Grade 'What Schemes May Come'

Good eppy!

Lots of Flack, I think he was in more than danny, lindsey and hawkes...also lots of stella and mac.

DNA art! :D and other assorted genetics throughout. I am a little biased, since its my major.

Danny was so amused by the mouse :lol:

And more on Stella's storyline...

The cases were good, they were not predictable, at least not for me, since my brain is fried from exams...

I liked it!
I don't get it, do they show episodes in other countries before they show them in the States??
I think there's a certain part of Canada that gets it several hours early. :lol:

I'm glad to hear that Flack has a big part, xf. :D
Time shifting rocks :D I get digital cable, which has the Halifax channel, and they show it at 7 pm eastern, for some reason...
Oh, shut the fuck up, Peyton.

There, I said it

I absolutely LOVED this episode.

TONS AND TONS of Flack=fantastic episode IMO. I am so glad Flack got so much airtime..good airtime too!
I liked the cases a lot..the outcomes were very interesting.
Nice seeing Peyton.

Great episode
I loved this ep. I loved the outcomes of the cases. Definitely not predictable. Loved the amount of Flack scenes we got. Just all around good episode.
If I didn't know any better, I would have thought it was sweeps month. Great episode!

Lots of Flack! Also, Flack getting snippy with Lindsay. If there was any question as to Flack and Lindsay getting along or just "tolerating" each other, I think the exchange showed there is no friendlyness between the two of them at all.

I was glad to see Hawkes, as well.

Even a brief moment of Syd out of the morgue!

I enjoyed it and am bummed next week is a repeat. :(
I thought this was an OK episode.

The cases didn't interest me really...I think CSIMiami did something similar to the guy "not really being dead".

Flack was awesome :). I need screencaps.

I loved Lindsay's scenes. She's back to season 2 Lindsay :)

Danny's scenes were great too.

I loved the kiss between Stella and Mac at the end.
Ok, excellent episode! I was literally shocked when I realized that it was almost over.

It was nice to see Flack on both cases and really just all over the place. He had some great scenes! :D

I liked the stuff with Mac and Peyton, but really, him running at the beginning had me laughing. Seriously. Why don't you take out some more innocent bystanders, Mac? *wipes away a tear of mirth* :lol: (Adam should have been there just so I could see him go flying through the air. Don't know why, but that would amuse me. :p)

Danny with the rat? *giggles* I loved when he tapped the glass.

No Adam, but Sid was fantastic. :D Like Flack said, he loves his job. ;)

Speaking of Adam, we still got a bit of info on him--he has his graduate degree and was top of his class. I expected nothing less, but I'm jotting that down for future reference. ;)

Lindsay was playing Captain Obvious several times, wasn't she? The writers couldn't have been a bit less...obvious with her lines? 'These cases are connected.' No duh, Sid basically just said that. :rolleyes:

And that scene with her explaining the flower? I's hard to explain. It was almost embarrassing for me, like when I'm watching the American Idol try-outs and people suck. I don't know why it embarrasses me, but I can't watch the screen without looking away. Anyway, getting back to the scene in this episode--it was like I was watching someone in my high school class doing a monologue from some play or another, and it made me uncomfortable. It's probably stupid, but there you go.

I also thought everybody else was smiling around like "yay, isn't she clever? Someone give her a cookie! *smokes weed*"

Aside from that, fantastic episode. Definitely an A if not an A+. I'll wait until I watch it a second time before I vote. ;)
i love the episode it was great
loved don's line about the sugar now ever time i put sugar in my drink ill think of Don :D :p
loved danny in this one he looked great. i got my dos of :lol:danny and flack what els could i ask 4 lol :devil:

o and Fay love ur lil pic its great i dont no y every time i c it i think of danny :lol:
A+ from me. Both cases involved the intertwining of good and bad. Is killing someone who wants to die good or bad? Is accidentally killing someone OK if it leads to a scientific breakthrough that will save millions of lives?
Also good transition into Stella's situation.