Grade Season Two

Y'know, I actually gave A too.

Positive things:
- Not so dark
- Not gloomy Aiden. Don't get me wrong, she was like "don't care is she there or not" character for me, just like Linsday but I didn't like her mostly because she always looked like "she couldn't care less"
- Mac no tie
- Hammerbeck. Rocks.
-Flack's new haircut

-Making CSI women again victims
-Hawkes becoming CSI
-Scenes where Linsday tried to be angry

...there was something else but I don't remember right now. I hate compare CSI shows, but MIami still has my heart BUT... I think this s2 did so much better than LVs s6 and is so my #2 CSI show. Perhaps it's about The Holy Sinise. I swear, he is the greatest actor in tv shows at the moment.
I have a question about season one and the blue tint comments, how many episodes of season one did everyone who hated the blue tint see. Because, the blue tint was gone very early in the season, but people seem to keep commenting on it as if it were in the majority of the episodes and it wasn't by any means. The blue tint was so annoying from the very beginning that USA Today actually conducted a poll about it and people's feelings a few weeks after season one premiered.

Season two did not usher in the lighter brighter NY, season one did as the writers and show runners discuss on the DVD commentary. The second half of the first season seemed pitch perfect to me and I understand to each his own, but the blue tint and lighter tone comments have me scratching my head.

I think, though I could be wrong, that the blue tint was gone by "A Man a Mile" or "Outside Man," the fifth or sixth ep respectively. It never bothered me that much, but the show looked much better with it gone.

Those of you who haven't seen season one should really check it out. Start with either "TriBorough" (ep 111) or "Tanglewood" (ep 113) and go from there. The second half of season one was consistently excellent.
After watching almost half of season 1 (tried to watch the whole season in one sitting but my eyes gave out and I had to stop at Night, Mother), I think I can probably grade season 2 now.

I'm giving it a B+.

S2 pros:

- Mac seemed to lighten up. He was so uptight in the first season.
- The office. Though the first one looks okay, it was a little claustrophobic for me.
- Lindsay. Though Anna's acting may not be convincing at times, I find her likable and cute. She's one of the reasons I started watching.

S2 cons:

- Lack of teamwork. I think the only episode where we saw the whole team working on one case was in the season finale. Technically, they were working together in Manhattan Manhunt, but Stella went off with Horatio to chase this other guy that it felt like a B-case (even if that guy did have a connection to Darius).
- The cases. Some of them were just plain blah. S1 cases were definitely better.
- Hawkes' lack of screen time. I know Lindsay is the new girl and they had to give her time to ease into her surroundings, I don't think it's fair to push him far into the background. They could've at least given them the same amount of growth here.

And I just want to say that I've found a new liking to Aiden. :D Now I really feel bad that they killed her off. :(

Re: dark blue hue, I did notice that the episodes became "lighter" early into the first season. It started with A Man A Mile, I think. I had to rewind the opening credits because I noticed that Mac's shot there wasn't in the dark blue hue, same goes for the rest of the cast. They did make an effort to lessen the darkness. I'm not sure why the "darkness" stuck...maybe it's the vibe of the cases, or maybe they did most of their work at night? I dunno. :)

Still, I love S2. I'm looking forward to the next.
I've seen whole season 1, and yeah... blue tint was gone in 5th or 6th episode. I don't know now. Somehow it felt they were tying so much in season 1, now they've got their status and season 2 went ...smoothly. Every season in every show has great and bad episodes. You cannot escape that .
DaWacko said:
I've seen whole season 1, and yeah... blue tint was gone in 5th or 6th episode. I don't know now. Somehow it felt they were tying so much in season 1, now they've got their status and season 2 went ...smoothly. Every season in every show has great and bad episodes. You cannot escape that .

I didn't even notice that. I guess I didn't stick around enough in Season 1 to see the blue tint disappear. Darn, I would have watched the rest if I had known that. I'm not even sure I saw the finale. If I did, I don't remember it.

But that's ok...I ordered season 1 on ebay yesterday and I can't wait to get it...I'm gonna have a season 1 marathon and just cringe through the first 5 or 6 until the blue is gone. :)
The blue tint was also in NY/MIA Non Stop.

I will admit the blue tint was hard on the eyes and made danny look sleezy.

However Season two I realy enjoyed (having just made the cross from the disaster they call Miami) Its refresing to see Mac so grounded and even though hes been though a lot of hard times he still had his feet attached to the earth which is more than we can say for that gun wealding trigger happy Horatio Caine.

K so Season Two

The Good.

-Linsday...I know some of you dont like her but I think shes great. Shes like a lost girl tryign to hard to impress everyone aroudn her and fit in. Its almost as if she feels very out of place all the time and insecure. Hopefully this will come in to play more in S3 I really wanna see more of her backstory.
- Danny and Mac hug...HIGHLIGHT of the year!
- Mac not being such a twat...hes redemed himself this season.
- Mac and the kid in 2.17 its the first time (I think)we have seen Mac with a kid and it was just so cute. We need more of it.
- Flacks new hair its delectable.

The Bad
-They tried to do too much in one season the Danny and Stella storylines would have been sufficent the last episode could have been a gret opener to S3!
-Why has there been no mention of Dannys brother after RSRD?
-Aiden...dudes she left the show no need to kill her.

And thank god this season of NY hasn't gone totaly to pot like Miami. All hail NY as the sane(ish) CSI
DaWacko said:
Positive things:
- Mac no tie
- Hammerbeck. Rocks.
-Flack's new haircut.
I like Mac with tie but agree with the others two.

I think it was quite good but not outstanding.
I gave it an A. I thoguht it was okay. I liked how they brighten things up. unlike season one, I didn't have to watch most of the episodes in the dark to make out what was going on. That was irritating.

Some of the cases bored me to tears, but I liked the character action this season.
I gave it a B only because it seemed to get better over the last four episodes which were quality A programs. Season I IMO was definitely the better of the two. I miss the relationship between Mac and Stella. I also miss the personna of Mac and the ties. I liked him much better in Season I than Season II. He just didn't seem like a leader to me, nor did he seem to have that real raw "wear it on your sleeve" emotional caring and motivation as he did in the first Season. The setting, as far as I am concerned did not feel like New York, for the most part. And the story lines weren't as polished as in the first season. I hope for a better Season III.
i've not seen the whole series yet coz they aint showed it all in the uk yet, well on channel 5!!! but so far its been pretty good. i don't really like lindsey that much, she seems to eager to be around danny. but danny's development has been sumwat remarkable! wow. everything else has been good too. u gotta love flacks new hairdo
I gave it a B+

I thought this season was pretty good. They also did a good job loosen up Mac a bit. Although Hammerback is pretty funny, the should've let Hawkes stay in the morgue. He's way to serious to have more screentime. The Aiden chapter was closed well (in the end). They've never mentioned her but in the two episodes where the rapist got back, but in those episodes they handeled it well. I like how they fitted Lindsey into the team, and how they personalized some cases. I also like the new lab way better, and think they did well with brightening the show up a little bit.

Now the cons. The cases were often really bad. From that point of view, season one was way better. There were some episodes were I was constantly checking the time to see how long it took for the episode to be over.

Anyway. Improvement on most things, but lack of good cases.

Btw, I have a question. I'm making a banner for all my favourite shows about how things will work out next season. For CSI that is Brass lieing on a hospital bed and Sara being in the bedroom with Grissom. But for NY I only have a picture of Flack in a hospital bed. What picture could I add to it. It has to do something with things that have an influence on next season, sort of small cliffhangers.
I think I'm going to vote for B+. It started a bit poor but it recoverd very well in the second part of the season. Just like season 1, I liked the second part more than the first part. I can't say which season I like more know, it's very close know.

Positive notes:
- Hammerback. He just rockes, I really hope he stays on next season, he's so funny :lol:
- RSRD and Live or Let Die. Brilliant episodes.
- Danny getting trapped in a Panic Room. How came up with that idea! Great idea! :lol:
- Mac without a tie, big improvement!
- Another crossover with Miami, I like the Mac/Horatio interaction.
- Lindsay. I like her, only Anna should practice a bit more on an angry Lindsay, because she's not that great in those scenes. But I like her.

Negative notes:
- All those weird deads: like in Wasted or Fare Game. What happend to the old gunshots?
- To less Flack: He's was hardly on the show.
- Not the fact that Hawkes became a CSI, but they haven't really focused on it, he now simply is, that's strange because a few months ago he was just an ME.
- They way Aiden got fired: the end of Summer In The City was great, but they dropped it all a week later. Shame, could have been much more intense. + the fact we hardly knew what the others thought about her leaving (Danny especcialy).
I gotta say, I really enjoyed season 2. I liked the change to a "lighter" atmosphere and I found most of the episodes very enjoyable. I have to say that in terms of plot, the original CSI still pulls off more compelling and off the wall stories than NY does, but there were some real gems in season 2. Some of my favorites from this past season include: "Necrophilia Americana", "Run Silent, Run Deep", "All Access", "Live and Let Die", and "Trapped". I'm also diggin' Flack's new hairdo in season 2. :lol:

Now for my season 3 wish list:
- Let's see more of Flack, we have a great set up from the season finale.
- Better B cases or have the whole team on one really big case more often
- More team togetherness, there were lots of big moments in season 2, but we didn't hear from all the team members
- More character development
I gave it a c+. I really thought season 2 was alot better then the season 1. I am however looking forward to season 3 I think that will be the season it really takes off.