Grade 'Pot of Gold'

How would you grade Pot of Gold?

  • A+

    Votes: 7 13.2%
  • A

    Votes: 15 28.3%
  • A-

    Votes: 7 13.2%
  • B+

    Votes: 5 9.4%
  • B

    Votes: 4 7.5%
  • B-

    Votes: 2 3.8%
  • C+

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • C

    Votes: 6 11.3%
  • C-

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • D+

    Votes: 2 3.8%
  • D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D-

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • F

    Votes: 2 3.8%

  • Total voters
Thanks kindly, Curiosity :).

Hmm...Forgot to mention that Aubrey actually reminds me a bit of Peyton -- no British accent but long brunette hair, similar coloring, etc.

I thought so, too, and it kept striking me a lot during their interaction. I thought it was interesting that Mac might have a "type" :lol: (although, from what I remember, Claire didn't fit it, right?)

Mac. Brunettes. Long hair. Brits. Docs. Sometimes Brit Docs. Sometimes not. Mac does seem to know what he likes :lol:. The writers seem to have a type for him if nothing else... :p.

As for Jordan, Quinn, Rose, even Jane as a potential. Well, your theory might hold in a way. They either weren't brunettes or didn't have (as long?) long hair, but Jane was a doc too, of some sort wasn't she...? Dunno :lol:. I think Claire had shoulder lengthish brown wavy hair. Would seem to fit with Reed's look too.

I can only imagine the inner wince of wry irony Mac probably suffered during their "getting to know you" convo, of realizing he'd just taken a chance on yet another brunette doc :lol::p.

I think the theory holds up! :lol: Jane was a blonde DNA tech, as far as I know, but it generally seemed that (like Quinn and Rose) she was the one more interested in Mac than he was in her.

And if they're brunette doctors, they're more likely to hit "relationship-phase" with him (too bad for Gillian, though :p).
Adam sniffing the gold bars made me LOLed Haha. I gave this ep and A- because I just find the #39 and the #40 a bit corny. I don't know but it's too cheesy and all that.

The case is fine--not the best case ever but still interesting. It's not a heavy case but still cool!
Anyone know what Flack said in Irish? Hope they use subtitle one day. :rolleyes:
I think it's 'Ireland forever' or something similar.

Thanks. :D It was really frustrating sometimes when Stella spoke greek and I have no idea what she's talking about and there's no subtitle.

I just had to come post this because...forget Danny/Lindsay or Mac/Aubrey or whoever else - this is the most romantic moment ever seen on the show:


I think it's true love, you guys. :adore:

Adam and gold... It's the best OTP. :guffaw:

Mac and the pretty doc... the introduction was a bit cheesy for my taste, considering Mac's age and all. But how long will this relationship go on? To me, it seems like Mac's relationship storyline depends mainly on the schedule of the actresses or something.
Anyone know what Flack said in Irish? Hope they use subtitle one day. :rolleyes:
I think it's 'Ireland forever' or something similar.

Thanks. :D It was really frustrating sometimes when Stella spoke greek and I have no idea what she's talking about and there's no subtitle.

Always hated learning Irish in school but I guess it now comes in handy for something :p Flack said "h'Eirinn Go Brea" with a fada over the E of Eirinn and a in Brea. Literal translation is Ireland is grand, meaning Ireland is great or the best. Hope that helps! :lol:

Yeah I know how frustrating it is when they speak languages you don't speak and/or understand! They really should have subtitles. I've never actually seen Irish subtitles however haha
I think it's 'Ireland forever' or something similar.

Thanks. :D It was really frustrating sometimes when Stella spoke greek and I have no idea what she's talking about and there's no subtitle.

Always hated learning Irish in school but I guess it now comes in handy for something :p Flack said "h'Eirinn Go Brea" with a fada over the E of Eirinn and a in Brea. Literal translation is Ireland is grand, meaning Ireland is great or the best. Hope that helps! :lol:

Yeah I know how frustrating it is when they speak languages you don't speak and/or understand! They really should have subtitles. I've never actually seen Irish subtitles however haha

If it's "h'Eirinn Go Brea" then why in the world do some banners I've seen advertising St. Paddy's Day spell it "Erin Go Bragh"? :lol: Are they just trying to confuse people on purpose? :lol:
I liked the episode. However, when I saw that Erin Cahill played Agent Pangle I had to do some quick checking to see if she was perhaps Eddie's sister. Unfortunately not.

The scene in the gold vault was hilarious for two reasons. First of course was Adam's reaction to all that gold. Second was the fact that all those bars on those tables with spindly legs was impossible. Each bar weighs 22 pounds. Those tables would have been crushed to the floor.

I loved Flack's comment to the bartender in the interrogation room about how p*ssed the bagpipe players were that they had to be giving statements instead of drinking. "Boiled cabbage" indeed.
Always hated learning Irish in school but I guess it now comes in handy for something :p Flack said "h'Eirinn Go Brea" with a fada over the E of Eirinn and a in Brea. Literal translation is Ireland is grand, meaning Ireland is great or the best. Hope that helps! :lol:

Yeah I know how frustrating it is when they speak languages you don't speak and/or understand! They really should have subtitles. I've never actually seen Irish subtitles however haha

If it's "h'Eirinn Go Brea" then why in the world do some banners I've seen advertising St. Paddy's Day spell it "Erin Go Bragh"? :lol: Are they just trying to confuse people on purpose? :lol:

"Erin Go Bragh" is the "Anglicisation" of the Gaelic phrase, according to Wikipedia.

Thanks, FlacksAngell and Faylinn. :thumbsup: I'm complaining about the lack of subtitles but maybe it would be more troublesome if they use them. :lol:
"Erin Go Bragh" is the "Anglicisation" of the Gaelic phrase, according to Wikipedia.

Thanks, Fay. :) I forgot about the Anglicisation. :lol: I should have known that because I go on those name sites all the time (when I need a character name for a story) and when I choose Irish, I push the "Anglicisation" button on there. :lol:
i loved this ep. St. Pat's has already begun in NJ/NY and the ep was fantastic portraying the early merriment. the big parade in Hoboken, NJ was insane the police were handing out $2,000 fines left and right. my friend's friend got one b/c he's an idiot and was walking around the street totally hammered. the bar scene in the ep was not exaggerated at all.

the story was ok. not bad seeing Reid back.

Mac's new lady love was nice to see. i like how they were sending notes back and forth to each other.

Adam licking the gold bar: omg that was one of the funniest moments of this show. i was laughing so hard. my week is usually made when the writers have Adam doing something funny.

i really can't remember anything else mostly b/c i was just happy to see something familiar going on. all i remember was that it was funny and the story didn't totally suck.
"Pot of Gold" wasn't dreadful. In fact, it was a pretty solid hour of television. The case was intriguing, and for once, the writers succeeded in making Mac human.

I like Mac. Or rather, I try to like Mac, but he's often so self-righteous and tight-assed that I want to punch him in the face just to unseat him from his twenty-four-karat gold high horse. Attempts to reach out often devolve into sermonizing, false modesty, and cringeworthy soul-baring that makes me want to gnash my teeth, tear my hair, and scream, "It's not all about you, you smug fuckhead." I have issues. Would you like a subscription?

But dare I say it? Mac's letter-wooing with Deli Girl was awkward and goofy and cute. Sure, DG's confession that Mac's superawesome kindness convinced her to remain in the city is yet another sly nod to Mac's magical powers, but its whiff wasn't so pungent that I had to reach for the heave pail, and it was nice to see the normally stressed, uptight, terse Mac looking forward to what life holds rather than dreading it.

His interactions with Reed were also a delight. Reed has certainly grown since his near-fatal encounter with the Cabbie Killer, and yet he still retained a shred of idealism. He knew enough to call Mac immediately once his fellow blogger reached out to him, but he still believed that his friend would do the right thing once Mac arrived. Alas, he was disappointed. At least he's alive to learn from this experience. I just hope the writers don't crush his optimism and love of life completely. The show is already choked with bores and whiny, emo angstwhores(I'm looking at you, Messer, you nauseating waste of character skin).

Bad Flack, no biscuit! That happy little leprechaun wasn't doing anything to you. Did you have to push him over? And you fooled me. I thought you had returned to your suits, but it was just a suit jacket. You're still dressing like a frat boy just out of college. Was the part of you that Jess took with her to the grave connected to your fashion gland? I miss your pressed shirts and fugly ties and dapper suit jackets.

I still love you, though. Seeing you surrounded by angry cops in kilts was priceless, and Mama wants a macro or a still.