It's a delight a good debate
However, I wanted to point out that Mac can be happy with someone else now (Stella or otherwise) without having to imply that his relationship with Claire was crap. I know people like the idea of each person having their One True Love and all that, but let's be realistic - Mac was married to Claire, he obviously loved her and didn't want to betray her (I'm thinking of Quinn), and it took him a very long time to move on after her death. There's no need to undervalue that relationship in order to build up the importance of any other.
First than all, i NEVER implied their relationship was a crap. However i can ONLY debate with details which were given to us so far and the way i "feel" these characters. We DO know he loved her deeply and her death almost destroyed him. But we know nothing about their marriage or Claire's POV regarding it so i can
speculate on it as anybody else can. Certainly Mac kissing someone else is something i have thought many times. And i am one of those who want to have Claire in an episode in flashbacks or coming back alive. I don't care as long i have the chance to know her POV
Miss blue-->
This doesn't mean that my point of view is wrong or that there is only one valid opinion.
your opinion is very much appreciated
Two people in a romantic relationship are a "couple." Whether or not we personally agree with the way TPTB are handling the pairings or whether or not we want them to be a canon relationship doesn't negate the fact that they are couples.
Then we have different definition on what a "couple" really is. I think a couple only comes up when you have a deep commiment to each other. I said many times (and i read it as well in many forums as well) Mac and Stella are a couple but without the sex part. The way the comunnicate to each other as they did on 5.16 is the way a OTP should be considered. The way how they allow themselves to show their emotions (Stella when she said "You really care for her" and frustrations (when Mac told her he just needed to hear-what he didnt want to hear-from Stella regarding Ella)
I'm not sure what you're saying here. What I meant was that if the two couples that already exist are still on the show and they add Stella and Mac as a couple it would be overkill. They'd be hooking up the core characters at an alarming rate. Where does it stop?
Sorry for this one. Blame my poor English

I tried to say we don't know if at the end we will have those "couples" you mentioned. So it wouldn't be an issue if they decide to pair up Mac and Stella
Where did I say anything was the fault of any fans? In fact I said I have nothing against shipping or fans of ships. There's no reason to take this personally. I'm talking about fictional characters on a TV show.
Me bad. I didn't try to say it was your fault specifically (darn! to explain this in a foreign language is crazy)

Beyond the fact other parings were created, SMACked can happen. Other actors, other stories.
Real Chemistry for a change

we can't be ignored. As
Melina said weeks ago "
I think People want it". Besides, we have talented writers. Only because they have been erractic at the beginning of this season it doesn't mean we can't have a great storyline this time
Also, having two other couples on the show already is a fact. It doesn't matter what I think of those characters being together to say that having three relationships within the core team is too much is a valid reason for not wanting them together. Also, it's only one of the reasons I don't see/want Mac and Stella to be canon.
who says two can also says three. If the dynamics of these three"couples" is different why should you say "No"?
Besides, i couldn't read other reasons than "they have chemistry but it could ruin it their relationship" (not you. i'm talking in general)
How do you know it could ruin their relationship if it is platonic and it was never tested before?
Certainly i don't understand these reasons. If DL make people angry because they say DL don't have chemistry, why is rejected too quickly the idea of a couple with real chemistry??????? (of course, you are right. It's very subjective the idea of "chemistry" indeed
From what we've seen on screen Mac was devoted to his wife and there's nothing to suggest he'd be anything other than married to her if she was still alive. As for kids, that has not been explored on the show. Couples don't have children for a lot of reasons and there's nothing in canon to suggest why Mac and Claire never had any. We've also never seen anything on screen to suggest Mac has a desire for a family. He is very paternal with the other characters, but that doesn't automatically equal a burning desire to have children.
I NEVER doubted Mac was devoted to Claire. How could i when i remember pretty well one of my fav episode called "Blink"? I said we DO NOT know Claire's feelings on her marriage. And we don't know teh status on their marriage at the time she passed away.
And regarding children you're right. We never had a clue on their decition of not having kids. However it was
implied he regretted not having any kids with her. As i said before is the only thing we can do (speculate/imply) since we don't have any "canon" fact
Peyton had every right to get upset when the man she was dating didn't want anyone to know and called her by his dead wife's name. Also, just because he called her "Claire" during an argument doesn't mean they had a bad marriage. Couples have arguments. It's a part of being in a relationship. The fact that they talked about it and Mac apologized in the end makes me stand by my statement that Peyton understood Mac.
i assume she is not stupid and when she started her affair with Mac she already knew how Mac was. At least she said so : "You are a private man"

However meanwhile at the beginning she (aparently) felt offended because she was called "Claire", later, in her memories (we could watch them in flashbacks) it was showed she was piss*d off because Mac pushed her hand away when Stella came into the office. Again regarding Claire, i am free to speculate if Mac had those same arguments with his wife. As you said,
there is nothing canon yet
The fact that they talked about it and Mac apologized in the end makes me stand by my statement that Peyton understood Mac.
he apologized and accepted their "new deal" because of the same reason he has to believe to Ella now: he can't stand crying women. He cannot stand the idea he is the cause of her tears. Blaming Mac wasn't a good move

"Because you are not ready for ussssssssss" yeah, i really like how she understood him
I personally didn't find anything obnoxious about her wanting him to go to London with her. It was stated that Mac never takes vacation and she pushed him a little to do so. I see nothing overly selfish about that and really it kind of speaks to how she understands him. Everyone needs time away from the job. Her willingness to push a little, to me, says she was doing it just as much for him as she was for her. The "Dear Mac" letter was ridiculous, but again, doesn't say she doesn't understand Mac.
It wasn't obnoxious her wanting Mac had some time off. But it was obnoxious the fact she was being too pushy. It showed how little she knew him. He HATES being pushed

(for Reed, Sinclair or for anyone else)
besides the reasons she gave him weren't focused on
his needs but
"Because you adore me. I know you do":lol: That's the joke of the year:lol: "
And i really want you come with me"
Me. Me. Me. Me Dr. "The world without me Driscoll":lol:
And let me tell you the letter thing was completely stupid.
So because the fireman has been written more as eye-candy means any man Stella would be involved with would be an unrealistic relationship? That's quite the leap.
If he is as "special" as the fireman yes. A jacket under a dead body's head:lol:
I love the chemistry between Mac and Stella. I just don't see it as being romantic chemistry. As for other people and other boards, I really don't care what they say. I form my own opinions.
either if you like them or not as a couple you are invited to talk about them inside the Smacked Family Thread. Who knows? Probably at the end of S10 you will change your opinion:lol:
In canon there has been no evidence they are "in love" or meant to be or anything other than close friends and co-workers. As for the "only one" to understand her I will concede for the sake of argument that Mac is that person. But like you said he is that person "so far." There would be no reason TPTB couldn't bring in a man who would be a great match for Stella.
we just can speculate on their feelings despite of never it was showed a bed scene or a kissin on the lips scene

Mac is that person and hopefully writers will have the same thought than us:thumbsup:
I'd say that's fine for the shipper threads and fanfiction where people look at subtext and use their imaginations to create the ship they want. It has absolutely no basis in canon no matter how much someone wants to believe it does.
certainly there is not any EVIDENCE so far. However i would like to know why their relationship changed so much after 4.16. And we have solid basis on this one. I have been watching and studying for years now and definitely they are writen in a different way:thumbsup:
That is one thing I'm curious about. I don't exactly remember how Mac seemed (somber? regretful?) when he told Reed that he and Claire never had children. But I've wondered if they didn't have children because of fertility issues, because one or both or them didn't want kids, or because they had decided to wait and ran out of time.
He had a sad look when he said they didn't have children of their own
Guess we'll have to see how all the family and relationship stuff plays out. They're only about halfway through the show (assuming it can make it to 9 or 10 seasons), and with that amount of time, I sort of expect to see changes to the cast as well as key relationships before we get to the end
this is exactly i was talking about

Hopefully we will see a lot of changes in 4 or 5 years. Gary said Mac will lossen up in S8 so we need to wait until then
There are actually more people who approve and like Mac and Peyton together
yes there are more people. Some of them post inside the Smacked Family Thread. Believe it or not
That you don`t like it is your freedom but that is no excuse to attack someone who does like them.
Also,caplocks is yelling and inpolite
I guess Mods can take care

But Lori wasn't yelling. She was remarking a FACT
Elsie---> i tried to keep this answer as close i i could because it was pertaining to this episode the relationship between Mac and Stella. Many people felt there was a change in their status. But sorry beforehand for any inconvenient
And to all, sorry for my bad English. I try every day to do my best but i guess it's not so good i would like to:thumbsup: