Man, the thing about only being able to watch episodes days after everyone else is that so many reviews will have already said what I want by the time I get around to saying anything.

- Flack is snarky-awesome and his gorgeous self, as usual.

Now I get the 'Abercombie twins' thing. :lol: Seriously, how the hell did the girl NOT see the shark and corpse from a mile away?! And Flack eating that chocolate after interrogating the perp = priceless. I wish the scene had shown Flack actually taking the chocolate off the tray because I was confused for a moment how he went from just standing there with Stella to walking away already eating a piece of chocolate.
- HAWKES. Oh my God, TPTB
finally remembers the black dude of the show! So nice to see much Hawkes in this episode, even if it was him arms deep in the guts of a tiger shark. :lol: Watching him in the autopsy room reminded me of his season one days when he was still just an ME.
- Quinn: Okay, she surprised me. I was expecting her to be the typical dislikable inspector come to pass judgement on the labs but, she played her role well. She has this mature beauty about her too, similar to Stella. I'm glad TPTB didn't cast another supermodel or something.

Introducing her as somebody who has a crush on Mac was ... hmm, I didn't really care for it. It didn't make me think less of her though. To me, their conversation in Mac's office showed they're both simply human. I'm very glad the spoilers for Mac changed a lot in the final episode! Hurrah to the writers for showing Mac can make mistakes but still show he loved his wife and acknowledged his mistake.
- What the hell is with Reed suddenly becoming such a whiny brat?! That wasn't the Reed I remember from past episodes.
- Okay, now on to whatever's going on between Danny and Lindsay:
I have a very different interpretation of the Jaws scene. Taking into account Lindsay's monologue in 4x16, Danny and Lindsay talking and trying to act like normal isn't as odd as it seems. (I don't blame anyone for thinking that though. When I first saw the scene, I also went, "WTF?" because I expected Danny to bring up wanting to talk with her about things, in continuity with last week's episode.) In her monologue, Lindsay said that she's fallen in love with Danny and wants to get over it.
Fallen, not
being. Major difference there. If they've been in a relationship all this time and it's exclusive and they both know it, she would have said being in love, not fallen. Fallen also implies it's something recent. And her saying
to Danny's face that she wants to get over it? It means she
knows it's one-sided and that Danny doesn't feel the same, and now
Danny finally knows what she's feeling and what she intends to do about it.
So the Jaws scene in this episode? Definitely looked to me like both of them are trying their best to just be friends, which is a pleasantly surprising route for the writers to take. I had expected Lindsay to do the ignore-Danny thing from last week. I doubt Danny's actually spoken to Lindsay about their situation though. If Lindsay knew about Rikki, I think she would be a lot more upset. And this isn't me saying they're definitely in a relationship, this is me saying Danny may not see any reason to tell Lindsay about Rikki since Lindsay herself already told him she wants to get over her feelings for him.
The way Danny hardly reacted after Lindsay walked away from her evidence and just sat there and sighed and only stood up and looked in her direction
after she was gone implied this isn't the first time Lindsay's reacted towards him like that. Him not even bothering to look at her as she walked away, much less get up to go after her? He was seriously giving off, "Geez, why do I get myself into these situations? I thought she'd be over it by now," vibes. That's why I think him saying they should rent Jaws was him testing the waters, to see whether she really is getting over her feelings for him or not. I guess he's not pleased she hasn't. :lol: It is also possible Danny's waiting to tell Lindsay about Rikki when he's sure Lindsay can handle the news. So if the spoilers are true ... we may be seeing that very soon.
- And then there's the scene with Mac and Lindsay. Okay, I get why people thought she was a little annoying in there. :lol: Even Mac was giving her a, "Oh great, is she going to do one of her demonstrations again?" look. Her reaction to Mac calling her out on abandoning her evidence made me go WTF big time. Her, "What?" made her look ... stupid. No offense, but it really did. It was like she didn't even remember how irresponsible she was until Mac reminded her and
then, instead of apologizing, she immediately lobs the blame/responsibility onto Danny by saying that Danny would have cleaned up after her. That was very unprofessional. It also implied to me that she assumes Danny will clean up whatever mess she leaves behind as if it's his obligation to do it. Again, very unprofessional
and presumptuous of Lindsay about Danny.
But! I am glad she actually
*gasp* acknowledged it was a lame excuse after saying it. Maybe there's hope for you, after all, Lindsay. Heh, I don't think she ever knew Danny at all, or vice versa. I agree with the CSI Files review that it was gratifying to finally see Lindsay being called out on a wrongdoing, even though she
still got off with nothing more than a slap on the wrist.
Lindsay saying it was very stupid of her to get involved with someone she works with = the last nail in the coffin for any D/L. Should TPTB hook them up any time soon, both Danny and Lindsay will look
really moronic, especially Lindsay. After she's said what she did to Mac? I'll have zero respect for her character if she jumps into the sack with Danny again, or anyone else on the team working with her.
- P.S. Am I the only one who wants those chocolate clothes? :lol: