Grade 'Some Buried Bones'


Premium Member
First episode of February sweeps...what did you think? :cool:
I'm really looking forward to Mac's case in this one. It looks like it'll provide some good moments. :D And I'm also curious about Nelly Furtado and whether she'll do a good job. ;)
Oh I'm so jealous that you guys get a new episode tonight and here in the UK we're stuck right back at the start of season 3!!! I've tried downloading directly from the CBS site, but unfortunately they won't let you do it if you're outside of the US. Oh well, Ill just have to log in here tomorrow to find out what you all have to say about the episode instead!
Don't be jealous I'm still in 4th episode of season 2 here :lol: :lol:

Yeah I'm really looking forward to "see" Mac and Reed interaction. I really don't know anything about what is gonna happen with Reed :confused:
jorja_fan86 said:
5 bucks say they're gonna use a Nelly Furtado song tonight. I'm feeling "Man Eater"...

LOL! I can actually picture that! :lol:

Faylinn said:
I'm really looking forward to Mac's case in this one. It looks like it'll provide some good moments. :D And I'm also curious about Nelly Furtado and whether she'll do a good job. ;)

Yeah, as other people have said, let's hope she doesn't pull a Sasha Cohen on us!
jorja_fan86 said:
5 bucks say they're gonna use a Nelly Furtado song tonight. I'm feeling "Man Eater"...

I dunno, maybe they'll bring out classic Nelly. "Im Like A Bird," perhaps.
I liked it! At first I was more interested in the Nelly case, because it was Nelly. Then, the secret society one got interesting, then I liked then end where they wrapped up the shoplifting case and kinda explained a bit about Ava's past. It was pretty interesting, overall. Didn't have me on the edge of my seat or anything, but it was good.
Nelly Furtado did a good job too.

Plus, I was almost in tears when Mac told Reed that Claire's body was never recovered. :(

I gave it an A.
I really liked the episode. Nelly did a good job..interesting character.

I liked the college case better though..Like the Mac/Reed relationship and Flacks interrogations.

I didn't know that Adam was going to be in this one, so I was very pleasantly surprised when I heard his voice and kind of spazzed out a bit in the chat. :lol:

And boy was he in it! Lots of Adam, but I'm not complaining. There could have been more Flack, but Flack was just on in all of his scenes. I love Flack. That scene where he was roughing up the kid in the interrogation room? *fans self* Oh boy. :devil:

A bit of info about Adam's past. It actually fits with something I have in mind for a fanfic, so that's interesting. [/dork]

Anyway, the fact that Adam was in it a lot and Flack wasn't--that sucks, but there was a lot of science/lab stuff in this one, so it makes sense. :)

I loved the stuff with Mac and Reed. "I told them I was family." Yes, you are, darling. *sniffle* And the scene toward the end? *sigh* Seriously, that was wonderful. Kyle is a fantastic actor. I hope they keep Reed on.

Nelly Furtado didn't thrill me, but at least she didn't do much actual acting. I could have done without the montage, though.

I hate that frickin' CSI:Q game. It ruined the ending. :mad:

Well, I'll stop now, I don't want to actually give away any of the storyline. I'll be back after rewatching this one.

Such a good episode, I'm thinking A or A+. Why can't they all be this good? :D