A+ from me! See what a wild and excellent ride the writers can actually take us on, when there isn't a dreary faux-mance to bog the actual crime case writing down? :thumbsup:
I could be really lazy, and just say
"See Faylinn's post above, I agree with everything!" :lol: But I'll actually post a few comments of my own, too.
Flack and Angell simply rock. Loved the entire opening sequence, it set the pace and tone for the entire ep. This could have almost made a good finale, IMO. (Except we would need more Flack, Sid and more ADAM, dammit, for a finale!) Loved Flack's line to the 2 cabbies, something about "If I find out you're lying, you'll get a chance to find out just how good I am at my job..."

Gotta love that man!
Loved the conversation between Stella and Mac, when she reminds him that both of them would have been
exactly like Reed at his age, all gung-ho. And of course Mac, being wise enough to know his best buddy Stella is also very wise, knew she was 100% right. I loved Mac tonight (coming from me, a total Mac-Whore, that's not much of a surprise!

) He was just the right amount of frazzled cop, pissed off Head of the CSI lab demanding results from his team, and anxious Father. Sinise played it perfectly, IMO.
Glad the Montana scene was oh-so-brief. And I didn't mind Lindsay at all in this ep, she's not bad or annoying to me, when she's doing her job. It's the creepy faux-mance that irks me, and thankfully it was absent tonight. :bolian:
My heart broke for the 2 innocent victims in the ep, the cop and the soft-hearted, trusting woman who took a chance on a cabbie because he told her he had kids to feed...

And I actually felt for the cabbie Flack interrogated, who honestly thought they were doing the right thing by killing and delivering the cabbie killer to justice. Doesn't even remotely excuse Vigilante Justice, particularly when it results in death, but I have to admit I did feel for him, he was obviously horrified when he found out the truth.
Jordan is a bit of a hard-ass, but I don't mind it that much, she has a tough job, and she's just trying to do it. And I'm really liking Quinn more and more, she has good chemistry with the cast. Liked the scene between Jordan and Stella, nice meeting of minds between two strong-willed women.
Kyle Gallner is excellent! I'm really hoping they keep him as a recurring cast member now and then, love the relationship between Reed and Mac. Poignant scene at the end, with Mac wheeling him out of the hospital, and both of them taking the silent - and much relieved - cab ride together.
I kind of assumed the voice-over at the end was Mac on Reed's blog, don't know if that was what the writers intended, but that's what it felt like, to me.
Great job, by both writers and cast. :thumbsup: Glad I dvr'd it, this one definitely gets another viewing or three... :lol: And a much less stressful re-viewing, now that I know what happens!