Grade 'Not What It Looks Like'

^^ Don't worry, I see the chemistry, and so do the writers. :lol:

Dude, I would of been here sooner if my computer hadn't crashed! right now I am at my friends house. :sigh:

I found myself liking Peyton and Angell. It was like Lindsay for me. When she first came, I realy didn't like her. Now look, I run the only site for her and she is one of my fav. characters. I loved how Peyton and Hammerback fought over who was going to get the mummy. :lol: That was funny.

As a D/L fan, I loved the ending scene. I couldn't even see what was coming up on the next ep. because I was talking too fast to my sister! :lol:
And one thing I really loved was that we saw everyone in this ep. no one was excluded.
I have to disagree with the "casual viewer" comments. I was watching the show with my boyfriend Wednesday night who NEVER watches it with me. He's just not into it and usually is off doing something else. However, Wednesday night he said he'd sit down and watch it with me and see what it was all about. When the hug scene came on, he let out a huge "awwww - they like each other." Haha, I would count him as the average/casual/neutral viewer and judging by his response, think he saw more to it than just a friend hug.

Yesterday after reading some of the reviews about the scene, I talked to him about it and whether he liked it/thought it was a good scene because he is neutral and doesn't watch the show. He said that he could tell the show was making it a point to show the viewer that there was something there - meaning something as in a spark/relationship/moment/more than just friends because of the way the scene was portrayed...

Anyways, this is just one case/example but I thought a lot of people would have seen it as more...
Just watched the episode, I gave it an A. I liked it very much and it was much better than the premiere. The cases were good and the team interaction was great. I liked the end although the freeze wasn't really neccisary. I liked Peyton much more this week, she and Hammerback are funny together. Poor Sid, talking about his daughter.
That's good that we got the point of view of a casual observer. I guess it could go either way, but if he doesn't even watch the show and saw that as a "moment" then I think we have to re-evaluate our assessment of this. I loved the whole thing, I was squealing when the last few seconds of the scene were shown, and my only complaint at this point is that there wasn't quite enough buildup to it. But it was great anyway. Danny has a heart! Gotta love it.
Hmm, interesting comments on my question. ;) Thanks for taking the time to answer it guys. :)

By the way, I've never felt you were disrespectful, and I hope people feel I haven't been. This board is for opinions, and we all have them.
Oh no, I've always valued your opinion, audrina, and I've never felt you disrespected anybody. :D (And certainly not me! :lol:)

Honestly, I have no clue what a casual viewer would see since I've never really been a casual viewer of NY. :lol: Yes, I've always been a bit obsessed. :p

I see the chemistry, and so do the writers.
The writers see chemistry between characters because they intend it to be there. My comments regarding 'chemistry' don't take their intentions into account, only what comes across on the screen. But then, this is just my opinion. I see 'chemistry' between Danny and Lindsay in the sense that they are colleagues and could grow to be very good friends over time (and have begun the process already :)). Chemistry isn't limited to romance. However, from a romantic standpoint, I don't really see the type of chemistry that would make me think that, in less than a year, they'd go from total strangers to being oh-so-in-love. I can compare Danny's interaction with Lindsay to his interaction with Aiden, having seen the first season before the second season, and I thought that they were very similar relationships. Still 'flirty,' but not romantically so. As has been stated in this thread and others, Danny is a big flirt. :lol:

Amongst fans here on the message boards, I support Danny/Lindsay as a ship because we all see what we see, we all have our own opinons. It's when it becomes an issue for the show itself that I make it my business to really give a damn. I have nothing against shippers, I am one myself, and I'm sure that a large chunk of the fans in here wouldn't want to see Danny/Flack (my ship of choice) go canon. ;) So it's not the fans that I have a problem with, although it seems like that's what some people assume--what I have a problem with is having a romantic entanglement between two main characters on a show that is not meant to revolve around romance.

Re: Mac/Peyton--I see the problems with the relationship, and I agree with most of them--particularly that they just sort of boom, showed up. The relationship itself doesn't bother me as much, considering that I'm assuming it won't be long-term. But I would have liked for them to explain things a bit more beforehand.

I dunno, maybe this is the wrong thread for this, but it bothers me when people say stuff like "I actually liked Lindsay in this episode."
I missed most of the first season of CSI: NY, and it was when they added Lindsay that I got interested in the show. Maybe I identify with her or something, but she's my favorite character besides Mac. I don't understand why people don't like her.
Well, goldnhart, we all have our favorite characters, as well as the ones we don't like. Lindsay is one of the characters that people seem to have strong feelings about either way--not unlike Danny. A lot of people love Danny, but there are also a lot of people who'd rather do without his drama. :lol: Lindsay has been somewhat the same way, although admittedly for different reasons. You can't win everybody over, of course, but I think it's a good sign that people who previously didn't particularly love her character are starting to like her more this season. ;)

I just watched all the CSI shows with interest but without really getting "into" it until Charge of this Post when Flack got hurt. That was when I fell in love with Flack and he has remained my favorite to this point. It was his character who got me to go buy the season one DVDs.
Yes, hidinginmyeyes, that was definitely a powerful episode. :lol: Flack is one of my favorites as well. ;) Let's hope that the writers keep "Charge of This Post" in the back of their minds this season and don't leave it with that one casual mention at the beginning of the premiere. ;)

I still prefer it when they hook up a main character with someone who won't be on the show for more than one or two episodes. They go on their merry way and don't complicate the show, but the characters get a bit more developed and the actors get to flex their creative muscles a bit. We get our romance-fix without it being in our faces.
Yes, this is my opinion as well. While I might ship main characters together on message boards and in fanfiction, when it comes to the show itself, I want to see relationships that will exist in the background. A scene or a mention every so often, and maybe one or two major moments for character development. These are adults, they're going to be in relationships, but it shouldn't take away from the show itself. And when two main characters get involved, that's always a major risk.

I found myself liking Peyton and Angell. It was like Lindsay for me. When she first came, I realy didn't like her. Now look, I run the only site for her and she is one of my fav. characters.
That's interesting. ;) I liked Angell from the get-go, Peyton still hasn't grown on me, but it's the Lindsay part of your comment that intrigues me. I loved Lindsay in the beginning (Medical Investigation was one of my favorite shows, and when I heard that Anna Belknap was going to be on NY, I was really excited), but it was as the second season went on and the character was sort of...badly handled by the scripts perhaps, that I lost some interest. I still like Anna, of course, and I've never hated Lindsay, but I never felt that everything was gelled together between actress-character-and show. I'm hoping that season 3 will change my mind, but it's not my iffy feelings about Lindsay that make me dislike the idea of a canon relationship between her and Danny. The writers might convince me, in time, but to suddenly go from something casual and only-there-if-you're-into-it into something that could potentially take up a big chunk of time on the show, is rushing it. CSI took what, seven years, to act on the attraction between Grissom and Sara. Why did NY feel it was necessary to jump straight into things with this couple? It's true that we don't know what they're planning, because even with the spoilers we don't have all of the information, but from the way it appears it makes me worry about the fate of NY as a crime drama.

Anyways, this is just one case/example but I thought a lot of people would have seen it as more...
Thanks for sharing that capslvr55. ;) It's always nice to know what 'casual' viewers would think because, as I said, I can't relate. :lol:

Danny has a heart!
Oh, that makes me curious again. :lol: How did Danny seem to you beforehand? Because, to me, he's always been a very emotional and caring person (sometimes too much so). :p
I think that saying "Danny has a heart" wasn't the right thing to say. He obviously does. I think what I was intending to say is that he's more than just a flirt and a player after all. He actually wears his heart on his sleeve alot of the time but not where love or romance is concerned.

Just out of curiosity, if you don't see romantic chemistry between Danny and Lindsay, DO you see it between Danny and Flack? You said you were a Danny/Flack shipper. Or do you keep that separate from what's happening on the show, keep it only in fan fiction or whatever. It seems clear to me that they are friends on the show, but I've never picked up on anything romantic between them. But then I wouldn't have been looking for it...
I think what I was intending to say is that he's more than just a flirt and a player after all. He actually wears his heart on his sleeve alot of the time but not where love or romance is concerned.
Ah, I see, that makes more sense. ;)

I see chemistry between Danny and Flack, yes. Slash, by and large, is all about the subtext and subtlety. Seeing significance in the little moments and interactions. So, yes, you could say that I see romantic chemistry between the two of them. The majority of what I think and feel about it has been developed through discussion with other shippers, but it's fair to say that I wouldn't have gotten into the pairing without seeing something there on the screen. Maybe not seeing it has to do with preference or something. *shrug* I can't say either way. I can only say what I myself see. Maybe because I look for the subtlety and what's there below the surface, something like what the writers have sort of written in big, bold, itallic, underlined words in the show seems to be forced to me. For me, if there was something genuinely there between Danny and Lindsay, it wouldn't require dialogue to get the point across. Everything that I see with Danny and Flack is from reading between the lines. The way Don stares at Danny, the way Danny only seems to calm down for Don, etc. Call it friendship if you want, but D/F shippers have taken that and expanded on it, brought it farther. The relationship itself is purely in fanfiction, but it all starts with the show. :)

For me, shipping is ultimately separate from what's on the show, and what I want to see in fanfic isn't what I want to see when I turn on CSI:NY. When I watch NY I want to see relationships in the background, with characters who aren't part of the main cast, not a pairing between two main cast members that seems to exist (for me at least) just in what the script says. Maybe something happens from the script to the screen that keeps me from seeing D/L. *shrug*
I guess this is an illustration that something different can grab each of us. For me, I see Danny and Flack as good friends, and I definitely see chemistry between Danny and Lindsay. It's all in the eye of the beholder. That's why I get annoyed sometimes (I'm not directing this at anyone in particular, just chatting) when people get so angry and act like those who don't agree with them - on either side - are stupid. It's not right - we all have our opinions.

That said, I think this was a great show. It had everything, from the action to the interesting angles (the "Hollys)to the snappy dialogue between Peyton and Hammerbeck and the neat Hammerbeck info. (I love Robert Joy!). I thought it was well done. A little thing: I LOVED when STella said, "You like shooting little girls, huh?! You sick bastard!" Go Stella!
Of course, I'm the opposite. I see chemistry between Danny and Flack and only see Danny and Lindsay as co-workers. It is in the eye of the beholder. It's more than "people see what they wanna see". It's just that "people see what they see". Nothing wrong with that. Of course I do have to admit one thing. I can't believe I'm gonna say this but Lindsay hasn't been so annoying to me this season. If they keep her like she is so far, I might actually be able to like her but I still don't see chemistry between D/L.

It bugs me too when people get mad just because someone doesn't like their ship. Why care if someone doesn't like your ship? I certainly don't. I'm to the point anymore where none of the ships bother me. Too bad everybody else doesn't feel that way too.

Besides, I still don't think ships should be on the show. We can make it what we want in fanfiction and probably do a better job than the writers.

Pissed!Stella...that was great. I also loved Flack slamming that guy up against the wall and Stella taking his gun away from him. My hubby also liked seeing Flack do that because that guy deserved it. He actually commented on it.

I don't know why but the Mac/Peyton thing didn't really bother me. I think I was just glad to see a softer side of Mac and relief that he's finally getting some. Maybe he'll loosen up some more.
^Here's why I think people are very defensive about their D/L ship.... which I could be just completely wrong :eek:, but from an "outsiders" pov since I'm neither here nor there about D/L on the show.

OK here goes... I think that most ships only exist in fanfic and on boards. Therefore, if you don't ship a particular couple, then you just don't pay attention to it. But because D/L is obviously part of the show, more people are going to comment on it, have opinions on it, etc. in more general discussion. So no wonder D/L shippers are a bit defensive.

It's like someone who hates D/F going and saying repeatedly how they don't see anything between them and how Flack really gets on their nerves. Why the hell is he still on the show? No chemistry at all. After awhile, D/F shippers may get a little defensive. I would, whether I discussed it or not.

Anyway, that's what I see going on. I definitely don't see anyone getting mad about it. But I've noticed that the number of D/L shippers engaging in discussion over them on the general board seems to be lower than it was a few months ago. Because like pp have said, either you see it or you don't. What else can you do to back up your ship in the face of constant scrutiny? :confused:

Of course, everyone has a different opinion, and more than entitled to their own ship and what they see. I was just trying to put myself in the the D/L shoes for a minute. And of course I could be entirely off base, who knows. :eek:

I just feel bad for the D/Lers because not every ship gets this much scrutiny from everybody. :(
I think you've got a point there, kasmith101. There is a lot of scrutiny from the board about the Danny-Lindsay ship. I haven't been here long but is most of the scrutiny coming from the D/F shippers? I'm not saying that's the case; just a querey.

And something else for you all to ponder as you play back your tape of this episode. When Danny got to Lindsay and asked her if she was alright, she said yes, then I could SWEAR that Danny whispered "love you" as he was pulling her into the hug. It was right when he looked at the ceiling. Maybe this belongs in the D-L shipper thread so sorry if it's out of place here but I just had to mention that. And that was when she then looked at him with that "uh-oh" look. I love that scene!
I think the non-D/Lers aren't necessarily D/Fers, I just used that as an example since it's another popular ship around here.

I didn't notice Danny saying anything, but I'll go back and watch it.

edit: That was supposed to say "aren't" instead of "are"... oops. :eek:
I'm Heather, new to CSI NY
I watch LV, actually obsessed as my husband puts it. :lol:
I just started watching NY over the summer.. SO many questions
I watched this one and the episode last week
I really enjoy this spin-off

I like Stella, she's very cool and a good image of a female dectective ( they all are detectives aren't they)
and Mac I like him too, but it seems he needs to 'loosen up some'
Lindsey, I don't know that much about her.. only that she is from Montana
Danny, same but he seems to be 'the life of the party' with his quick wit and sense of humor

I liked the episode, it was appealing and kept me interested
They figured out that the robbers used a noise frequency to break the glass, very cleaver if you ask me.
and the guy from Africa, no surprise about the conflict diamond..

I'm not sure about Mac and Peyton, is that her name?
I guess they ( CSI writers/producers) are trying to see how a relationship would look like with the two people working together... I'ts not bad but I thought Mac and Stella were a couple :eek:

I guess I'll have to watch more to catch up
CSI NY is now on Spike so I'll have pleanty of oppurtunity

I like this version of CSI, LV is still my favorite but I'll be watching this version as well...
I respect that analysis, kasmith, and I'm sure that you're right.

The rest of this isn't in response to a specific person or post in this thread, so please don't get defensive about what I'm going to say.

I don't think all of the stuff against Danny/Lindsay is coming from Danny/Flack fans. I'm a Danny/Flack fan, yes, but that's not why I have a problem with the Danny/Lindsay ship. I don't mind seeing Danny or Flack paired up with someone if I can see it. Shipping for me is separate from the show, I don't expect my ship to be on the show, I don't need it on there for me to be happy with it, and I understand that if my ship isn't on the show that the characters might end up with someone else.

The problem for me with Danny/Lindsay isn't that it's happening--it's that I just can't see it. Why rush it? Why take things so fast? Why not make sure that it's the right thing in the long run? Are these characters seriously going to be in a relationship for the remainder of the show while it's on the air? The writers should realize that they're limiting themselves with that. And if they aren't going to stay together (i.e., end the relationship in one of the cliche ways that we've all see a thousand times on television), why are the writers making it a point to put two main characters in a relationship? (Or at least in the beginning stages of one?) It just seems a bit...premature for me. They introduced Lindsay's character and almost immediately went for this thing between her and Danny. They didn't develop her character on her own, they didn't wait to see how things panned out, they just went with it. That good old 'country vs. city' thing might be pretty on paper and in romance novels, but it doesn't always work for television.

I'm not denying that the writers intend for Danny and Lindsay to have feelings for each other. I'm not stupid, I'm not in denial, I'm not jealous. I just don't see it. The writers clearly intend for there to be something between Danny and Lindsay because they are the ones writing the show. So for me, saying that the writers see it isn't going to suddenly convince me. When it comes to chemistry between characters and actors, I don't see the kind of spark I want to see between two people who should have a romance on a show. I can see 'chemistry' in the sense that these people get along, can be friends, etc. I don't see it as the kind of chemistry that would warrant putting a relationship on the fast train on this show.

So many of the complaints about CSI:NY is that it's a carbon copy of the other CSIs, that the forensics are iffy, that the stories aren't tight enough and have plot holes--why not take the time and effort to make those things right? Is this romance meant to take our minds off of the actual point of the show?

I don't dislike Danny/Lindsay because I want to see Danny end up with Flack on the show. Because I don't. I think I've stated a number of times, as have other shippers for various pairings, that I don't want to see my ship on the show. I don't want main characters paired up. This isn't "Friends," it's not "ER"--it's CSI:NY and I watch it because it's a forensics crime drama. If I want to see main characters doing it, and probably the cliche after effects when things go bad or they break up, I'll tune into "Days of Our Lives" or something.
