Agree with a lot of bits and pieces of what the following have covered:
Roxi, PA, CSI Cupcake, GNRF, lisasimspon, and the Review. (Funnily enough, Mellow was my observed catchword for the hour :lol
- thought Eriq Lasalle did a solid job. It was a cohesive, even episode, with some humor, a little bit of action, understated usage of ubertech, some good interpersonal moments between characters, level and unified performances from his cast, the return of the full main cast, a bit more feel of trying to link it back into the city, and yet ...and yet. Understated. I suppose an understated and mellow vibe are what I keep coming back to. And that's not necessarily a bad thing at all. It's just not the wow ep in a season that's been lacking some.
- the case was lite, undemanding, as was the episode as a whole. I'll remember this one not for the puzzle, but for the St. Paddy's day chronological anchor and motif, for Adam and Sheldon in the vault, for Flack pasting a leprechaun during a chase, Reed's cameo, and, after weeks worth of chatter during yet another broadcast lull, the introduction of Aubrey Hunter as a recurring character, personal interest for Mac, and likely future plot point.
- as for # 39 and 40

; as a framework the initial chance meeting at a (rather cut-throat) deli was fun and believable; the numbers and notes exchanged leaned a wee bit to da cheez side, but hey, it
was in a deli at least, and digestable. (More palatable for some than for others I am sure

). I also very much think the accompanying soundtrack made the first note fare worse in that sense than it otherwise would have had it not been underscored so. The second one didn't seem to suffer quite the same treatment; also, Gary could narrate the phone book and it would be pleasant and somehow lulling listening. I do have to say that the letters were used as a nice contrast to the crowds in the story, to the pressure dense city living can bear sometimes. Deliberately serene moments and in Aubrey's case also one of solace. Also goes to a more personal touch instead of a text message and the like, and taking the time to connect or reach out in that way. So mildly cheezy, but with a point. Or a few of them. Pointy cheez. Yum.
I was also suitably impressed if tweaking an eyebrow at the carefully legible penmanship displayed :lol: -> if that's the hand-writing of an ER physician I will do a shot of the green ink it was written in

and frankly I couldn't buy the other as being Mac's hand either, but eh, minor quibble; the newspaper with the Soho open house classified ws so very red, so identifiable from a distance, so carefully placed in each of it's close ups

; gotta say I found the open house bit both a tad uncomfortable yet also somehow a little cute and worked in the set up. How would you feel walking into that scenario? I said, real world a bit uncomfortable, teevee, made for a fun moment. But, as Gretzky said: go to where the puck is going, not to where it's been... :lol:.
Reed giving Mac an inadvertant nudge was kinda fun, Mac checking "I look OK?" chuckle-worthy, and the final scene was rather low key and kinda sweet.
For the intro of a new "interest," so far, not bad. Pretty good actually. Better than I was hoping, letters and all. It's an interesting dynamic they're negotiating. I'm intrigued and curious, and wanting to like Aubrey and know more of her. On my :shifty: side, I suppose I also wonder to what extent her months of bad days might become a contributing factor to any future plot developments, or if wysiwyg, and conventional burn-out will not be over-dramatized and the TwiztDrama will stem from the outer Third Party TBA.
By the time we see her again mebbe I won't have so much trouble spelling her damned name. Dang, man.
What is it with the names of recurring characters on this show. :lol:.
Erm. ...I could buy Mac being prompted to take a chance, but I'm not sure I could actually picture him addressing an envelope "to the beautiful brunette in the green coat." :lol:
- Reed nudged Mac not just on a personal level, but also w/ regards to the case (honey drizzle and all). I thought the invite for green beer was fun, and added to the evolved dynamic between them; thought it was kinda funny Reed left Mac to pay the tab at their meeting tho; all in all, it was nice to see him back, especially as I'd thought we weren't going to see much of NY's wider recurring characters, especially familial types; it also was integrated well into the story, with the blogger/journalistic side of things, so his return didn't feel gratuitous or pasted in for the sake of it. (I hope they someday manage to find a way to do the same with Sam Flack).
- decent guests, in Ashmore and Ziering, and Madchen Amick was good too; "Drunk Girl" was ...interesting :lol:, and I can only imagine the casting call for that.
- was very nice to see Sid back, and that they seem to be finding ways to have him contribute to cases and episodes in a bit wider breadth than just autopsies. Plz to have more.
- all things green in the hour were certainly given some extra oomph and color saturation, I thought the whole look in that sense, the strong blue / green theme, and overall palette and solids, contrast between interiors and exteriors was nice, well integrated fill shots, stock & city footage and inserts gave the episode a good look and nice style; could they just. kill. the horns. on their cuts. Ferdaluvafrickingad. Sheesh. </wry peeve>
Doing the set dressing in the vault musta been fun, and continued a nice palette, but I also wonder what the inside of one
rly looks like... :lol:; I liked that the city shots also seem to include more than panning aerials and have increasingly found themselves at street level; nice sequence inserting Central Park; I liked the movement of the camera in the processing and lab montages, in some ways wonder if that stems from Lasalle's ER days. So erm, yah. Liked the style and look of this one.
- some fun lines and moments

; I could buy Mac as a regular at the deli; in fact, Mac seems to do well when he eats out, didn't he also meet that Rose woman over oatmeal at a diner one morning? :lol:; the deli counter guy was fun and seemed to provide some sort of color commentary counter point in an amusing way: "the usual? (#4 club) ...light on the dressing, a man who knows what he wants..." > [enter Aubry Hunter]; after he gives Mac the first note, "you need anything else?" / "no I'm good," > well, apparently so ; Adam of course had some of the winners, probably had most of them in this one

, but while the schtick with the gold ingots was fun, the guard and sniffing one etc, I laughed more at his early giggle and grinning " pretty..." and "...I got a golden ticket!"; I did like Flack's boiled cabbage line, thought that was better than the other !Irish references in the !Paddy's Day ep; well, I was (and still am) somehow absurdly liking the phrase "impossibly irish"

- could they have
found a way to stuff in
any more cheez "gold" references and puns; knock on wood, I'm sure they could have, I'm thankful for small mercies; I wonder what they decided the ep could live w/o.
- back to Flack; if last week was an intense, taut Flack, this week was a very mellow Flack, more on par with earlier seasons tone of snark and poking. Mebbe his dark personal winter is on the wane. Too early to say what this is. If it's anything.
- badges were quite prominent for most in the ep, Flack at the parade, Lindsay in the bar, ...and Danny badge. Has gun. And radio. But no badge. I'm sure that would make any arrest legal wouldn't it, if a cop couldn't prove they were such before they tried to detain you.
- can I just say I've never been on a city bus that has gotten a flat tire. I wonder if the dog ate blogger dude's thumb drive in school too.
- the whole "killer was a cop" thing was a tad lame, and certainly not a dun dun dunh moment, but then again, they didn't really try play it up that hard, was debunked pretty quickly; the only lift for me from that was of my own mind-wandering improv, knowing better but still being unable to stop myself from entertaining the notion, eeeeeever so briefly, of whether Shane Casey might be sooooOOOoOoooooo devious and clever as to have someone be using Messer's badge. I think I just wanna know when that sh*t's gonna hit the fan and rain down. Beg pardon. So. No. As others have already posited, it's far more likely to have made it's way to prison to aid in Casey's inevitable escape.
- was not surprised by the plated ingots, kinda liked the Mr. Wizard scene with Mac, and thought it was also funny how he said, "it's only ...*cheap* ...
dirty ...tungston. :lol: Oh, tungston. No love, huh. Light as a feather, stiff as a board...
- brief head tilt moment wondering what else I mighta missed on a brief refill run, w/ regards to the jammed pistol; the bartender jammed it after the first round; the blogger fella picked it up and then used it to scare the same guy off; sure, yes, in part there's a russian roulette aspect to this, but, the shooter knew it was jammed, he'd jammed it, so why didn't he beat the blogger? he was closer to him than the second victim was to
him when
he was attacked - wow. Does any of that make any frickin sense :lol: Never mind. Just - right, never mind.
- more cheez, extra, in slo mo bits during parade chase; ...aaaaaaaand, yep, the leprechaun gets it :lol: Instant replay please.
- musta missed something else. wtf was ziering's character doing in a tux and ascot? Or wuz he just !I'mRichBitch.
- the ep coulda taken the sequence devoted to a plot recap and used it for other things, it wasn't that demanding a case. Mallets. Ingots in this case.
- civil law enteres at teh end to take ya down if they can't peg ya for homicide. The inclusion of that was good, though I wasn't sold on the casting of the woman as the agent.
- the plot was linear, straightforward, and it was

that the dialogue convo about the clues/conclusions links labored behind their presentation, it's like the second half of the conversation wasn't necessary, but ya can't have marco w/o polo in a CSI ep. A hand held plot, just to make sure we didn't get lost.
- EDNA (it was "EDNA," wasn't it?) made an understated return for a Shiny, which was nice to see, was just part of the world and was not screaming !
Lookitmeh while there. Ubertech was playing it pretty casual in this one, so ...what's my point. Dunno. That Mr. Wizard gets a cookie.
Overall the episode felt a little more sunny and hint of spring-like than previous, so well done for having that come across on a few different production levels.
While I wouldn't go nearly so far as to say "what's good?" / "...everything," it was an okay episode. Nothing irritated me too much. Was mellow but I wasn't outright as bored as I've been thru other episodes. The usual. Nothing stood out too grievously. It was about par for the course but a half step up.
Call this one another B-.
I think it's true love, you guys. :adore:
" pretty..." :lol:
(Adam and the gold both)