Grade 'Sweet Sixteen'

Not bad.

Anyway-the mother was TWISTED-I can see why she was pissed though.

And that stepfather was EVIL. The dead BASE jumper but was kind of pointless though.

I'll give it a solid B.

And looks like they've got something to follow in future eps.
This episode was rather boring. The cases were a little on the lame side, and it's a problem to me when the only exciting parts are the interrogation scene with Mac and Flack and Lindsay getting bitten by a snake.

That mother seemed to be off her meds. That came totally out of nowhere. Was she possessed or something? And murder by hair extension? That was more than a little far-fetched.

The case with the pigeons was a little better done, but it was not terribly exciting. I guess not every episode can hold your attention so very completely.

The ending was quite good - Mac making an attempt to reconnect with Claire's son was heartwarming and I love that he gave him those pictures of himself. The other highlight of the episode was the continuity between the conflict between Mac and Flack over that gem of an episode where we had moon rocks, aliens, and paintballs, all in one hilarious episode. Sinise and Cahill played this one beautifully, and I was glad that Flack was willing to admit that he was wrong and suck it up nicely -- but I also loved that he let Mac know what an a$$hole he thought he was.

Anyways, this one gets a B-. It's major crime was it's complete tedium.
I'm probably going to give my detailed opinions of this episode later..but I just have one question:
Was that picture of the TV guide with Mac and Stella at the end (in the previews for next week) an old magazine, or an upcoming one?
*yawn* That was a pretty boring episode. Yeah, there was a bit of continuity, but the only good thing IMO was the conflict between Mac and Flack.

Lindsay gets bitten by a snake, and the only mention is apparently a second of Danny asking Mac about it (which I missed, by the way, it must have been really friggin' quick), and that's it? Then she comes back a half an hour later and it's never mentioned again? :rolleyes: That was a lame way to get her out of the episode, people.

The cases themselves weren't all that spectacular. Spoiled rich people, and a dude who races pigeons (who wasn't given nearly enough depth--there was more about the kid than about him). And that guy who got killed in the parachute? Yeah, didn't go back to him. :rolleyes:

I hope they at least plan to use that woman at the end as a plot point in a later episode...

Can't say which grade I'll give it until I watch it again. I was disappointed, although I'm interested to see next week's episode (the promo looked good).

Oh, and off-topic, but did that show a NY TV Guide cover at the end? Ooh. ;)

Edit: darx2mint4, I see we noticed the same thing. :lol:

And excellent points, Springmoon. :D
That mom was awesome! I wanna hang out with her and eliminate the pest that is the American adolescent elite.

Lindsay's Pinto =
. I wonder if her deep dark secret/tragedy is that it burst into flames on her way to Dairy Queen.
LOL I love that smiley icon, midnight!

Yeah what *did* happen to the base jumper? I forgot all about him.

Man I can't wait for next week!!!

The TV Guide, I can say it's not next weeks, the new one is a Bones cover (which I'm psyched about) clue if that's somewhere down the road or not. I hope so. A cover would be totally awesome.
Well, I thought it gave us a rather intriguing peek into the lives/families of three very different "Sweet 16" year olds.

Of course Autumn, the beautiful spoiled daughter of wealthy parents. An overly doting daddy, and a mother ultimately driven over the edge by jealousy and hatred for what she thinks her kids have become, and for getting things she doesn't think they deserve. She got one thing right though, when she told Stella that they'd be better off doing "without" - they're definitely better off doing without her. Her anger and hatred had totally consumed her.

Jesse, the hired help for the owner of the racing pigeons. Jesse had a nasty abusive stepfather who felt that Jesse "owed him" because he gave Jesse his last name, even though he wasn't his son. Jesse loses himself amongst the pigeons, finding them an outlet to bestow his love and affection. Love the last scene with he and a smiling Mac, as he's talking about the surviving bird Sadie, named after his mom. "Want to see her fly?" Nice.

Finally, young Reed, and Mac desperately trying once again to connect with him. Loved that Mac tried bribing Reed with cheeseburgers and photos of Claire, and Reed's hesitant but happy smile. Of course, no surprise that Mac gets called away before they can bond, but liked seeing him leave the precious photos of Claire with Reed for "safe keeping". :)

I found this to be more of a slow paced, introspective ep, than a typical crime solving one, although they do solve the 2 crimes. But I got the impression that the focus was meant to be more on the lives of the teens. Definitely different for CSI NY, but overall, I still enjoyed it, especially seeing everything come together in the end.

Also enjoyed seeing the continuity between Flack/Mac, glad the writers didn't brush the events of 2 weeks ago under the rug. Give that Continuity Fairy a cookie :D And speaking of continuity, was surprised to see Mac's FBI gal pal get murdered in the end, looks like they're leaving it open for a future episode.
EDIT: Spoiler codes are goofy, had to play with em for awhile first. Finished editting for good this time. :lol:

I liked this episode, I thought it was quite good to be honest, my bro almost stuck around to watch the episode but one look at jumper turned instant sidewalk pizza he was all okay too brutal for me I'm gone. :lol:

I'm no real expert on snakes but I couldn't help but notice the slithery fella looked like a Black Mamba. Being curious I decided to look up more info; apparently if you get bit by one of these their venom affects the nervous system and often a person's vision. More than likely I'm willing to bet this could be one of the reasons why Lindsay disappeared for half the episode as she'd be essentially useless if her vision got fudged up.

Autumn's mother's venomosity didn't come across to me as out of nowhere, either. Sometimes all it takes is one small thing for someone to crack completely and boom, she did exactly that.

The thing with the pigeons was pretty wild, I didn't know they raced pigeons? I really felt for the kid too, right off the bat I couuld tell something didn't feel right about him when Flack and Mac were talking to him and the Stepfather. Also the tense scenes between Flack and Mac? Whoa. :eek: I applauded Mac when he gave the stepfather his extra two cents in the interrogation room prior to Flack hauling his sorry ass off.

Hair as a murder weapon doesn't seem too farfetched to me, I have really long hair myself and for the heck of it I once wrapped a single strand around my finger tight just to see how strong it was and wow, strong stuff. Or maybe I just have tough hair? :lol:

The scene between Mac and Stella touched my heart as did the final scene between him and Reed. Nice to see we're getting some more moments between and M&S this season. Gary and Melina have some serious chemistry, you don't believe me go back and rewatch the hallway scene with Stella asking Mac about Reed. She conveyed her emotions beautifully using her eyes alone. Call me crazy but their chemistry reminds me of David and Gillian from the X-Files in that you could often read their emotions, thoughts via mannerisms or eye expressions alone.

Excellent episode, very good. :cool:

Oh yes, and me need that TV Guide. Yum. :eek: :devil:
This episode was boring. Why did it have to be snakes though? Oh, and who doesn't like a cheeseburger? That's like asking Hugh Hefner if he likes sex.

I kinda liked the mom despite the fact that she committed the crime. It's about time someone said something about all these spoiled brats. Spending $60,000 on a first car is insane. My parents didn't even get me a car for my sweet 16 & I could care less. Oh, and the Autumn chick was rude. Yeah, 'cause she's all that :rolleyes:.

The TV guide cover was beyond hot. I love how a sexy photo was chosen.

Yeah, next week looks way better.


Nice ride Lindsay ;)!
Good points about the episode, guys. :) I can definitely see what you mean, MBGrissom, and I honestly didn't consider the '16' connection. :rolleyes: Where did I leave my brain? Seriously?

I can accept it being more introspective, but the cases still need to feel complete and interesting, and it shouldn't be boring. What if a first time viewer thought this episode was too slow and decided not to tune in next week? Each and every episode has to have something to grab you. There were good moments, don't get me wrong, and I'm sure I'll like it more on the second viewing, but I just don't think it's up to the standard of some of the other episodes we've gotten. And next week looks awesome, so it's like they can't have an amazing episode without something sub-par to lead into it...

Oh, and Claire was lovely. :) I wonder if that's a picture of an actress who might do flashback-type-things at some point? Or maybe it'll be like Ray on Miami and they'll suddenly have someone totally different even though they showed the picture. :p

(Love the Pinto, jorja! :lol: I guess that's a way to tell us that Linday's family wasn't rolling in dough. ;))