Grade 'Taxi'

How would you grade Taxi?

  • A+

    Votes: 23 28.8%
  • A

    Votes: 23 28.8%
  • A-

    Votes: 9 11.3%
  • B+

    Votes: 9 11.3%
  • B

    Votes: 11 13.8%
  • B-

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • C+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • C-

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D+

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D-

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • F

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
~ Maybe if ADAM was there, he could track Reed down. Don't leave Lindsay to do an expert's job, yo. *nod*

~ How can you have that technology and not find her, Mac? BECAUSE YOU F*CKING NEED ADAM, DAMNIT!

:lol: Faylinn, i love your episode notes.

And I agree wholeheartedly.
Adam's at home, eating Ho Hos when the lab really needs him.

But I guess if Adam was there, it wouldn't take so long to do things and they couldn't drag it out for a whole episode. :p
Over all A.
I really liked the intensity of this episode. It confused me with the cliffy psych out but I liked how they sort of kept us guessing. I loved Angel kicking butt and saving Flack! that was absolutely amazing I didn't like her right away but she has grown on me significantly. The CSI boys look good as ever and the "Montana" thing came off better than i expected. I'm glad that Mac and Reid were very realistic and that Reid didn't automatically cave to the evil glare of Mac but the ending was amazing! My faith has been restored in the writers and next episode looks just as intense.
I gave this episode an A.

Everyone's acting was on point tonight. Eddie's two second switch the minute the cab driver with the fondness bush meat told him about Reed's blog was SPECTACULAR. Every season they just get more and more comfortable with these characters and it becomes absolutely natural.

I felt TERRIBLE for Mac tonight. Not only is he getting hit on all sides, but then the killer has to gun for Reed. Watching him slowly start loosing it, going back and forth from lab to lab getting as much information as he could and getting more and more frustrated was gut-wrenching to watch. I was ready to loose it right along with him, because Reed has, in such a short time, become such a vital part of the show where Mac is concerned.

Kyle Gallner, by the way, is obscenely good for an actor so young. He brought tears to my eyes tonight and that takes a LOT. He's absolutely fantastic in his role, and I hope they keep him on for at least another season.

I wasn't surprised that the killer turned out to be a religious fanatic. Seems like an easy route to take, but the actor portraying him certainly played it well, so I didn't mind the cliche as much.

Quinne has grown on me. I wasn't sure where I sat with her the first few times I watched her, but she's definately shown that she has the team's best interest at heart. Her giving Mac time to go and find Reed was something she didn't HAVE to do, but she did. Very cool of her.

Jordan, on the other hand? As Flack would say, "Stop...just stop." What a callous you-know-what. As if the team didn't have enough on their plates, she's gotta come in on her high horse and tell them about every little move the mayor's threatening to make. I can't say I minded when she kept getting told off by everyone. The way she approaches people is absolutely the wrong way and she's gonna keep getting those types of reactions if she doesn't learn how to deal with the team.

Where the heck was ADAM? I'm not likin' this one bit. :scream:

I, for one, am glad they didn't bring in any Danny/Lindsay drama into this episode, because frankly there was no room for it. Their interactions with each other tonight were exactly as they should be; collegues. Nothing more, nothing less.

The interrogation of the man who killed the cop was brilliant. I haven't seen Flack or Stella lean as hard on a suspect in a long time. You could FEEL their frustration and it only served to amplify an already tense situation.

As a self-professed techy nerd, I found the new portable fuming tool as well as the use of the Google Maps-like program pretty awesome. :p Not to mention Monroe's use of a GUI interface was pretty darn fantastic on her part.

All in all, this episode was great. And it finally gave closure to a crazy, dramatic storyline that had me on the edge of my seat from the start. :thumbsup:

Mac, give Flack a break.

Glad I'm not the only one that noticed that. It does work though, 'cause last episode it was Flack giving Mac a (sorta) hard time. It's an interesting switch.

Also, did anyone notice that we might have (and I may be wrong here so don't quote me on this) had a first on the show tonight? DANNY comforting FLACK?!?! Has that EVER happen before?
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The episode was very good overall. You knew they'd catch the guy eventually and (I thought at least) it was pretty obvious they wouldn't kill Reed. But even so, they kept you on your toes, wondering what was going to happen and how the episode was going to end.

Lots of Mac and Stella, which was nice. Seeing their friendship is never disappointing.

Some nice Flack and Angell at the beginning, then they took a back seat later on.

Jordan was used to good effect--I like her well enough, but I'm not thrilled with her job. I think that's my main problem with the character.

Quinn was nice--not bowing at the altar of Mac, but not creating problems the way she could have if the writers had chosen a different path for the plot.

Reed was good--as I said in the new Reed/Kyle thread, his attitude recently was a means to an end, and as we saw at the end of "Taxi", he and Mac ultimately connected. I'm disappointed that we didn't see Mac hand Reed off to his parents (those pesky families, never getting shown onscreen), but I guess he was taking him home.

Not enough Hawkes, but something is better than nothing.

Speaking of nothing, I NEED ADAM! *weep* :p

I have nothing to say about Lindsay other than that her hair continues to look bad--please, people, do something flattering for the woman.

Danny was pretty but barely there this week--this was definitely an episode to concentrate on Mac and, to a lesser extent, Stella. I don't mind that kind of thing, I just hope that S5 is better about spreading the attention around than this season has been. Danny has gotten some focus this season, Stella has gotten a touch of focus, Mac has gotten some focus (and will surely get some focus in the finale)--but the others deserve something too, especially Hawkes IMO.

Overall, it was a good episode and I'll have to watch it again now that I know how it all fits together. It's nice to see emotional connections (Mac and Reed, Mac and Stella's friendship, etc) without romance drama. See, writers, that provides an 'emotional hook' for the viewers, or whatever Matt Rousch said. USE THAT MORE!
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Not bad. Not bad at all.

~Angell has mad skillz! very nice way to open the episode :D

~Poor Flack... almost gets run over, and can't remember anything about the car :(

~"You'll find out just how well I do my job" :D

~Flack got down on the dirt ground in his nice suit. He'll need someone to clean the dirt of his back :devil:

~Monkey! I love monkeys! Er... but not eating them. Ew :(

~Stella and Flack are pissed. And they both do it so well.

~Wait... didn't Reed get kidnapped at the end of the last episode? Glad I'm not the only one who was confuzzled about that one :lol:

~I want Adam! He'd know where Reed was posting from :(

~Reed, smart boy posting clues for Mac.

~Angell needs to run and tackle the cabbie killer. She's good at that kind of thing. And I love watching it.

~Reed, don't you dare die!

~Aww. Cute scene at the end with Reed and Mac. They both seem to be okay getting into the cab... but where are Reed's parents?
I gave it a B simply because I'm tired of all the Mac-centric stories. The supporting characters all did great with what they had to work with in the episode, but I couldn't work up any excitement because it was yet another Mac story. I always loved Gary Sinise, too; I've simply OD'd on him these past few seasons.

After seeing the previews for next week, I don't think I'll tune in for more Mac-drama.
A+ from me! See what a wild and excellent ride the writers can actually take us on, when there isn't a dreary faux-mance to bog the actual crime case writing down? :thumbsup:

I could be really lazy, and just say "See Faylinn's post above, I agree with everything!" :lol: But I'll actually post a few comments of my own, too.

Flack and Angell simply rock. Loved the entire opening sequence, it set the pace and tone for the entire ep. This could have almost made a good finale, IMO. (Except we would need more Flack, Sid and more ADAM, dammit, for a finale!) Loved Flack's line to the 2 cabbies, something about "If I find out you're lying, you'll get a chance to find out just how good I am at my job..." :p Gotta love that man!

Loved the conversation between Stella and Mac, when she reminds him that both of them would have been exactly like Reed at his age, all gung-ho. And of course Mac, being wise enough to know his best buddy Stella is also very wise, knew she was 100% right. I loved Mac tonight (coming from me, a total Mac-Whore, that's not much of a surprise! ;) ) He was just the right amount of frazzled cop, pissed off Head of the CSI lab demanding results from his team, and anxious Father. Sinise played it perfectly, IMO.

Glad the Montana scene was oh-so-brief. And I didn't mind Lindsay at all in this ep, she's not bad or annoying to me, when she's doing her job. It's the creepy faux-mance that irks me, and thankfully it was absent tonight. :bolian:

My heart broke for the 2 innocent victims in the ep, the cop and the soft-hearted, trusting woman who took a chance on a cabbie because he told her he had kids to feed... :( And I actually felt for the cabbie Flack interrogated, who honestly thought they were doing the right thing by killing and delivering the cabbie killer to justice. Doesn't even remotely excuse Vigilante Justice, particularly when it results in death, but I have to admit I did feel for him, he was obviously horrified when he found out the truth.

Jordan is a bit of a hard-ass, but I don't mind it that much, she has a tough job, and she's just trying to do it. And I'm really liking Quinn more and more, she has good chemistry with the cast. Liked the scene between Jordan and Stella, nice meeting of minds between two strong-willed women. :)

Kyle Gallner is excellent! I'm really hoping they keep him as a recurring cast member now and then, love the relationship between Reed and Mac. Poignant scene at the end, with Mac wheeling him out of the hospital, and both of them taking the silent - and much relieved - cab ride together.

I kind of assumed the voice-over at the end was Mac on Reed's blog, don't know if that was what the writers intended, but that's what it felt like, to me.

Great job, by both writers and cast. :thumbsup: Glad I dvr'd it, this one definitely gets another viewing or three... :lol: And a much less stressful re-viewing, now that I know what happens!
This episode was a solid A.

The opening scene was exciting and I love the fact that Angell can kick a perp in the chest then turn around and save Flack without breaking a sweat or messing up her wardrobe.

Reed really had a prominent role and it was refreshing. His actions contributed to the cop being killed, but in the end he was able to help catch the serial killer. He was able to recall more about the time he was with the killer than was probably realistic, but since he's a journalist and needs to be observant in his job I'm able to overlook that. I liked that Mac didn't cut him any slack for putting the information from his source, but I also really liked how Stella came in and was able to look at things from Reed's point of view.

I also liked that the episode was completely focused on solving the case. There was very little in the way of character interaction that didn't involve talking about or working on the case.

The one thing that stuck out like a sore thumb was the scene where Hawkes calls Lindsay "Montana." Danny used to call Lindsay "Montana" all the time. Hawkes never called Lindsay "Montana," yet the nickname "just slipped out?" :wtf: And Lindsay may have said she misses the nickname, but her voice and face sure didn't reflect that. :wtf:
DragonflyDreamer said:

~I want Adam! He'd know where Reed was posting from :(
I just had the mental image of them calling Adam and him chilling in a recliner wearing boxers and a robe, with a box of Ho Hos on the endtable and some cheesy cartoons on the tv. Then they'd ask him what to do and he'd be like, 'Oh, yeah, just blah blah blah. Later. *click*' :lol:

PerfectAnomaly said:

I also liked that the episode was completely focused on solving the case. There was very little in the way of character interaction that didn't involve talking about or working on the case.
Yeah, me too--and at the same time, we still got some good stuff. Mac and Stella, Mac and Quinn, Stella and Jordan, Mac and Reed. This episode was proof that you can have action and drama mixed with science and character interaction without resorting to teh romantz.

The one thing that stuck out like a sore thumb was the scene where Hawkes calls Lindsay "Montana." Danny used to call Lindsay "Montana" all the time. Hawkes never called Lindsay "Montana," yet the nickname "just slipped out?" :wtf: And Lindsay may have said she misses the nickname, but her voice and face sure didn't reflect that. :wtf:
I was glad that scene was brief, but yeah--why bother to have her say she misses it if it's just words being spoken but no real emphasis or reaction to it?

goldnhart said:

A little farfetched to me.
Welcome to CSI:NY. :lol:
~ I didn't see if AJ's name was at the beginning. I'm having Adam withdrawals. :( If he's not here this week, I'll be sad (even though I know he's in the finale because he was filming for it recently). *sigh* I don't think he's here. He must be at home, eating Ho Hos and playing Second Life.

~ Maybe if ADAM was there, he could track Reed down. Don't leave Lindsay to do an expert's job, yo. *nod*

~ How can you have that technology and not find her, Mac? BECAUSE YOU F*CKING NEED ADAM, DAMNIT!

~ I wonder what that voice-over was? I was thinking it might be Reed's blog, but I'm not sure--did it show what it was from? (I wasn't paying 100% attention.)

~ Where are Reed's parents?

~ Shitty bluescreen work with the back window of the taxi.

I said all of these things almost word for word while I was watching it with my friend. She kept throwing things at me every time I bitched about Adam not being there.

As for the ep I give it a B...I don't know I thought after everything there would be more big revelations. All they really did was confirm what we already suspected for the most part. I was very happy to see Angell back but where tf was Adam? It's not ok to do a three episode arc without him. It's just not.
Gouvy said:

I said all of these things almost word for word while I was watching it with my friend.
Our minds are melding. :lol:

She kept throwing things at me every time I bitched about Adam not being there.
She just doesn't understand. :p

I don't know I thought after everything there would be more big revelations. All they really did was confirm what we already suspected for the most part.
Yeah, that's true. Without being on TalkCSI, I probably never would have guessed the Leviticus thing, but I guess it was more about the action and him evading capture than revealing stuff to us.

It's not ok to do a three episode arc without him. It's just not.
They're just hatin'. :p I guess since Adam wasn't in 4.17 because of filming Supernatural, they figured they should just leave him out of the serial killer storyline altogether. I know he's not going to be in every episode, but c'mon, writers! I thought you loved him. *pout*

I hope we get something good with him in the finale, at least. *crosses fingers*
Clearly we need to go back in time and teach A.J. how to be in Canada and LA at the same time so we wouldn't have this terribly depressing absence.

Or we can just hope that he has a big part in the season finale and finally gets into the opening credits for next year.
I was going nuts because I hate cliffhangers but it turned out to be a pretty good ep. I'll go along with the A thing I think. Now I'm just stressing about the finale lol.

I hope Reed learned a lesson from the experience. Yeah where are his parents?
~Aww. Cute scene at the end with Reed and Mac. They both seem to be okay getting into the cab... but where are Reed's parents?

Since Reed is 23, I figured he didn't live with his parents and that they might not totally know what he's up to, since he's on his own.

I loved the Mac/Reed interaction in tonights ep-amazing. I agree with what people have been saying in this thread so far-the drama of the friendships on this show is enough to pull at the emotional heartstrings of the audience, and really pull them into the show that we don't need romantic relationships to do that.

I really liked Mac overall tonight, too. Gary Sinise did a great job portraying Mac's stress over the situation, and his angst over trying to find and care for Reed AND catch the killer. It was definately one of Gary's best episodes-the entire cast in fact shined well tonight. THIS is the CSINY I've been missing.