Ok, typing as I watch again, then I'll submit when the episode is over.
~ Angell makes my panties tingle on a good day, but kicking ass
and saving Flack? Oh Angell, have my babies please. :drool:
~ That's one action-packed way to start an episode, I gotta say!
~ Haha at Flack's mention of having some girl in the back of his dad's car, by the way. :lol: Oh, Flack.
~ Mac, give Flack a break.
~ Aww, poor Flack isn't a happy bunny. *pet pet*
~ Mmm, Danny, you're looking vewwy pwetty!
~ Yay, D/F screencaps--I don't ask for much.
~ Aww, Quinn.

~ SHELDON YOU SEXY BASTARD! *tackles and does unspeakably naughty things to him* :devil:
~ Oh Flack, ILU BB! :lol:
~ Montaaaana!

At least that scene went quick.
~ SID!
~ Not killed by the cabbie killer? Iiinteresting.
~ Flack, Angell and Danny together? Oh, be still my tinglepants--er, I mean heart! :drool:
~ 20 minutes in--obviously, he ain't the killer, yo.
~ Heh, I thought Jordan was Kendall for a second there.
~ Stella, more cleavage, please.
~ :wtf: Oh dear, Reed.
~ I thought Reed got kidnapped last week? I guess the killer let him out of the cab? Or maybe it wasn't actually the killer's cab he got into?...I'm cornfuzed. :wtf:
~ I didn't see if AJ's name was at the beginning. I'm having Adam withdrawals.

If he's not here this week, I'll be sad (even though I know he's in the finale because he was filming for it recently). *sigh* I don't think he's here. He must be at home, eating Ho Hos and playing Second Life.
~ I love Mac and Stella's friendship. ^_^ And of course she'd know just how Reed reacted to Mac's approach--and how Mac approached him in the first place. I love you, Stella.
~ Ew, monkey meat? Bleh! :wtf:
~ Pissy!Flack. Tasty. :devil:
~ Ooh, Flack referred to Angell as his 'partner'. This makes my panties tingle just a little bit more.
~ Ooh, pissy!Quinn. And she didn't know Mac knew Reed? Interesting--although I'm not sure how she
would know, of course. I guess I just assumed it was common knowledge.
~ Reed! (It kinda lessens the impact when we already thought he'd been kidnapped, though, I gotta say. It's kinda like, 'Oh, he's been kidnapped for
real this time.'

~ Must make more noise to get her attention--DO THE WORM TO SAVE A LIFE, REED!!!
~ Aww, poor Reed.
~ Ooh, good acting on the part of the crazy-ass cabbie killer.
~ CHARON!!!!
~ Ooh, clever Reed. Poor baby, using Claire's name.
~ Yeah, Quinn, now STFU.
~ Maybe if ADAM was there, he could track Reed down. Don't leave Lindsay to do an expert's job, yo. *nod*
~ How can you have that technology and not find her, Mac? BECAUSE YOU F*CKING NEED ADAM, DAMNIT!
~ Good job, Mac! See, you and Reed are on the same wavelength.
~ Mmm, kevlar.
~ "Don't die on me"--*sniff* Reminds me of "Charge of this Post"
~ Aww, Mac with Reed in the ambulance. *hug*
~ Ooh, nice Stella-Jordan scene.
~ Interesting twist with the reason for the killer setting Jimmy up.
~ Mac and Reed.

*hugs them both*
~ I would NOT be able to keep track of time in a trunk like that.
~ Good Reed. *pets him*
~ Aww, Mac and Reed in the taxi. I guess Mac's okie-dokie with taxis now.
~ I wonder what that voice-over was? I was thinking it might be Reed's blog, but I'm not sure--did it show what it was from? (I wasn't paying 100% attention.)
~ Where are Reed's parents?
~ Shitty bluescreen work with the back window of the taxi.
Preview: The finale should be good. *hugs Mac*