsaw? :lol:

Heavy Spoilers for Season 6!!
Warrick's monologue about his girlfriend used to bore me as well, but the knowledge that it's actually going to be a serious relationship sheds a new perspective on the whole scene. I'll definitely be paying attention this time. :)
The first time I watched the episode I didn't really like the scene between Nick and Warrick in the locker room, but then I started just watching what Nick was doing and didn't pay that much attention to what was being said. He could do just about anything and I'd be entertained. ;) However, I've watched the episode so many times I bet I could recite the dialogue word for word. :eek:
I hated the locker room scene..it was a waste of time and just a way for GD to get his two cents into a predominately Nick show. Sorry, that's how I feel.
I loved it. Very Tarentino-esque and that's what I enjoy about him; his quirky and yet somehow realistic dialogue.
Yeah, actually the more times I watch that scene the more I like the dialogue. *shrugs* I'm a QT fan and I think he writes some of the best dialogue out there.
The only part I really disliked was the cowboy lawyer thing. If they had cut that scene, we could have seen more of Nick's parents.

As for the other quirky character moments, I liked those. I especially loved that Ecklie was made out be human.
Yeah but I liked how Brass said "Easy Boots" to the cowboy lawyer... Although I did think he was a bit of an over the top character.
You know............I can still barely watch Grave Danger. It still just tears me up.............

I loved the locker room scene because it seemed so typical of what the 2 of them would really talk about.

I'm just ready I think now to sit down and watch the whole ep again...........