Grade 'Sleight Out of Hand'

It's a rare occasion that words escape me at just how badly written an episode can be. All I can say is this: Thank goodness for Flack and Hawkes otherwise I'd still be curled up in a corner with my eyes bleeding, crying for my mommy.
...Am I the only person who is totally baffled by that episode? Just...what?

Danny's behavior made no sense. I have no idea what they were going for.

I started out thinking Anna was doing a good job with the acting in the first scene where she was on the stand, but then I changed my mind.

Once again, Lindsay's development was sacrificed for Danny/Lindsay stuff. I'm quite convinced the writers don't think she has any worth beyond that.

I am losing interest in Danny as a character. I don't know who that was this week, but I refuse to believe that it was the Danny we saw in season 1. The character is going downhill, and I find myself less intrigued by him.

This episode almost seemed like something out of the twilight zone, or a bad fanfiction that the writers printed off and turned into an episode last minute. :rolleyes:

Now, to move away from whatever that stuff was, because I still can't wrap my brain around it.

Flack saved the episode for me. His scene with Hawkes in the magic store was the single highlight for me. His expressions were great, and I just loved it! :D That's the only part that I want to re-watch.

Cris Angell played the crazy-bastard relatively well, but I couldn't get into the case for some reason. Maybe on a second watching I'll be more interested, but I was paying more attention to the chat than the episode.

But I've come to a very sad realization--I think the reason that I'm still so into CSI:NY has everything to do with my friends here on the boards, and not so much to do with the show itself anymore. The ratings might be up, but the quality is down. I shouldn't be sitting here and thinking that I hope there is some well-written fanfiction to make up for it--the fanfiction should supplement the show, should be secondary to it as far as enjoyment goes. But no, I'm hoping that some good writers can erase whatever that was from my head.

TPTB, what in the hell are you thinking? :(
I forgot one thing, I hope the writers of Saved by the Bell sue Dove and Reiter for plagiarism because I am certain the last 10 minutes came from a moment between Zach and Kelly.
I was sorry to see that the writers were clearly on vacation for this episode and failed to see the drivel that was put on screen this evening.

I sincerely hope that Flack and the rest of the crew can be saved here.

ETA: JDonne, brilliant reply! :lol:
I thought the episode was good. It was nice to see Lindsay again and enjoyed the D/L scenes. The "magic" case was much more interesting than I thought it would be. My only criticism would be the "Noooooooo" Criss Angell uttered at the end. From an otherwise decent job on the show, it seemed a tad overdone.

Oops forgot to add, also loved the Flack/Hawkes, Houdini vs. DNA-RNA. It made me laugh OUT LOUD, and that doesn't happend much when it comes to tv shows. :lol:
A+ baby!!
I still have a smile plastered on my face!!
I squealed so many times during the show my roommate is currently on the phone calling the nice men in white jackets to come and get me! ;)
I loved that we not only got the D/L(!!!), but Flack and Hawkes got much needed air time (and awesome air time at that). The Houdini, RNA-DNA references/comments were totally Flack!
I loved his reation when the store guy came back out mentioning "pulling a houdini."
Totally made my week, month even!!
Flack saved the episode for me. His scene with Hawkes in the magic store was the single highlight for me. His expressions were great, and I just loved it! That's the only part that I want to re-watch.
I really thought that was a good part, too. It seemed natural and I agree-his expresssions were great.

TPTB, what in the hell are you thinking?
Blonde moment: who is TPTB?

Is no one else freaked out by Criss?

...I am certain the last 10 minutes came from a moment between Zach and Kelly.

I think you are did kinda remind me of that show!
I think they mentioned Danny had not slept for awhile, and he was acting all loopy because of it. Being an University student, I know that all too well....

I liked the continuity, with stella, and lindsey...I am loving this season, and what I like about New york is that they are not only focusing on the science and forensics, because they are trying not to be like vegas. TV show fans are overly critical about character continuity, but I think New York does a far better job with it than most shows. A romance seems to fit into the show better because they are starting early with it. I find this season very entertaining, and I don't care if some of the quality goes if it is enjoyable. Even though season 1 was more serious, and gritty, the ratings were not as good as now, and it wasn't as enjoyable.
I am so excited that we had a stunt casting plan work. I think Angel did a good job and really made his storyline work. He does the tortured man/boy thing well.

Loved Flack and Hawkes. Thought Lindsay/Anna did a nice job with her court scenes. Gave it an A.

Also, did anyone think the defendant in Lindsay's court scenes looked like Flack's less crazyhot brother?
TPTB=The Powers That Be, aka the writers and everyone else responsible for putting this show out there.

And yes, good post JDonne.

Danny has been fine for the past three weeks, nobody has mentioned Lindsay at all--and now suddenly he's a lovesick puppy again? The characterization is becoming as shoddy for Danny as it is for Lindsay, and that's saying something.

Oh, and just a funny thing: when Criss blew the hair out of his eyes at the end, it kind of ruined the crazy-moment. :rolleyes:

I find this season very entertaining, and I don't care if some of the quality goes if it is enjoyable. Even though season 1 was more serious, and gritty, the ratings were not as good as now, and it wasn't as enjoyable.
Can I even express how much that hurts? Quality is expendable for cheesy romance? Sorry, but I must respectfully disagree with you there. :(
I think the case itself is very interesting..magic can always catch ppl attention. Mac become a magician and Flack is hilarious as usual. The Flack/Hawkes scene in the magic store is just too funny to comment...

I just didnt' get one thing...Danny didnt' even think of Lindsay once for the past few episodes and all of a sudden missed her SOOOO much and went all the way to Montana?? :confused: Then they hold hands, they hug, and they almost kiss...when did they get so close (did i miss something in the past few weeks???) Maybe that's the MAGIC of this episode. :eek: