"Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

Re: hours he was buried

It's so good to know that everyone survived the finale suspense! And I'm glad all ya'll are still around to help with the withdrawal symptoms. :(

The two shifts have been drifting apart. I think in S6, they'll make more of an effort to stay close...I hope.
Re: hours he was buried

Don't forget it was Ecklie, who pulled the two shifts apart, and it will be Ecklie who will decide to put them back together again.
Re: hours he was buried

Nah, I think Ecklie is turning back over from the dark side...

I just don't know what happens to Catherine's position when they put them back together?
Re: hours he was buried

Have you guys got any thoughts as to what Jack Handey-Deep Thoughts, Grissom was having when Catherine barged in with the money and interrupted them?

I was thinking angsty type thoughts, desperate thoughts, or maybe hopeless thoughts :)
Re: hours he was buried

BabaOReilly wrote:
Nah, I think Ecklie is turning back over from the dark side...

God knows he'd have made a scarier Anakin Skywalker than Hayden Christenson....

I'm kinda hoping that somewhere in Season 6 (when the gang are back together again; that's a given, right? Right?), when evaluations are due again, Nick's getting frantic because he's certain that due to his post-traumatic stress syndrome and how difficult it's been to do his job lately, Grissom's gonna subject him to a long, long talk. But when his turn comes, Grissom takes Nicky on a roller-coaster ride instead. I think that'd be sweet... and a subtle way of telling him that as far as Grissom's concerned, Nicky is as good a CSI as the heir-apparent.
Re: hours he was buried

Grissom's deep, Jack-Handey-type thoughts:

Bugs to the left of me,
Spiders to the right,
Here I am, stuck in this office with you....

Or... maybe not.

Edited: That was a double-post, wasn't it? Sorry; that won't happen again....
Re: hours he was buried

Considering the director of the episode, that just hit a couple of other levels.

(*Does a little dance holding a straight razor for those who didn't get it*)
editing mistakes -and questions (yes I'm thinking too much)

Watching the episode a few times, I've noticed some editing mistakes. The one - when Grissom has his right hand down on the box to have Nick put his hand against it - and his left hand is holding the flashlight. Grissom then turns around says something about getting a rope and something else. He then is holding his flashlight in his right hand, but when they cut down toward Nick, Grissom's right hand is still on the box. Happens over several scenes.

Did anyone else notice any other editing mistakes?

The other one, Nick is covered in dirt and grime when the hole blows up and he's pulled out, but when he's put in the ambulance, his hair and face are all clean.

**Had some questions too-(yes I'm thinking too much and yes it wouldn't be a tv show if they were too logical) first, how did the kidnapper know not only would the policeman get sick enough to throw up, but then take his eyes of Nick for long enough to kidnap him. How did he know only ONE CSI would show up and not two?

Second - Warrick is definitely taller than Nick and he wouldn't have fit in that box if it was Warrick

Third - When Nick woke up in that SUV and he's all set to kick or fight back when the back hatch opens, not knowing the kidnapper would come up from behind and get him with ether again. Why didn't he turn around enough so his back is against one of the car walls, where no one could come behind him.

Nick was in there for about 24 hrs, what about the bathroom? He had no food or water either, just the gum.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

I wish CBS would show it again. I could watch it a few times because I am sure I missed some things. But is really was a great episode. Best yet.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

I wish CBS would show it again. I could watch it a few times because I am sure I missed some things. But is really was a great episode. Best yet.

I second that!! I know that there's so much that I missed the first time around.

Anyone know when we can expect Season 5 on DVD? Maybe I should ask Santa for it for Christmas. ;)
Re: editing mistakes -and questions (yes I'm thinking too much)

Watching the episode a few times, I've noticed some editing mistakes. The one - when Grissom has his right hand down on the box to have Nick put his hand against it - and his left hand is holding the flashlight. Grissom then turns around says something about getting a rope and something else. He then is holding his flashlight in his right hand, but when they cut down toward Nick, Grissom's right hand is still on the box. Happens over several scenes.

I did notice that too.

Nick was in there for about 24 hrs, what about the bathroom? He had no food or water either, just the gum.

That's movie magic for you.

As for when the Season Five DVD's come out, I heard they're supposed to come out in October.
Re: editing mistakes -and questions (yes I'm thinking too much)

As for when the Season Five DVD's come out, I heard they're supposed to come out in October.

Yay!! That's wonderful news!!!
Re: editing mistakes -and questions (yes I'm thinking too much)

Watching the episode a few times, I've noticed some editing mistakes. The one - when Grissom has his right hand down on the box to have Nick put his hand against it - and his left hand is holding the flashlight. Grissom then turns around says something about getting a rope and something else. He then is holding his flashlight in his right hand, but when they cut down toward Nick, Grissom's right hand is still on the box. Happens over several scenes.

I did notice that too.

Nick was in there for about 24 hrs, what about the bathroom? He had no food or water either, just the gum.

That's movie magic for you.

As for when the Season Five DVD's come out, I heard they're supposed to come out in October.

I for one have absolutely no interest in seeing Nick relieve himself! :eek: And if he had no food or water for 24 hours, he probably wouldn't have to anyway.

Either way, I stand by my assertion: NOBODY needs to see that !!! :eek:
Re: editing mistakes -and questions (yes I'm thinking too much)

Watching the episode a few times, I've noticed some editing mistakes. The one - when Grissom has his right hand down on the box to have Nick put his hand against it - and his left hand is holding the flashlight. Grissom then turns around says something about getting a rope and something else. He then is holding his flashlight in his right hand, but when they cut down toward Nick, Grissom's right hand is still on the box. Happens over several scenes.

I noticed this too. Bad script supervisor.

**Had some questions too-(yes I'm thinking too much and yes it wouldn't be a tv show if they were too logical) first, how did the kidnapper know not only would the policeman get sick enough to throw up, but then take his eyes of Nick for long enough to kidnap him. How did he know only ONE CSI would show up and not two?

hmmmm....it never occured to me that they might send out a team of CSI's for a pile of guts. :p