Mm-daaa…. :scream:
BYOB? …Laughing and joking over the body of a young girl was really bad taste. :shifty: Did you notice that in the 6 past years even when somebody inserted a snarky phrase in a dialog while examining a crime scene, he was never laughing? So it was okay – you could feel the compassion and respect for the victim, and a light humour was like a defensive mechanism of dealing with the death. Not so here. Jo did not care – she laughed and smiled all the time. Makes you wonder where is her promised compassion for the victims? :scream:
The best phrase of the preview – “I didn’t do it” - disappeared from the final cut. Too bad.

It was good. What came instead is either flat or so over the top, that it made me cringe throughout the scene.
Teasing Adam is always fun, though once again it was way too much for a newcomer, but going from that to squizing his cheeks?! WTF?! Have you any idea of what's appropriate and what's not or about personal space? :scream: Hands off! :devil:
I had an impression that between her inappropriate jokes and trying to hit on everybody in pants CSI:NY turned into Desperate Housewives. :scream::wtf::lol:
Hated this new character and how she’s been introduced. :scream: Though the second half of episode was a bit better then the first – not so much overdone.
On the positive side I believe the closing of Shane Casey story was done well – was concise and did not take too much screentime. And Lindsay was quite believable. :thumbsup: Can’t say the same about all the drama Lindsay was playing later on. Running out on the roof with Mac and then Danny going after her…. Again too much over the top.
Stella sending Lindsay a framed phrase? Come on! Could not they come up with something more reasonable and Stella-like? :shifty: That’s besides the fact that Stella’s departure is mentioned through the character with whom she had the least contact and closeness. And Stella does not even mention anybody else in her letter? :shifty: Well, I’m disgusted by how it’s been dealt with. :scream: Not that I’m surprised though.

Jo in that scene was an intruder - she should NOT have been there! That TPTB inserted her there, did not allow even a few seconds for the viewers realizing that Stella is gone - that's just one more sign of lack of respect for Melina and Stella's character on their part.
The case itself was booooring. :shifty: It was such an interesting idea – a body appearing in the lab, but it was wasted – all the rest was just “bof”. Mac saying that the girl was killed while he was still in the lab – could lead to some unexpected development, but it was just dropped and not used. :shifty:
The end – again overdone. Was that guy so dangerous that they needed a whole assault team to arrest him? :guffaw: Oh, and the fact that he’s been standing on the ledge when he’s been shot dead, but did not fall down was just hilarious.
The guy has just been shot dead, and again Jo is coming all smiling. Owww, that's so funny that Mac had to shoot him, right? :shifty: Her reactions, her play are so wrong in so many places that it makes me wonder whether she'll be able to fit into this show.
Over the last month Ward and her character has been just pushed down my throat, still had this feeling with this episode. With all the praise and high expectations I would hope to see something better than that. No such luck.... Way over the top, forced, off-sync - it just made me really sick of her.
Well, so much for the new season. That’s not even an F, but rather Z. :angryrazz::censored: