"Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

So that means that they aren't going to start "Grave Danger" until 10 pm? That's really late for a two-hour show. If they're going to do that, I don't understand why the don't just show it after Bush's speech.
They're going to play Grave Danger at nine, they couldn't show the NY premiere because it would have overlapped
There's a news article at CSI Files about Bush's speech here.

Apparently they won't be showing "Grave Danger" on Thursday. Instead they will air one or two other repeats after the speech.

"Grave Danger" will be shown on Wednesday the 21st, in place of the CSI: NY premiere. I'm assuming it will be at 9 pm, but it doesn't say. What times is CSI: NY on?
That Bush makes me so mad :mad: :mad: Why can't he have his Speech on at 8:00. But that would mean we miss the new season of Survivor.(Like I care) :mad:I'm thankful I have GD on tape. I'll still be watching that tomorrow.

Apparently they won't be showing "Grave Danger" on Thursday.

AAAARRRRGGGGHHH!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

You realize...of course...I have never even SEEN GD in its entirety (beyond short clips)? No. It had to be in May, during the NBA playoffs, when I'm out on a related function and my VCR wasn't working right. And now, THE DAY before they're supposed to reshow it...

::bangs head repeatedly against wall...::

Oh, no. Sorry guys. They're going to show it. They're preempting NY's season premiere to rerun Grave Danger on Wed.

NY's premiere gets shoved back a week. Shades of last year.

But since I haven't seen Grave Danger either, it'll be new for me too.
I feel worse for the NY fans- they get their premiere bumped a whole week! That sucks.
I know. I went on the NY site and they aren't happy campers. I can't blame them. Why don't they put the GD episode on at 8 instead of 9 and then NY could run in it's regular time slot. Or maybe put NY on Thursday at 8 before the LV Premiere . It would be better than watching Survivor. That's one show I could do without.

I happen to think that the President's speech is slightly more important than a rerun, and that Mr. Bush has more important things to worry about than inconveniencing a few tv show fans.

But I do think it's odd that they would bump a premiere in order to show a repeat.

I can't imagine that the President will speak for two solid hours. Wouldn't it have made more sense, maybe, to show the first hour of GD at CSI's regularly scheduled time tomorrow, then the second hour during the hour before the season premiere next Thursday?
They're preempting NY's season premiere to rerun Grave Danger on Wed.

Argh...but...but...I've been waiting for this ever since the Suns got eliminated in the conference finals...another six days...CRUEL...

What, did The Prez decide that doing this in CSI's time slot was going to give him the biggest possible "captive audience"? Man, he'd better come up with the love child of the Gettysburg Address and "I Have A Dream" after this... :devil:

I happen to think that the President's speech is slightly more important than a rerun, and that Mr. Bush has more important things to worry about than inconveniencing a few tv show fans.

The President should have spoken on the issues long before now. Anything he says now is just trite, not to mention moot. We've heard it all before, from much better speakers than Bush.

Grave Danger should have been run next Thursday, and CSI LV's premiere moved back a week. Only fair, in my opinion.
I happen to think that the President's speech is slightly more important than a rerun, and that Mr. Bush has more important things to worry about than inconveniencing a few tv show fans.

But I do think it's odd that they would bump a premiere in order to show a repeat.

I can't imagine that the President will speak for two solid hours. Wouldn't it have made more sense, maybe, to show the first hour of GD at CSI's regularly scheduled time tomorrow, then the second hour during the hour before the season premiere next Thursday?

I would agree with this... if you could guarantee he won't be spewing the same "covering my ineffective, useless ass" rhetoric that he always bellows forth, and with great grammatical atrocities forthcoming. If he had anything useful to say about what's going to be done for the suffering in the South, or how the American public can help, then I'd be all for it.

But I seriously doubt that will be the case.
This is not the place for political discussion, so I won't get into it except to say that there are more people than just Mr. Bush who need to look at themselves and explain their actions (or lack thereof). That being said, however, I still believe that a Presidential speech, whichever political party he belongs to, and regardless of what kind of rhetoric he may be spewing, is still more important than a television show.

As you rightly point out, there continues to be a great deal of suffering in the Gulf Coast area, and lots of opportunities for us to help. It won't kill any of us to have to wait a week to see what's going to happen to Nick Stokes. Or Mac and Stella and Danny. Or whoever.

Sorry. I'm not trying to pick a fight. I simply think that we're getting our priorities askew when we harp about a speech about current issues pre-empting a fictional television program.