However, the writers were so eager to have us like her that they had the other characters fawn over her and unnecessarily point out her amazing awesomeness.
Oddly enough I didn't even notice anyone's comments about her aside from the scene with Adam and Danny where Adam said she gives him the creeps or whatever it was he said. :lol:
The scene with Lindsay on the roof was ridiculous. "You're a warrior, Lindsay,"? Really? Somebody wrote that and thought it was good? This is modern-day New York, not 11th-century Gaul. She didn't fight in the Crusades or lead a revolution; she shot a dangerous lunatic
That line seemed really odd to me too, though I forgot about it until you mentioned it.
She is a survivor, not a warrior, and while both are laudable, yes, Virginia, there is a goddamn difference.
Yes, survivor would have been a much better word. Totally agree with you on that point.
Lindsay MONroe Messer(Jesus, police bigwig, but that pronunciation was awful).
LOL! I thought that was bad too. I kept thinking "why doesn't he just say Lindsay Messer cause the other is just a big heeping mouthful when you have to add "officer" or "detective" or whatever her title was lol.
I had the opposite reaction; I liked that Lindsay was the one who had the guts to take the shot, while Danny was more or less paralyzed with fear (for his daughter, not himself--I don't think this makes him a wimp).
You know, that reminds me of something I heard in a sermon one time (back when I was a teen and used to still go to church). The preacher said something along the lines of if a child is hurt and in the hospital, it's the mother who is in there holding the kid's hand being strong for them and the father that's outside the room in tears. I think that kind of is what the deal was in a way with Danny and Lindsay too.
I like that Lindsay was the one with the guts to take the shot--I just wish it hadn't been undercut afterwards by forcing the character to have "issues" with what she did.
Yeah, that kind of bothered me too. I mean, if it had been some teenage kid that she'd had to shoot, then I'd expect her to have issues with it... not just because it's a kid, but because she's a mother... and having to shoot another mother's child, that would cause all kinds of issues for practically anyone. But Shane was an adult, well over his teenage years and the psycho had her baby. Was this her first time killing someone though? Because if it was, I can understand why it was mandatory for her to go to counseling cause I think first kills for cops always require mandatory counseling, just in case. But if she'd killed someone before then I don't understand the need for it. I thought she had killed someone before on the job, but I'm not sure. Even if it was mandatory, once they saw she was okay they should have just left her alone about it. I loved when Lindsay told the therapist that she was only there because it was mandatory and that the rest of her life was none of her damn business. :lol:
My guess is that the police department saw it as a chance for some good PR. A young mother, defending her family against a violent criminal. It's a perfect PR opportunity. So they put her in her dress blues, hand out a medal. Lot's of pictures in the paper and hopefully nobody will look too closely at the circumstances which led to the violent criminal being on the streets in the first place.
Good point. The good PR angle makes the most sense. I still have to LOL at the fact that the entire lab was shut down for the ceremony though. Weird. :lol: