Grade 'You Only Die Once'

My apologies for the delay in getting this thread started, as I realize the episode has already aired in some time zones. Please let the discussion begin. :D
YAY THREAD! *huggles it* Thankies muchly, MrsG. :D

Copied from my LJ:

Ok, it was a good ep overall, definitely. The following comments are all mixed up--positive and negative, comments on the show and my brain filling in the afterwards, etc:

~ Lindsay does not 'rock'--in fact, Anna's acting was highlighted in all of its shit-tasticness in this episode. Seriously, how bad was that scene with her fake-ass 'yes!' and her saying that she rocked? If I were Melina, I'd be dying a little bit inside each time we filmed that scene.

~ Mac didn't trust Hawkes??? Sheldon would NOT have let that get out, Mac, and the fact that the burlgars had jackets that could download information means that they could easily have a way to get shit you don't want them to have. Do NOT doubt Sheldon. Seriously.

~ Danny totally flirted with Mac. He commented on his shirt? Even if he was supposed to be 'teasing' him about the luggage thing, it came across as 'I noticed your clothes because I want you to f**k me. Hard.'--I didn't hear him compliment Lindsay, did I? ;)

~ Flack has a GIRLFRIEND! Did you know he has a GIRLFRIEND? GIRLFRIEND GIRLFRIEND GIRLFRIEND!--Seriously, how many times did they have to say it? Say it enough and it'll make it true or something? 'I'M DON FLACK AND I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND AND SHE'S A GIRL AND SHE'S MY GIRLFRIEND AND I LIKE GIRLS--GIRLFRIEND GIRLFRIEND GIRLFRIEND!' *chortle* Who are we trying to convince? ;)

~ Devon was kind of a moron--which was what I expected. And who wears a pink bra with a black dress? Doesn't it make more sense to wear, you know, a black bra???

~ Sheldon was wonderful, as always. The scene of him, Mac and Stella was so much better than any scene with Montaaaaana in it.

~ By the way, 'Montana' was old, like, a year ago. Time to stop, Danny. We don't need a weekly reminder of where she's from.


~ Now that I've got that out of the way, I'll get to the point about Adam: He should have done, like, all of Lindsay's scenes. Danny and Adam having a geek argument over the Batmobile vs whatever other vehicle? Funny and geeky and cute. Danny and Lindsay doing it?...I was just thinking how awkward it was. Also, her 'zomgwtf?' face upon seeing Hawkes pull that thread out of the jacket was the same as her 'golly gee, how do I do the job I'm supposedly qualified to do?' face a few minutes before. *sigh of frustration*

Dear Anna,
Skills: you lack them.
No love,

Ok, I think that's all for now. For next week, I'm pretty sure Adam was in the promo pics, along with Angell (yay!), so hopefully they'll do some work to get back in my good graces about the lack of Adam for the past two weeks.

If not for Lindsay, Devon would have been the worst part of this episode--and she was forgivable. Lindsay is such crap. The WLMG thread is going to be buzzing after this one, for serious.

I thoroughly enjoyed the action in this episode! i was on the edge of my seat the whole hour (and will be again in an hour when I watch it over again!)

Gotta luv Flack,in his wife beater/car chase/machismo glory...mmm mmm mmm...*crosses fingers and prays to all gods listening that Devon becomes a mere mention at best in future epis* Who else found her freakin annoying??? Thank goodness her appearances were brief; luved how ticked off he was at the robber who interrupted his very important third date, lmao - *applauds the robbers for preventing a heinous third base scenario that we know our Flack-y boy would have regretted in the morning - or at some point in the future anyways*

The DL was a little much, but I liked the debate over the comic book cars (sure sounded more like the geek squad then two lovers flirting at work,eh?) And loved!!! the Danny/Don moment in the hall- a little good-natured ribbing between friends... look at me, i'm gushing...i need to go fan myself off and prepare for round two...MMM MMM MMM
Thank you, TPTB, for turning Flack into a superficial jerkwad whose only criterion for a suitable companion is physical attractiveness. I mean, sure, every guy wants Aphrodite in a Vera Wang, but Flack always struck me as a man who had no patience with rich airheads. Yet there he is, panting after a woman whose reaction to a robbery is excitement and glee that her life and his have been endangered.

There are no damn words. Actually, there are but Top41 would hit me if I used them. Repeatedly. With a loaded sock.

So allow me to write these words in lieu of my true feelings:

HATEHATEHATEHATEHATEHATEHATE. RAGE! A pox upon thee, TPTB, and your masturbatory obsession with beauty. From Hell's heart I spit at thee, and Khan and I are here roasting marshmallows and pig entrails. Unequivocal, epic Hammer of FAIL. Not just any hammer, mind you, not the honest hammer of the Amish workman. Nay, nay. The John Holmes hammer of unrelenting and eternal FAIL. Dammit, dammit. Dammit.

Charming, I realize. But trust me when I say that I'm a step away from writing such erudite statements as, "I PEE on YOU ALL."

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but a video clip is better still, so feast your eyes on He Who Kills.

That? That's me, complete with the wild hair, crazed eyes, and tiny, tiny spear of hate.

I've had it six feet beyond my limit with your persistence in stupidity and slavish devotion to all that is shallow. I'm still trying to figure out if Devon can manage the logistics of breathing and farting at the same time. After all, the poor thing is obviously oxygen-starved.

~Deep breath~

All right. Setting aside my blind, frothing rage, the case itself was monumentally stupid, a vapid excuse to throw as many Bond cliches onto the screen as possible in forty-four minutes. I didn't give a rip about any of the victims in this case. Nor did I care for the eventual killer. This case was so slapdash and weak that not even the one-case format could save it.

The Mac subplot was actually more interesting than the main case, and after Sinclair's reaming of Flack for the high-speed chase, mayhap the assignment later in the season is as much punishment as necessity. Too bad the Mac subplot-you know, the one with substance-was buried under the smoldering dungheap of high-tech gadgets and flash and bash CSI:Miami storyline rejects.

F--- God, what a turd. I want my hour back, you soulless cretins.

I'm going to stop now before my pretty hate machine explodes from overuse.
Anyone know the make of the black sports car in 'You Only Die Once'? It was a pretty sweet looking car and I was wondering what the make was. That car was the star of the show! Thanks for the help!
I pretty much liked it. I personally was happy to get some Smacked and some D/L *ducks*

Loved Stella's dress, and Flack in a tux. And the undershirt Flack scenes :)

True Mac probably should have trusted Hawkes more.

The 3s have me really curious. I have a hunch about the shirt but I posted it in the spoiler thread, not here.
i gave it an A+ just for the scene with Flack in a very tight wife beater :devil:

I really loved the Mac storyline going through the eppy, it is kind of creepy :eek: The ending was crazy whoa!

I thought the scene with danny and lindsay over the batmobile and the other car was kind of cute.

I know csi is just a tv show, but i doubt a crime lab would spend that much time trying to find out what burns a blue flame, it wasn't important evidence really.

I loved danny bugging flack about his girlfriend. I also liked when Flack was going into the party 'Flack, Don Flack' ...he had a couple of good one liners.

Where was Adam and the new girl?

Every time that Sinclair guy was on screen, i couldn't help but laugh...Bubba! :lol:
Okay, yeah, so what's up with the Lack of Adam? why bump him up in show status, and add a new lab character only to use Lindsay in every lab scene in the show? If I were Lindsay (go with me on this...I's cringe-worthy)...I'd be more than a little ticked that I was relegated to lab status and off field work for no particular reason after transfering half way across the country to work there...???punishment for inter-office romancing??? ... would mac do that, seeing as how he basically did the same thing wih peyton? Maybe if they didn' t have any lab work for her, she'd have absolutely no purpose left to be there...*crosses fingers and prays with Fay that they bring Adam back ASAP*...he must be at some lab tech conference or something, lol...

And was it my bad hearing or did the 333 caller dude sound a little like creepy dude #2 (aka - stella's new bf) And WHY would Mac open a suitcase in his office that mysteriously appeared and had a mysterious lock on it, without checking for the obvious hazardous materials first? gloves?...dude...when your work involves the use of latex gloves, you always have a spare pair...
Too early for me to comment as it hasn't aired here yet, but damn, La_Guera, let us know what you really think next time. ;) I believe you just took home the trophy for most passionate fangirl of the night.
This is copied and pasted from my reply to Fay's LJ post:

I've always tried to be tactful about criticizing the acting on this show, but after tonight's episode NO MORE. Anna Belknap has NO acting ability whatsoever. She SUCKS. HARD AND OUT LOUD.

I seriously almost threw up during the "YES!" scene. AJ would have made it adorkable and funny. AB made me think of that annoying, smug show off in grade school that you just want to walk up to and punch in the face. And seriously, is a D/L scene now mandatory in every episode? It's not like you can actually tell they're in a relationship, so why bother? Even if they're not in a relationship, why in God's name should Carmine have his scenes ruined by someone who can't deliver any of her lines without sounding like she's trying to remember what they are?

ZOMG! DID YOU HEAR?? FLACK HAS A "GIRLFRIEND"?!!1!!1 Why would professional writers even think it would be a good idea to have him mention that in every other scene? If it was only their third date, why even call her that at all? Plus, in the scene where Stella showed up after the robbery, she and Flack exchanged looks like they both thought Devon was a complete moron. Are we really supposed to believe Flack is that desperate for a f*ck or that he prefers girls (not women) who are dumb as rocks? AARRGGHHH!!!

Best lines of the ep. go to Danny: The "Back in black" comment and the "Does she have teeth?" BWAHAHAHAH!

Stella needs to show off her boobs more. Seriously, you'd never even know she has any and would think she's like a dude or something.

I like Sinclair giving Mac a hard time, but I'm already over the 3:33 story line.

I totally dug Sid poking around in the dead dude's brain.

Hawkes!! Two weeks in a row we get so see Hawkes do something important!!! Yay Hawkes!

Added now:

The case was boring and I am really getting annoyed with the overload of techie toys and special effects. I didn't care who the criminals were (not just because they were obvious) and had no sympathy for the victims. And the whole James Bond rip-off didn't work for me either.

The only things that saved this show for me were Danny's funny lines and Sinclair, Mac and Flack interactions. Those things raised my grade to a C-.
flackfan_82 said:
And WHY would Mac open a suitcase in his office that mysteriously appeared and had a mysterious lock on it, without checking for the obvious hazardous materials first? gloves?...dude...when your work involves the use of latex gloves, you always have a spare pair...

That occured briefly to me too, wondering why he didn't call in at least some bomb people to be sure it wasn't an explosive. And then the lack of gloves...this is actually the second time, the first time was the sword in Corporate Warriors.
flackfan_82 said:
Okay, yeah, so what's up with the Lack of Adam? why bump him up in show status, and add a new lab character only to use Lindsay in every lab scene in the show?
The announcement about AJ being a regular wasn't made until they'd filmed 4 or 5 episodes, I believe, so I guess he wasn't technically a reg at this point. Still, leaving him out when he'd clearly be the better choice for a scene is a shame.

But like I said, I believe he should be in next week's episode, so I'll cross my fingers. Putting Lindsay in the lab=/=replacing Adam. Sorry, writers. The characters aren't interchangeable.

As for Kendall--she's only recurring, so I wouldn't expect her around as much. *shrug*

PerfectAnomaly said:
I didn't care who the criminals were (not just because they were obvious) and had no sympathy for the victims.
Yeah, that's something I haven't liked about the past few seasons--I should connect with the victims, and sometimes I should connect to the suspects as well. Why bother to give us any details if we don't care who they are as people?
it's hard to be sympathetic towards a character who was excited to be robbed...Last I checked robbery was not a status symbol...but what do i know...i'm broke
Sorry guys--my bad on the thread! :eek: I've had visitors and was away all day, and the thread completely slipped my mind. :eek: So aim that sock La Guera mentioned at me and not MrsG. :lol:

I'm still digesting the episode, but much it fell flat. Eddie Cahill rocked, as did Melina. I think they really owned this ep. Flack as Bond? Oh, so perfect and cute. His one-liners were great as ever. But seriously, he has awful taste in women. If that's what he's going to go for, he might as well go back to pining for Danny. The rich part never bothered me, but Devon was vapid. Ugh.

How is it that Anna is actually getting worse in her scenes? She used to be able to handle the light stuff. Now she's just cringe-worthy all around. Seriously, how can someone on primetime be so damn bad? The geeky banter would have been so much better and more believable with Adam.

The bloody t-shirt made the 333 thing more interesting, but how is that blood not dried unless the killer put it in like 5 minutes ago? :p

Right now, my instincts say B.