La_Guera said:
On a related note, I'm getting tired of the blatant double-standard for Mac and Stella as opposed to everyone else on the team. At least when Mac demanded Flack's notebook, he had considerable evidence to support him, but Mac asks Flack to hold off on collaring a kid in spite of a mountain of evidence because the boy was allegedly abused by his father. That's it. At the time he asks Flack for "one hour", he has not one shred of exculpatory evidence. He...just wants the time. Well, okay, Mac, if you say so. ::eyeroll:: Because God knows your gut is infallible.
It bugs me, too, more in Mac's case than Stella's because Mac has been so damn sanctimonious on that issue with the others CSIs in the past, but when it comes to him...oh, no, he can go with his gut--and of course turn out to be right. I felt that even though Mac turned out to be right, Flack's points still stood.