Grade 'Not What It Looks Like'


I loved Danny's dog. It had a faux-hawk, just like Danny! *squee* And the fact that he was totally embarrassed by the fact that it was a teeny little excuse for a dog was so CUTE!

I absolutely adored the D/L thing until that stupid freeze-frame at the very end. Like, maybe if this was CSI: Miami it would've fit a bit better (seeing as they're having a field day with camera effects this season...), but honestly. That was weird. None of the other shots in the show are like that. Apart from the fact that it totally cheesified the whole moment, it didn't fit with the rest of the show, which drives me bananas. I don't mind cheese all that much, because sometimes it's hard to avoid, but it's not that hard to avoid making all the camera effects similar.

But that's just my two cents.
Hey Guys! Love the boards - glad to know that there are plenty others out there who are as crazy about CSI NY as I am!!

I loved last night's epi so much that I had to post a review and definitely rated it a solid A. Both cases were interesting and I thought each and every character was represented very well throughout the hour. Most of you have already commented on the standouts of the show - Sid, pissy Mac (gotta like pissy Mac) and, of course, Danny & the dog. I just have to say, when Danny walked in and gave that boyish-exasperated "WHAT!?" I was rolling on the floor. Definitely made my day...

I guess the only way I'm in the minority here is in the big D/L hug scene. I am in no way a D/L shipper - I just think the chemistry isn't there between CG & AB - however, I didn't have a problem with how the hug was portrayed. I had read a post that mentioned Lindsay staring at Danny in the beginning and him not paying attention to her at all so why was he all of a sudden interested and so on... that didn't seem to be the case to me. When he approached her in the beginning with the "don't think about it" line, he looked kind of nervous or hesitant as he came up behind her - his eyes were darting back and forth like crazy like he was thinking more than just saying a joke to a friend.

The way that I saw the hug in the end wasn't as "in your face" but as a defining moment for both of them from their point of view. What I mean by that is that it kind of felt as though they were letting us see how it was to be in their shoes at that point in time. Danny looked just out of his mind scared and Lindsay, who always seemed so obvious about her feelings for him, looked as though she were watching him come to a realization of how he felt about her. It didn't bother me that Flack and Stella didn't come rushing over. For one, they were busy with the guy holding a gun which Danny observed them doing before he started yelling for Lindsay. Second, there's no doubt in my mind that, had there been another ten seconds to the show, Flack and Stella would have been right there with them; however, I don't think any time should have been taken away from the hug - just thought it was a director's technique and an interesting one at that.

Anyways, sorry for the ramble. Definitely looking forward to next week's epi and pleased with how the season is moving so far :)
Ok, the season's only 2 episodes old, but after last night, I already can't wait for the s3 dvd's to come out. I think I may have to break down and buy it off iTunes. I was completely in love with it for so many reasons.

-Flack got more screentime and we got to see him in Kevlar again!
-Sid went to that creepy place, yet again :lol: (but his exchanges with Hawkes are 100x better than with Peyton)
-Danny & the dog, it was priceless
-the whole ending starting with the NYPD vans was great. It had suspense, action, relief. The closing scene with Danny and Lindsay was very appropriate, and I thought it was sweet. As mentioned earlier, even without the obvious D/L set-up, I don't think it would be out of character for any of them to do what Danny did, they all care about each other too much.
-the Holly Golightly plot was great to see after the mediocre plots from the premiere. I liked that it twisted into a completely different situation with the conflict diamonds.
-Danny's description of diamond as just an "allotrope of Carbon" and Lindsay's reaction was a real fun bit of dialogue.

Sorry if I'm writing incoherently today, it's been a long day at the hospital and I'm waiting with baited breath for the conclusion of "Built to Kill". :eek:
"Danny looked just out of his mind scared and Lindsay, who always seemed so obvious about her feelings for him, looked as though she were watching him come to a realization of how he felt about her."

Yes! That's it exactly. I think that Lindsay would have hugged whoever came over to her first. But whether she had feelings for Danny prior to this or not, when she saw his reaction to her, she may have thought "oh shit, what just happened here..." and she may have gotten scared. Up until this point it's just been some harmless flirting between them, but all of a sudden Danny is having this huge reaction, and as we will learn next week, she didn't mean for it to happen. Hm... some heartache ahead for our Danny, and I'll be waiting to see how they can work together with this thing between them. I've been there and it sucks.
That dog was SO Danny's. He probably has make believe tea parties with it on the weekends because his life is so sad, and then he starts weeping uncontrollably, goes to the freezer and eats a whole pint of Chocolate Chocolate Chip ice cream. Then he goes to the bathroom and throws it up, and cries himself to sleep while the dog licks the chocolate ice cream off his neck.

Danny's life is sad.
^ :lol: Did Danny even metion the name of his dog?

Since everyone pretty much covered what I wanted to say I must metion that the attempt of humour in the show wasn't too strong. I especially died laughing when Danny said, "Don't even think about it Montana!" because it sounded so horrible. Oh, and it was classic when Stella said, "It [Breakfast at Tiffany's] was a love story." & Lindsay replies, "This was no love story." :lol: Thank you captain obvious! Besides the painful attempt at bringing humour to the show I give this episode an A. Oh, and seeing rambo!Stella was nice too. That Hammerback is one horny ME...
stupid freeze-frame at the very end.

I agree, I loved the scene, but it should've faded out instead of just stopped. I was like woah okay, cool. Next week then. IDK, I think if they wanted them to end hugging, they should've faded out instead.
I dunno, maybe this is the wrong thread for this, but it bothers me when people say stuff like "I actually liked Lindsay in this episode."
I missed most of the first season of CSI: NY, and it was when they added Lindsay that I got interested in the show. Maybe I identify with her or something, but she's my favorite character besides Mac. I don't understand why people don't like her.
Ooooh... a better episode already.

First I'd like to say something about that ending hug. Can you consider it as a hug? I mean, Lindsay was in shock and scared and probably wasn't sure "what happened" so yeah, kind of normal reaction. But Danny worrying so much... hmmm. Ah well, if you go to dangerous mission, would be nice if someone worries ;)

I liked the episode more than season premiere - I don't know why. The robbery idea was nice.

And Sid. Oh god he is great. I hope they keep him in the show :D He is such a great addition to show. he is creepy but he is cool.

Stella was bit invisible in this eppy, but I guess it wasn't "her episode" ;)

Gave A-
It was a good eppy. It had Mac time and Danny time :) I really like the part were danny gets up close and personal with the doggy :D
I do agree with DaWacko i like this eppy better than the season premiere. the premiere was weak.
The only thing about this eppy that's been bugging me is i didn't see Hawkes at all. (maybe i'm just blind)
I gave it a B +
Well, I finally got a chance to watch the episode and I think I have to agree with everybody else here: it was a really good one. So many good moments to remember and re-watch over and over. :)

It looks like in S3 each character finally found a place of its own ('minor' characters included, like Sid and Adam); and if this is really the case, we're in for a great season. Loved the interactions in this one.

As for the final scene, after watching it I have to admit it didn't bother me as much as it did when I first read about it. The hug was just a natural reaction, like someone else said Lindsay would've probably hugged everyone who'd come her way. Now probably Danny's intentions were different and I need to watch it a couple more times but still, i'm not as worried as I used to be. ;)
Faylinn said:
Ok, I have a question. This is something that I've been thinking about for a bit, but didn't know if I should ask it.

I've seen people state (in various places, not just on this site), that the relationship between Mac and Peyton is too much. I believe someone called it 'eyesex' in here at some point. But many of the people who think there's too much 'eyesex' between Mac and Peyton also want Danny and Lindsay to go canon...this doesn't really make sense to me. If significant looks between two people are too much, then why is having two CSI main characters in a relationship (presumably with a lot of emphasis placed on the ship in the episodes themselves) so desirable? :confused: I have to say it confuses me. What makes one better than the other, aside from preference?

Hi Faylinn! I thought I'd take a shot at answering this IMO. For me, the Mac/Peyton thing has been shoved down our throats. Now, even people who don't like DL and think THAT has been shoved down our throats can't compare their "relationship" progression to us meeting Peyton for the first time as she caressing Mac's bare chest - D/L haven't even kissed yet! (If they ever will!)

I mean with M/P, they've taken a main character and throwing him into this sudden serious relationship, no warning, and making it obvious that "Hello! They're undressing each other with their eyes! Look! Wow!"

As for DL, I've never thought until this season that Lindsay (or Danny) were overly obvious. That's just MO.THey've flirted, yes, but Danny flirts with everybody. Lindsay? Ok, so she asked Danny to help her with an experiement - that was the most obvious thing I guess, and IMO Peyton leering at Mac over a dead body beats that IMO.

By the way, I've never felt you were disrespectful, and I hope people feel I haven't been. This board is for opinions, and we all have them.

Anyway, a DL shipper's take, Faylinn! Lucky you! :lol:
I have been thinking a lot about this too. I'm not a fan of either relationship at this point, mostly because I feel like they are allowing the relationships to distract from the more important parts of the show.

That being said, I will say that I feel like the Mac/Peyton relationship wasn't..introduced as well as it could have been. Given Mac's history, it was a little startling to sudennly find out he was in a serious relationship. I think there should have been more build up to it. Instead of going from the Season One ending date with Rose which was hesitant and uncomfortable, to the Season Three opening peep show. Of course, I am all for half naked Mac anytime I can get it. But still, a bit of foreplay would have been nice.

As for Danny/Lindsey, my main issue with them is still the total lack of chemistry between them.
Re: the infamous Hug Scene, after watching it again last night, I've come to the conclusion that the average, casual viewer wouldn't have construed that as anything relationshippy, in the least. We here on the boards know and discuss ships, etc. but does the casual viewer do the same? I think most viewers would have taken it as a co-worker who has already been shown to be emotional (Danny) hugging another co-worker who very quickly and almost impulsively went into a dangerous situation, and of course he heard on the tape that she got "made" immediately, making it even worse. If I were a casual viewer who didn't frequent the boards and considered a "ship" nothing more than a large vessel that carries you across the water, I would honestly have thought nothing of the hug, nor the freeze frame, I would have figured it was the writers' "creative" (I'm using the term loosely :D) way of driving home the danger of the situation, and Lindsay's co-worker's reaction to it, nothing more.

Re: Mac/Peyton, I agree, it was introduced too suddenly, especially for a more casual viewer. Here on the boards many of us read spoilers, and know that supposedly M/P have actually known eachother a long time, had a long time attraction but never acted on it since Mac was still grieving, and eventually did start dating before she came to work for the lab. We know that, because spoilers have told us that. But a casual viewer doesn't, they assume M/P hooked up after she came to work for the lab. I do wish they at least would have thrown a comment in by one of them in the very first ep, somehow insinuating that their romantic relationship preceded Peyton's employment at the lab, so the average veiwer is aware of it, too. But at least it shows that they're on very equal footing, she's definitely not a subordinate, and she certainly doesn't stand around waiting for her cues from her Boyfriend, she pretty much follows her own lead. I think they were much more professional in the 2nd ep, if I hadn't seen the first one, I would never even have assumed they were dating, judging only by their interaction in "Not What It Looks Like". I think the "eyesex" in ep 1 was simply to hammer home that they were dating (just in case anyone might not have gleaned that, from the opening scene. Duh. :lol:)
MBGrissom said:
Re: the infamous Hug Scene, after watching it again last night, I've come to the conclusion that the average, casual viewer wouldn't have construed that as anything relationshippy, in the least. We here on the boards know and discuss ships, etc. but does the casual viewer do the same? I think most viewers would have taken it as a co-worker who has already been shown to be emotional (Danny) hugging another co-worker who very quickly and almost impulsively went into a dangerous situation, and of course he heard on the tape that she got "made" immediately, making it even worse. If I were a casual viewer who didn't frequent the boards and considered a "ship" nothing more than a large vessel that carries you across the water, I would honestly have thought nothing of the hug, nor the freeze frame, I would have figured it was the writers' "creative" (I'm using the term loosely :D) way of driving home the danger of the situation, and Lindsay's co-worker's reaction to it, nothing more.

I agree with this. The average viewer probably wouldn't have made anything of the ending scene other than what you stated, but on the other hand a scene like that can be one that turns a casual viewer into a fan-addict. I just watched all the CSI shows with interest but without really getting "into" it until Charge of this Post when Flack got hurt. That was when I fell in love with Flack and he has remained my favorite to this point. It was his character who got me to go buy the season one DVDs.

I was beginning to wonder what the heck a "ship" was, now I get it. This is the only thread I've visited so far.

It could be that the writers have been paying attention to all the hoopla over Danny and Lindsay and decided to do something with it. I still prefer it when they hook up a main character with someone who won't be on the show for more than one or two episodes. They go on their merry way and don't complicate the show, but the characters get a bit more developed and the actors get to flex their creative muscles a bit. We get our romance-fix without it being in our faces.

I am obviously in the minority when I say that I DO see chemistry between Danny and Lindsay. It's not in our faces but it is definitely there. And I think I said this before but it doesn't take much to push friendly feeling into romantic ones. I do think they rushed it a bit with them just casually flirting and then all of a sudden Danny is sick with worry over Lindsay doing the undercover thing. But there's been a period of time (hiatus in real time) where we don't know what's been going on with the various members of the team. Like people, myself included, wanting to know more about Flack's rehab. And where the hell did Peyton come from? I feel that was much more shoved in our faces than the Danny-Lindsay thing which in truth has been brewing for awhile. I'm almost dreading seeing episode 3 because it looks like it's going to be painful for Danny. And that was in the previews so hopefully that's not revealing spoilers...